Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Going away for a few days..

Ok my lovelies. I and my little family are off on a mini-break
to a fantastic place called Shoal Bay 3 hours North of Sydney.

We're leaving tomorrow and will spend the rest of the week in
or on the water, including a dolphin cruise, a camel ride (yes!),
long beach walks and lots of quality time with the children.

The reason we are going is to celebrate my birthday on Thursday
and also Mother's Day on Sunday. Marshall & the kids have been
giggly and secretive all week, and can barely contain themselves.

I can't wait to see what they have in store but know I am going
to love what ever it is because they are the most wonderful little
trio a girl can possibly dream of, and I am so lucky to have them!

I hope all of you mothers out there have plans for Mother's Day
and that you will be celebrated with love & joy by your children.
Happy Mother's Day!

I'll see you when I get back on Sunday night and can't
wait to catch up on your lovely blogs, emails and news!
I'll miss you.

xx Charlotta


  1. Have a fabulous time! But then again, how could you not! It looks beautiful!

    Hope you had time to check out my new blog and my giveaway before you left! ;o)


  2. o, Charlotta. I am soooo happy for you...I wish you the most happiest of all birthdays, filled with love and special times with your family. Happy Mother's Day, too, to a wonderful blogger, cyber friend and mom! Love to you, Donna

  3. Oh, enjoy!!! And happy birthday to you!!!

  4. Oooh, sounds wonderful! Enjoy the vacation and Happy Birthday in advance! :-)

  5. Sounds like lovely plans. Happy birthday and mother's day. Very sweet post.

  6. happy birthday! i could use a getaway like this right now too. we had a snowstorm last night. :(

  7. Sounds wonderful! Have a very happy birthday and a fabulous Mother's Day!

  8. Happy, happy girlie! Enjoy your time off with your fab trio and come home with a smile on your face.

    Sending you lots of warm thoughts and good energy to you my dear friend!

    Much love, Mon

  9. Happy birthday Charlotta! Today is the day. I'm sure you will enjoy a lot.
    ps my Swedish is improving ...

  10. That sounds so freaking cool, enjoy your family and your birthday!


  11. Happy Birthday and Happy Mothers day Charlotta!!!!!! Have a great time! xo

  12. Oh that sounds like the perfect way to celebrate Mother's day and even more your Birthday. May i just wish you a Happy one and I am sure it will be - you have plenty to be happy and proud of! Have a lovely time, love Caterina

  13. Happy birthday for tomorrow! Enjoy my dear - catch up when you are back. You can tell us all how spoilt you were by your gorgeous family.

    x Cath

  14. Have a wonderful birthday, Mothers Day and mini break! I love Shoal lucky thing! Look forward to hearing all about it when you get back.

  15. Just stumbled upon your blog. I love the collage of photos! I, especially like your Tropical Eye Candy post. What a brilliant collection of photos! I love blue too!

    I look forward to reading more!

  16. oh what fun .. hope you are having a great time .. i think the green eyed monster has hit me and I feel a tad jealous. doh. maybe it is just the cold victorian day we had here. hope you post some piccies for us (-:

  17. just found you- and would love be heading to shoal bay....happy bithday and i'll be back when you are..

    Melissa :)

  18. Oh, have a wonderful time, dear!! It sounds absolutely heavenly.

    Happy Mother's Day!!


  19. Grattis på födelsedagen och ha en underbar semester!

    /Josefine- at home

  20. Låter som att ni kommer få en helt fantastisk mini-break. Ha det riktigt skönt och njut av livet. Kram Mia

  21. Happy Birthday Charlotta!!
    Hope you have a wonderful time with your family. Sounds like lots of fun.
    All my best to you! xo ~LeAnn (l & l)

  22. Sounds like the loveliest little get away! Happy happy Birthday to you! Enjoy your special time!

  23. happy birthday and happy Mother's day Charlotta! hope you're having a wonderful time. can't wait to see your pics! xo

  24. Still not back?!! I hope you had a beautiful birthday and a wonderful time away. I hope you took tons of pictures to share. Excited to catch up! Wishing you an amazing Mother's Day, Charlotta :)

    xoxo Marija

  25. Sounds fabulous! Hope you have had a perfect weekend! x

  26. I hope you are having a wonderful trip--what a lucky mama you are! Happy mother's day!!!!

  27. Happy Mother's day dear Charlotta!

    Are you back yet?

    I miss you.

    Bamsekram, Mon

  28. lucky! lucky! have fun!
    great blog!
    take care,

  29. happy belated birthday and happy mothers day darling! hope you were spoiled rotten. thanks for being awesome and your friendship. xoxo

  30. Hi everyone - so glad that you are here waiting for me. Makes it so much more fun to come back home after a fantastic week away!

    Thank you for all your sweet birthday and Mother's Day wishes and general loveliness!

    I can't wait to hear how your week has been and how you celebrated mother's day.

    Also a big warm welcome to my new friends! I am thrilled to hear your voices and that you have joined my little blog family.

    Will catch up with all of you individually soon. Can't wait to read up on your blogs.

    Have a wonderful week.

    xx Charlotta


Thank you for your feedback. Blogging would be no fun at all without you! xx Charlotta xx