Thursday, March 11, 2010

Life returning to normal..

After a month of numbing fear for Isabella
and her health, she is finally back to almost
normal again. A huge sigh of relief for us!
Three scary visits to the ER, three weeks of
broken sleep where the alarm clock became
my best friend, reminding me to give Isabella
her medication every 3 hours around the
clock. We had at least one visit to the house
doctor every day to check that the lungs
were absorbing enough oxygen to allow us to
remain at home rather than at hospital..
The overnight bag ready by the door,  just
in case.. All the worrying and monitoring..
Though we have gone from 20 minute
intervals of medication to 6 hourly doses,
it seems I  am unable to let go and relax..
Perhaps it is the delayed reaction to what has
happened and all the lost sleep that is making
me feel so deflated and unable to function..?

I find myself unable to sleep (despite..) and seem
to wander around in some zombie like bubble of
worry and 'what if' thoughts.. I know, I know..
this comes with the job as a mother.. but still..
Isabella is on the mend and keeps on growing
stronger, so I want to grow with her and return to
my old energetic self that used to wake up ready to
take on another beautiful day and all that it holds..



  1. hang in there. glad she is doing so much better...

  2. I am so glad to hear that Isabella is doing better... it's tough... but as she gets back to her old self, you will find yourself getting back to your old self as well.

  3. All will be good. All will be fine. You will all soon be filled with new life and extra energy! (If you just would try to catch some sleep!) Puss i rymden! Mon

  4. Kära Charlotta,

    Jag är leden att höra att Isabella har varit sjuk igen... Du vet att jag tanker på er och hoppas att hon fortsätter att må bättre. Glöm inte att ta hand om dig själv. Kram.

  5. glad she is doing much better. be strong and it will all be ok soon. very soon. am here for you always. xo

  6. Skönt att höra att det är bättre. Sköt om dig själv också! Kram

  7. Hi my darlings and thank you for your sweet thoughts and comments.

    I promise to focus on sleeping and only sleeping this weekend.

    Have a wonderful weekend everyone and thanks again. You are the best!


  8. My thoughts and prayers continue to be with you guys. Health, calm and peace is what you deserve!

  9. Thanks hon. Isabella seems a lot better now and we are all feeling less worried and on edge.

    Hope you are well. xx


Thank you for your feedback. Blogging would be no fun at all without you! xx Charlotta xx