Wednesday, March 10, 2010

More is more..

Sometimes a little repetition goes much further..

I have long wanted a sliver ware family of my own
and will continue my quest for the perfect group
of candle sticks, just like this one.

 If you happen to be in Stockholm before the 21 March, do pop
in to see their new exhibition. Apparently it is amazing!




  1. I've been thinking of candles - groups of them in fact... Maybe on the dining room table...


  2. so much eye candy here again.

    i so agree about the children's artwork. i don't think there's any better art than children's art. and when you display it, it encourages them to do more and feel proud of their art. love the idea of the multiple drawings in one big frame.

  3. Hi Charlotta!
    Thank you so much for visiting me at lovelyvelo and for your sweet comments. I am delighted now to discover your blog and will certainly be back :)


Thank you for your feedback. Blogging would be no fun at all without you! xx Charlotta xx