Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Easter eggs

There is one Swedish Easter tradition that I will never
part with, and that is to hand out egg-shaped gift-
containers with sweets to my children and loved ones.

The designs have a slightly vintage children's book feel
and still to this day bring back the feeling of Easter joy
that I felt as a child. Though I have kept some old ones
that my parents gave me when I was little, I was thrilled
to find that you can actually buy them at 'Papier d'Amour'
right down the street from where I live in Sydney.. Yay!

They also stock these really cute Russian inspired 'rabbit boxes'.
Not quite like the Easter egg that Czar Alexander III gave
his wife the Empress Maria Fedorovna back in Imperial Russia, 
but cute never-the-less. And without the Fabergé price tag.. :)

Also think these little nests and creatures are nice.
Could look adorable on a kid's Easter table..or just generally
as part of a casual Easter buffet.

More from HERE.


P.s. Was going to give you a post on Fabergé eggs - they are
so amazing.. but I have misplaced my file with all my research.. Iiiiih!


  1. These are so adorable and the detail on them is incredible, thanks for the link!

  2. those are lovely, charlotta. what a treat to see them. and I think we might enjoy seeing those even more than the faberge ones! thanks for the lovely treat!

  3. i love easter! such a joyful holiday.

    i'm so glad we have a german store in my town. i find things like these there. plus salty licorice and finnish mustard. :)

  4. Hej! Kul att du skrev om traditionen med påskägg! Ända sedan mina barn var små så har jag hållit fast vid det. Även nu när dom är vuxna så händer det att dom får ett påskägg av mej. Jag bor ju i södra delen av sverige och när jag var barn så brukade vi färga ägg som vi sedan hade på påskbords buffen. Man brukade klä ut sig till påskkärring och gå omkring och knacka på folks dörr och önska glad påsk.Och då förväntade man sig att man skulle få någon gåva tillbaks....pengar eller godis. Efter en lång och ovanligt kall vinter här i skåne så verkar det som om våren är pågång nu! Jag önskar dej en fin dag! bästa hälsningar från Leni

  5. Hello my sweet friends.

    Patty - welcome to my blog. I am so happy to hear from you. I hope you come back often.

    Miss Gray - Thanks love. xx

    Sansku - Yes, it's a fun one. It's all about the kids in our house..and eggs! We love eggs - in all shapes and forms. Especially ones made out of good chocolate..! :)

    Crea Diem - Tack sota du for att du kom forbi och for dina harliga Pask minnen fran Sverige. Sa manga fina traditioner att gladjas at. Jag har underbara minnen av Paskarna i Sverige.
    Aven tack for att du lade ut min art blogg banner. Valdigt uppskattat!

    Kram/Hugs to all.


  6. I also got these kind of eggs with rabbits and chickens from Sweden that I fill with sweets for my kid & grown up. In italy we have chocolate eggs with surprise inside.
    Ciao. marzia

  7. Marzia - so lovely to hear from you. Can't believe you pulled away from that amazing heaven you live in to send me a comment! :)
    I love love love your beautiful photos and am so grateful you share your life with us via your blog.

    Enjoy your Swedish eggs and all the lollies! Hope the Easter Bunny puts something extra in there for you.


  8. Oh, yes, sister! We have 3 large old-fashioned eggs here. The ones that remind me of my own childhood. Sweet with lots of nostalgia! That is how we like it! Hug, Mon


Thank you for your feedback. Blogging would be no fun at all without you! xx Charlotta xx