Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Dutch farmhouse..

Tranquil, harmonious and beautiful.
That is how I perceive this old farmhouse in Holland,
that was once built for  a local Mayor. Today it is
privately owned and filled with luxury French antiques.

Wonderful clean simplicity with lots of texture & warmth.

There is something so fabulous and decorative about the
sheep in this garden. Actually they aren't real - they are
stone sculptures, but the idea of three wooly friends
hanging in the garden just like so is so appealing! :)

What a wonderful conservatory. It immediately made me
think of Greets wonderful posts about orangeries - here.

 This walking stick collection took me back to childhood and
to my grandmother who had a wonderful bunch of sticks just
like these in an old umbrella holder by the door. I loved to see
her choose the appropriate one pending what she was wearing
and where she was going. An eccentric habit I loved to watch.

Isn't this just so inviting! I'd like to sit there and sip on
a great Muscat, eat cheese and talk to all of you guys!
Royal purveyor sculpture adds a touch of regal glam in this quiet
and serene room. It provides such a nice contrast and anchor.

Lovely place to sit and write long hand letters to friends.

Greys against natural wood is always so wonderful
and something I will never tire of - trends or no trends.

Nice and unexpected couple at the end of this corridor.

Yes please.. Would love to bathe here!

Inside Home

x Charlotta


  1. Yes, looks like a home in harmony. Those sheep were lovely, I liked them a lot!

    Have a great day (it´s so grey and cold here today I wish I lived in Australia)! :-)

  2. Lovely! Wonderful soft grey, sand and white tones and teh garden is nice also...

  3. Cara Charlotta,

    Loved this post. Different shades of grey. Bohemian chic. Beyond trends. A house to live in. "Shared love". Thanks! Bacione, Ingrid in Umbria

  4. Hello dearies - yes, isn't it just so soft and creamy. Those colours have an instant soothing effect on me.

    Tina - sounds like Sweden in April.. Still miss it tho'. Hang on in there. Just a few weeks to go now and at least the light has returned. xx

    Lumo - the garden is fantastic! The sheep are divine! :)

    Ingrid - Yes, a house to live in - a home. For sure. Un baci per te carissima.

    Donna - yes I knew you would understand. xx

    Happy hump day!

    x C

  5. Charlotta,
    Thanks so much for your on-going friendship and support. I really appreciate your kindness and understanding. My life has not and will never be the same since Ryan's death. Sometimes it helps to know he is at peace now, the hurting is over. I sure do miss his shy smile and just talking for hours with him. He was beautiful inside and out.

    This post is of my dream home. To me, it doesn't get any better than this. Maybe it is my Dutch heritage coming through, but I am so drawn to all the muted colors, the sculptural forms, and the gray tones with the wood. Like you said, that is, for me, an enduring love, regardless of trends. Wonderful post! Take care!

  6. Wow, love this Dutch house. I could easily live here. Do you know where this beautiful spot is located?


    Lise M.
    Urban Style Vibes*

  7. Anne - I am so glad we found each other here. I can't imagine what life would be like on the other side of an event like Ryan's. You are very brave and strong and I admire your courage.
    Yes, this house is lovely. Simple and warm (in its splendour) - a place to live in.

    Lise - Isn't it great. I have no idea where it is but here is the original link to the images. Perhaps you can contact the publishers and find out?

    Big hugs to you both.

    xx Charlotta


Thank you for your feedback. Blogging would be no fun at all without you! xx Charlotta xx