Friday, April 16, 2010

Little Blue Deer

Are you familiar with 'Little Blue Deer'?
An amazing blog written by a lovely girl named Shari.

Shari's  blog spills over with fantastic thoughts, images and links.
(All images are from Shari's blog, please refer to 'Little Blue Deer' for original sources)

This week she celebrates that 100 (+) lucky people have found
and decided to follow her lovely blog since she started only
three months ago!! You can see that this blog is special!
 As part of this amazing achievement she is doing a give-away .
A fabulous limited edition poster of Catherine Deneuve.

There are lots of other amazing posters by Ollie Lake
over at the 'Lake Illustration' Etsy shop - HERE.

To join the crew of hopeful give-away contenstants
please click THIS LINK and follow the instructions.

Good luck everyone!
Good luck me!

Well done Shari!!

xx Charlotta


  1. What a great give-away! It must come from a great blogger. Thank you for telling us about her.

    Hug from sis, Mon

  2. Hello babycakes!
    Yes, she is special and you'll love her blog Mon.
    Donna, I know you have known her a little longer.

    Such a great following in such short time. This is one to follow.

    Good luck on the give-away.

    Love you both.
    xx C


Thank you for your feedback. Blogging would be no fun at all without you! xx Charlotta xx