Thursday, March 18, 2010

Easter twigs..

What I love most about Easter in Sweden is the
time of the year the event takes place - April.
Spring is clearly on approach and nature is
waking up after months of hibernation.

In most Swedish homes you'll find 'Påsk Ris'
(Easter twigs) that are decorated with feathers
and plumes in bright and happy colours.
A celebration of the returning light & life, and
the increasing colours emerging in nature.

 In our little home we have twigs with
Easter carrots instead of feathers...
They have been a much loved staple since
since the kids were little and something that
now my (somewhat conservative) little ones
won't allow me to change.. These little carrots
(pink for Isabella and orange for Oscar)
are stuffed with candy. A task that Oscar sees as
his.. and Isabella is fighting hard to take over..

 Private photos - may not be used or copied.

Private photos - may not be used or copied.

Private photos - may not be used or copied.

Though I am all for genuinity over style, I would
perhaps want something more in line with this..

Tine K

Or better yet, an Easter Tree - a nice big cut of a
branch that could be plonked into a fabulous pot
 or urn and dressed with carefully selected or
handmade decorations - that would be nice!


I love twigs, branches and most elements of
nature - they bring such life into a home. 

 Martha Stewart



  1. hej!

    tusen tack för rara ord och fint inlägg!!

    visst är björken fin!!?
    du har alldeles rätt. den ska inte stå i hinken. men eftersom stammen legat ute ville jag inte riskera att golvet blev fuktigt. det tar ett par veckor innan den torkat ut och det märks redan för den krymper :)
    sen ska vi finna en lösning att spänna fast den i golv o tak. den är tung och vi vill ju inte att någon ska få den i huvudet!!

    vilka underbara morötter!! så fina!! det har jag aldrig sett förut men det är klart, påsk haren kanske gillar dem... :)))))

    ha nu en härlig dag (eller natt??)

    stor kram

  2. Helt härlig den första bilden med vitsipporna! Får mig att tänka på Ronja Rövardotter, då vintern äntligen är över, det är vår och Ronja och Birk träffas ute i Mattis-skogen :). Älskar den filmen :)!

    I Finland har vi liknande Påskris tradition som i Sverige. Gillar nuförtiden själv också mera neutrala påskpyntsfärger, men min dotter Noa vill ha det lite färggrannt, liksom våra derorationer förra året.

    Kan tänka mig att Oscar och Isabella gillar deras morötter! Dom är ju så söta :).


  3. I love twigs and branches, too... And I adore those little carrots - I can see why your children won't give them up!

    I didn't know about this tradition - it's lovely. Thanks for sharing it here.


  4. nice post. i find twigs and branches add an earthy touch to the room. i recently got some pussywillow and they really complete the room.

  5. Hello my friends.

    Yes those carrots are special. They are actually quite cute when up.. In our old place we had an informal dining room just off the kitchen where I used to let the kids decorate. The formal areas were mine.. :)
    In this house we only have one dining room and so things will not be so stylish this year.. :)



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