Saturday, March 27, 2010

Have a lovely weekend!

Having had some extremely full past few weekends we
are taking it easy this one. We have some friends over for
tea in our garden today, and a lunch BBQ tomorrow.
Apart from that I am focusing on R'n'R with plenty
of fresh air, sun and long refreshing swims at the beach.

Next week I am taking the reindeer by the horn and diving
back into my studio to complete an order for a large painting
for a young little miss here in Sydney. Owls in 1m x 1.2m!

Have fabulous and safe weekends my dears.
See you next week!



  1. Your weekend sounds lovely. That pic is making me crack up! Finally done with the grouting. Never again!! Put up the curtains now only on the hunt for lamps. Hoping to find some this weekend. Enjoy your weekend. Xo

  2. I hope you had a perfect weekend like you were planning on doing. We celebrated Noah's sixth birthday on Saturday and it was very relaxing - just a few of our closest friends and family with our kids running about in the sunshine.


  3. Hey there girls!

    Manvi - yes, isn't this Viking man on his reindeer hilarious!? He cracks me up too! :)

    Maria - Belated happy birthday to Noah! Sounds like you had the perfect day - close friends, kids running around, sunshine.. There is nothing better!

    My weekend was great and relaxing.



Thank you for your feedback. Blogging would be no fun at all without you! xx Charlotta xx