Friday, April 23, 2010

Kitchen love..and DIY..

I have fallen in love with Helen Norman's kitchen..

 Just look at that sink and the taps people!

More pictures over at 'Pure Home Style'.

..and whilst you are there check out this..
Cute idea for making the cot more cozy..

..and this post about how to turn a log into a table.
Manvi, if you are reading. I am thinking of your Oak tree here! xx

Lots of fun little DIY projects over there.
x Charlotta


  1. I LOVED Nelya's guest post about the stump. Genius.


  2. Donna - yes isn't it cute. Did you see the other pictures over at her site?

    Maria - yes it's fab. I love stumps!

    xx C


Thank you for your feedback. Blogging would be no fun at all without you! xx Charlotta xx