Monday, June 7, 2010

Frantic and fantasic..

Hello my lovelies! I hope you all had a wonderful & fun weekend!
It's late here in Sydney but I know the week ahead is going to be
manic and I may not have as much time as I'd like to duck in here, 
hence I am sitting here in my PJs writing a quick little 'hello' to you.

I am working madly in my studio on five (5!!) original paintings for
young clients around Australia. Each canvas a unique piece that will soon
be flying off my easel to live with a gorgeous little child somewhere.
It always makes me feel so happy & privileged to be painting for children
- to know that what I do is for them and that it undoubtedly will bring
brightness and joy into their lives!! It doesn't get better than that for me really!!

I have also just signed up to write the content for a new website that will 
be launching later this year - an exciting opportunity that draws on my 
writing skills as opposed to my painting. A different avenue that I love
equally and that is keeping me very busy as well. Last but not least I am 
developing a couple of new strategies for my art & design business as well
as revisiting a manuscript for a book idea I came up with a year or so ago..

Phew.. there is A LOT going on as you can see! I am totally thriving on the
energy of all of this however miss not having so much time to hang with you
guys. Want you to know that I still read all of your blogs, but am unable to
leave comments as often as I am used to doing. Am thinking of you all the
time though and am so thrilled to get emails and lovely messages from you. 
It's so nice to have you. xx

by Me x

I am NOT taking a 'blog break', absolutely not, in fact I am soon posting
a few exciting & wonderful 'give-aways' for you all. One for my dear US
and Canadian friends, one for my local Australian sisters and one that is
for everyone no matter where in the world. Iiiih, I am SO excited about this!!

I also haven't forgotten that I have promised to share my photos from my
birthday/mother's day trip to Shoal Bay, to continue my 'Lumo Sydney Tour',
to write about the fantastic 'High Tea Book' that I was part of creating etc.
If I have left anything out please let me know.  It will all happen!

Anyway, it is late and I have a big day in the studio tomorrow so I'd better
hop into bed now. Hope you all had a wonderful weekend with lots of fun!

xx Charlotta

P.S.  BTW. the pictures above are completely random.. but they are pretty aren't they!?
Just wanted to share them with you... x


  1. I cannot wait to hear more about what you're doing! Awesome, Charlotta, you have so many things to work on...because you are SO talented. xx's

  2. Hej Charlotta! Är det Ok om jag skriver på svenska? Min engelska är inte så bra! Ha ha blev lite förvirrad när jag läste datumet på ditt inlägg, här är det 6 juni och nationaldag. Äntligen har vi fått lite sommar här i landet! Ha det gott! Kram Leni

  3. Wow, you really are busy in so many fields! Pls don't feel any pressure on the "Lumo tour", even though I have loved the first parts!

  4. all absolutely wonderful and exciting news! we share in your happiness over it all! can't wait for more details...

    I always enjoy seeing your Monday posts because when I usually see them, it is still Sunday afternoon for me!

    love to you, Charlotta! Dona

  5. It sounds like you've got a lot of wonderful and exciting things going on! Good luck with everything, you absolutely deserve all this good fortune!

  6. Hello lovely... so excited about all your projects on the go, can't wait to hear more.

    xxx Cath

  7. You have lots and lots popping my friend! Congratulations. Hope you have a great and productive week.

  8. You sound absolutely in flow which is great!!! Good luck with everything xoxo

  9. Hi Charlotta, it sounds like it is all happening for you and it couldn't happen to a nicer person! Good luck with everything thats going on. Have a great week.
    Carole xoxo

  10. Ciao charlotta
    you are so full of energy that is difficult to follow you. You are such a nice person and amd glad that i came across you ... good luck for all your plans
    hugs marzia

  11. you are a busy chick. this is all so AWESOME!!! and just a side note on the art for the little ones... you are creating memories for them as well. i am sure you remember growing up and being enchanted by a print or picture in your room. i know i do.

  12. WOW! There is a lot happening. How lovely! Great job!

  13. I love that bedroom with the night sky-themed wall! A lovely collection of photos here.

    And thanks for visiting my blog as well ;)

  14. These photos are lovely Charlotte. Thanks for taking the time to put together such lovely images. You definitely do have a great job!:-)
    I look forward to seeing some of your work soon.

    p.s. my first giveaway ends on Friday.



