Friday, April 30, 2010

And the winner is.....

..the lovely Kerry from 'A Tranquil Townhouse' !!

CONGRATULATIONS Kerry, I am so thrilled for you
and hope you will be very happy with the gorgeous
Rovan Ball lamp! Please post a photo of it when
it has settled into your home!
I can't wait to see it!
 Also, THANK YOU so much 'Buyster' for sponsoring
this give-away. Your generosity is greatly appreciated!
Your extensive range of products at fantastic prices 
are brilliant, and I have bookmarked your site. 
I hope my readers have too!

Thank you Maree for going the extra mile! x

For those of you who missed out, there will be more
give-aways in the future and I hope I have the pleasure
of announcing your name as a winner in the future.

Thank you all for entering and for
your sweet comments and heartfelt encouragement!

 Kerry, please email me your details 
so that we can organize to send the lamp to you.

xx Charlotta


  1. Oh wow! Thank you Charlotta and thank you lucky am I? Would you mind if I gave this wonderful lamp to my wonderful daughter, who most definitely has a thing for beautiful lamps? And I'll make sure she sends me a photo to post as well! Thank you so very much. xx

  2. How wonderful.. congratulations Kerry.. you lucky girl...

    Lovely giveaway Charlotta.. I agree Buyster have a fabulous range and well worth looking through their site... Hope you have a wonderful weekend [ps I'm having a giveaway also.]... xx Julie

  3. Congrats to Kerry!! She is such a funny blogger - I always chuckle at her posts :)

  4. Yeah to Kerry.
    She won the prize.
    And soon she'll have it.
    in front of her eyes.

    to switch on & off
    and look at all day
    and by winning it here
    she won't have to pay

    great giveaway charlotta!!!

  5. Kerry - CONGRATULATIONS! I am so happy for you and totally support your decision to give the lamp to Jess. What a lovely mother she has.
    I emailed you back and have passed on Jess' details to Maree. I'll keep you posted. xx

    Julie - Thank you! Yes, they are a good company and I saw several lamps that would work very well in my house. The Rovan ball lamp series was my favourite though and I am very tempted to get a couple for our bed sides.. :)

    Sara - Yes, Kerry writes so well and I love the warmth and genuine personality that shines through. She seems like a lovely person.

    Linda - you call yourself a graphic designer, but really you are a poet! :) Fab poem lovely!! Thank you.

    Hugs to all.

    x Charlotta

  6. Congratulations Kerry! Please, share the image once the lamp has found its spot!

    Well done, Charlotta!

    Cyber hug, Mon

  7. This lamp is gorgeous. She is a lucky winner


Thank you for your feedback. Blogging would be no fun at all without you! xx Charlotta xx