Monday, March 22, 2010

Artful walls..

I love these three art clusters...

Those bunnies against that red wall make me smile
and remind me of a similar family of paintings 
that can be found in one of my favourite cafes in the
'Old Town' of Stockholm - only they are of teacups.

These are just so charmingly askew!

 These wonderful fish make me think of an old painting 
from my childhood home - a big cod painted in near black
on an antique white background. It is one of my favourite pieces
and one that my parents gave to me when we sold our house.

Images via
'Secrets of Domestic Bliss'



  1. So glad you found me! Thanks for the lovely comments. Great blog... will be following! :)

  2. The fish are great. Fish are always great. :)

    Erica - so glad we met. Welcome to my blog! I look forward to having you here often, and I will continue to visit you as well. I love your blog.



Thank you for your feedback. Blogging would be no fun at all without you! xx Charlotta xx