Thursday, April 8, 2010

New blog love..

Thanks to dear Christina over at 'Greige' I was
introduced to a new and wonderful blog today..

'Elle Oh' is 64 posts old and is written by Ms Leigha Oaks,
who already has received recognition by 'Decor8'. Brilliant!
(So did 'Greige'! in THIS post - yay for Christina!!)

I already know I will love returning to 'Elle Oh' and have asked
dear Ms Oaks to add an 'email subscription' and a 'follow' option
so that we can ensure we don't miss any of her fab finds.

Here are some of the reasons I love this blog..

..and with this worthy quote by 
American poet Henry David Thoreau
who can resist 'Elle Oh'.. 

" The world is but a canvas to the imagination. "



  1. Charlotta, I am so very grateful! Such kind words from such an inspired blog. You have my endless gratitude. {Leigha}

  2. Darling you are so welcome!
    I love your blog and look forward to seeing it grow!

    Have a great end to the week.

    xx Charlotta


Thank you for your feedback. Blogging would be no fun at all without you! xx Charlotta xx