Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Designer's Quest..

Just a brief post as I am feeling the mother of side
effects from the detox diet I and Marshall are on...

The fab Catherine Hopkins of 'The Shiny Pebble' has just
posted the opening post for what I know will be a brilliant
adventure - a 'virtual room makeover' of her diningroom. 

I really want to do a more proper introduction of this fun 
idea that Catherine and I cooked up over a series of emails
in the past week, and also formally introduce Catherine and
her brilliant blog. In fact there are a few people to introduce
as part of this challenge, but for now please jump across to 
'The Shiny Pebble' to read all the details and meet the girl.

x Charlotta

P.s. I have received quite a few emails with questions about the
detox we are on. Promise to do a post on this very soon.
Thanks for everyone's kind words and support. xx


  1. Hi Charlotta, this should be lots of fun! You are an awesome marketeer and designer! Can't wait to see what you come up with for your big reveal. :)

    I hope you get back to your top shape soon.


  2. i love this photos..very interesting!!! I'm studing architecture at university!!!!
    pass to my fashion blog!!!!<3
    xoxo francesca

  3. Looking forward to seeing how the challenge unfolds!

  4. Hi Carlotta...I'm just so happy to have met you via Catherine's Dining Room. I think this is a hugely creative challenge which I will love watching unfold. Her room is pretty already so it will be amazing design work to re-style and/or fluff up. So now we will keep up with each other. Wonderful!
    xx's Marsha

  5. Hi girlies,

    Catherine - yes this is all so much fun. The lovely new people I am meeting in your dining room! Glad our little night-time emails are taking shape for real now! Yay!

    Francesca - so nice to meet you! Welcome to my blog. I hope you visit often and that I will hear your lovely voice & views on my posts.
    Your blog is lovely - so many fabulous photos of you!

    Linda - yes, this will be great for sure. What a great way to network!

    Donna - yes, this is fab. New territory in the world of blogs. Why don't you do a design vision for the room as well? I love the way you see the world!

    Marsha - I too am so glad we met. Have just sent you an email. Your blog is fantastic and I became a follower on the spot.

    Have a great end to the week friends and thanks again for leaving comments. It makes me so happy to hear from you!

    xx Charlotta

  6. Loads of fun! I can't wait to see what you come up with. I am sure it will be lovely!

    Happy, happy!


  7. Hej raring - jag detta ska bli kul men oh sa laskigt.. :)

    Tycker du ska forsoka ocksa. Jag skulle sa garna se din vision. Du ar sa duktig. Skriv till Catherine.

    KRAM och ha en trevlig helg.


Thank you for your feedback. Blogging would be no fun at all without you! xx Charlotta xx