Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Guest post - The Shiny Pebble Designer Challenge

Hello lovelies!

over at Catherine's blog 'The Shiny Pebble' went live.

 This is Catherine's real life dining room.

 This is part of my proposal.

The lovely Catherine Hopkins has been wanting to update her
dining room and after having received a one-off design proposal
from a fellow blogger, she and I got brainstorming on an idea 
to extend the concept and develop it into a 'designer challenge'
where she would invite more design bloggers to have a go.
Et voila! The 'Shiny Pebble Designer Challenge' was born.

You can read all about how it all started by clicking HERE.

 To date, several very talented designer girls have posted their
visions and I must say I am humbled to be in such great company!
Please click HERE and HERE to see two of my favourite posts in
the 'Designer Challenge' series, and click HERE to see my post.

Also, and to make this initiative even more fun. The amazing &
lovely Marsha of 'Splendarosa' has been designing an outfit for
Catherine to wear in line with each design concept. This here is
what she proposed for my designs. It's just perfect Marsha! xx

Click HERE read Marsha's post that also just went live.

May I just add that I have a special place in my heart for
this lady. When I discovered her blog I immediately felt a
closeness & connection. She is a rare find this one! xx

Enjoy the posts and please let me know your thoughts.

xx Charlotta

P.S. THIS flawless beauty is Catherine. 
Isn't she just stunning!!?

I think she looks like a movie star and love her
pixie haircut. You rock Catherine! xx


  1. Hello, luv. Your design turned out fantastic! One of my faves so far. What is there not to love. You took such great care to make sure my personality and lifestyle was reflected in it. I love it!
    Thanks for the nice words-I'm loving my short hair, not so at first, but now i'm used to it. Perfect for the TX summer. :)

  2. You did a great job!! Love the room - love the look.. I need to over and visit that Shiny Pebble..

  3. Oh sweet Charlotta, such generous praise & I thank you so so much. It is a pleasure to work on this little project, and a very creative one which causes a whole lot of fine editing to reach the end result. Big XXX's from Marsha in Texas.

  4. Charlotta, you are such a talented lady. My word! I have just been over to the Shiny Pebble and I and I am so impressed. I know how much work goes into designing for someone else - I usually have a few sleepless nights on the journey - and this is just first class. All of the designs so far have been amazing but this is my fav so far!

  5. Wonderful! The wallcovering I have chosen shows up several times in your I have to decide if I should use it with pride {great minds think alike} or search endlessly for something new.
    You have flawless taste.

  6. can't wait to go see it. just checked out the outfit - divine!

  7. Just left a comment over on Catherine's blog - loved your post!!!

  8. Off to check out your Marsha's necklace, and yes...stunner is the word I would also use to describe Catherine!

  9. Love your vision for this room of Cahterine's, what a fab job you've done. Thanks also for the introduction to A Shiny Pebble, 'tis lovely!

    x Cath

  10. I loved your thougtful, livable but sexy vision for Catherine's dining room. And yes, I adore her hair and I want skin that flawless. Not fair that she's so darn nice, too...


Thank you for your feedback. Blogging would be no fun at all without you! xx Charlotta xx