Friday, March 12, 2010

For Lene at The Essence of a Good Life..

One of my dear followers, Lene over at
is going through a very trying time
right now and I want to let her know that
my thoughts are with her and her family.

Lene - jag hoppas att begravningen var fin och
vardig och att det inte var allt for svart for dig.

Jag hoppas aven att det gick bra med operationen
och att du far kraft att aterhamta dig igen.

Jag tanker pa dig och skickar styrka och kramar
likt ballongerna i bilden har ovan.
Ma livet ditt snart bli fullt av glada farger igen!



  1. Great to meet you Charlotta.. looking forward to being inspired..

    I'll have to translate the poem above.. I hope your friend finds strength in your support.. very sweet of you to dedicate a post to her..


  2. Hej sis.

    Tack för att du berättade. Det är ju fruktansvärt! Först att följa ens nära vän och vara med på en jobbig resa - och sedan att drabbas av det själv!

    Jag hoppas att det snart kommer riktigt stora ljusstrålar för henne och hennes familj.

    Kram i rymden till dig och dina.


  3. Vitania - welcome to my blog and thank you for leaving a comment on this particular post. Lene can do with all the support and positive energy you can spare for her right now - so thank you.

    Monika raring - ja det ar sa grymmt att man mar illa. Finner inte riktigt ord men tror att hon kommer att landa i ljuset igen. Kramar till dig!


  4. jEjeje :)
    This photo is all inspiration :))

  5. You are such a dear! You are always thinking of others. Yes, of course, she'll be in my thoughts and prayers.

  6. Slumber Designs - thanks. Lene is facing a very difficult time and I feel for her. She has just had the funeral for her best friend at the same time as she has received diagnose of cancer herself.. Life is cruel at times.

    Min it - Not sure what you mean by 'jejeje' - it feels a bit out of place in context of this post. You are most welcome to my blog, however wish you would be a little considerate in your comments.

    Have a great week everyone.



Thank you for your feedback. Blogging would be no fun at all without you! xx Charlotta xx