Monday, May 31, 2010

Gustavian Modern - A Swedish house tour..

Here is a Swedish home with a lot of texture, warmth and serenity.
The colours and materials are so typical for my home country and I
love how the classical pieces mix seamlessly with antiques and new
finds. Many lovely rooms to enjoy and details to take note of.

Lovely reading chair.. I could so sit here and be very happy..

I think there is a 'Dala Horse' in almost every Swedish home. Despite their
lack of 'cool power' I love them and have re-commenced my collection of
horses of various sizes since a few years back. My stable is growing - yay!

Tick tock goes my heart when I see a Swedish 'Mora clock' - I have harped
on about how I grew up with one that was once my grand mothers, that my
dad decided to part with a few years ago. Oh how I wish it wasn't gone!

I love these little chairs. I have several in different sizes. They are made
out of wrought iron and are little replicas of design classics. So cute!

Inside Home

x Charlotta


  1. I totally love this look. My house is all mustard, olive, robin's egg blue etc. Wish I had a little less color sometimes and have a passion for grey but none in my home....I should put that on my to-do list...somehow work it into the mix... Love this and your blog! BIG BLOG CRUSH! xo

  2. Hello Ms Champagne/Stitch Poet!
    Thank you for your comment and for leaving a trail back to your collection of blogs (!). Have just fallen in love with 'Crush Party'. Am now following you and have put your url on my blog roll.

    I'm glad you like this article. Yes, Swedish interiors are fantastic. The colour palette in this particular home will never date and i so easy to work with. You can change the look with simple accessories and it works in most climates. I hope you get to realize your dream of making these changes at home too.

    Happy new week to you!

    x Charlotta

  3. Oh my! another fabulous post Charlotta.. I love Gustavian furnishings.. and the Mora Clock - I faint!!

    Here is the thing I love the look of painted and distressed furniture. I am just not sure if I could live with pieces like that.

  4. Hi again! Well, your post inspired me up and off my bottom today! I totally rearranged my guest room and I'm off to the paint store tomorrow. It is currently crazy faux paint, but will soon be a soft pale blue grey with a hint of blue in the ceiling. I have a collection of Staffordshire blue and white transfer ware that will look awesome and new with a new backdrop. Thanks for the inspiration today. I love it when a post gets me moving! But, uh-hem...i'll need new drapes and bedding to pull this're expensive to follow ;-) xoxo

  5. oh the girl's bedroom is a DREAM!!!! lovin it!

  6. Oh what a beautiful home! I love so much about it that I can't pick a favorite.

  7. Oh Charlotta, this is stunning! I love everything about this home (makes me want to redo my own...).

    It is embarrassing but I do not own one single Dala horse!! I should be so ashamed of myself! (But I own a set of Dala/kurbitz roosters - go and figure.)

    I am back at the computer and feel well rested after a long weekend.

    I will dream about this home tonight!

    Love, blog sis

  8. Hi Charlotta, just back from a week off and catching up. Love this house. I think I want to move to Sweden!
    Carole xoxo


Thank you for your feedback. Blogging would be no fun at all without you! xx Charlotta xx