  15. I'm so very excited for you Charlotta! Eventhough you have plenty to do I can feel your great energy. Sending you much love!

  16. I am waiting and waiting - with great anticipation! (:

    What fun and creative time, Charlotta! You go girl!

    Love, Mon

  17. Exciting time! Keep me posted on all your wonderful projects...

  18. Hi Charlotta.
    Thanks so much for stopping by and commenting on my blog today!
    I'm loving your blog -- where have I been?

  19. oh Honeeeey! thank you for having a giveaway for everyone in the world ;) I love it. I was super busy the last few days too and i missed blogging a lot, but some things really need to be done. have a lovely day!!! xoxoox

  20. Hej Charlotta! Vad mycket spännande du har på gång! Stort lycka till med allt! Vad kul att du kommer tillbaka till Sverige nästa år :-). Sköt om dig! Kram Mia

  21. You are one busy all sounds so completely exciting and inspirational! Can't wait to hear more about it all!!!

  22. Marsha - Thanks very much. Yes, it's all so exciting and I am thrilled to be so busy. You are the sweetest. Big hug! xx

    Leni - Jatte kul att ud skriver pa Svenksa. Jag onskar att jag hade Svenska vokaler.. Ja vi ligger ju en dag fore har i Australien. Hoppas du hade en fin nationaldag. Njut av sommaren. Kram

    Lumo - Yay, I love being busy but I will absolutely finish my tour for you. Only I haven't got a camera at the moment as ours are away on service, but I will write and link into stores where I can. Can't believe you are here soon. Will be so much fun to meet! xx

    Donna - Thanks hon. Yes it's nice to be able to work again after all the months of not working at all due to Isabella and her asthma. The web site job is new and on top of everything, and I am having so much fun with it! Biggest hug to you dear friend! xx

    Terri - thank you so much. You are the sweetest! xx

    Cath - Thanks hon. I'll share more on the web site when it's launched, and I promise to tell you more about the book once I have finished the manuscript and shipped it off to a few publishers. The art will be posted on my other blog as usual. xx

    Gwen - so lovely to have you here. xx Thank you for your sweet wishes. xx

    Mariska - Yes the flow is fabulous and fast at the moment. Loving it. xx

    Carole, Thank you! That is such a lovely thing to say. You are so nice! xx

    Marzia - :) You are always so nice to me. Thank you. I'll be over to see you soon. Miss not catching up with my fave Alpine girl! xx

    Catherine - thank you for your emails. It is so much fun having all of this come live and I am riding the wave of happiness. xx

    Alexandra - hej! Yes it's brilliant and I'm having a blast. Thanks lovely! xx

    Simone - Thank you sweetie. Your blog is wonderful. I'll be back soon. xx

    Reese - Thanks hon. I had to do some 'picture weeding' - they are all so lovely aren't they!!? You can see all my art work over at my other blog. The link is via the icon on the left. The book is still in early draft, but promise to share once it's sent off to the publishers. The website will go live later this year and I will post about it here when it does. xx

    La Boheme - Thank you sweetie! Yes, I am feeling great about all of this. I actually thrive on having a full schedule and find I get more creative that way. It's all good! xx

    Mon - My fingers are crossed re the book too. The art continues to flow and I am getting more and more orders every day. Now I just need to find the time to finish everything! The website will be live later this year and I shall share it here when it happens. Yay! xx

    Leigha - Thanks hon. I promise I'll keep you in the loop. xx

    Dreamer's Den girl - welcome here and thank you for your comment. So glad you found your way. xx

    Nuit - Yes the give-aways are great and I will post the US/Canadian one soon. The others will follow and I'll be sure to let you know. Big hugs to you sweetie! xx

    Mia - hej! Tack for att du kom forbi. Ja det hander mycket roligt nu och jag storm trivs mitt i allt.
    Ja det ska bli jatte kul att prova att bo i Sverige igen. Har ju inte gjort det pa over 20 ar!! Kram xx

    Zush girl - Yes it's all happening here now! :) Loving it! xx

    Thanks again everyone - hearing from you makes blogging so much fun. Have a great weekend everyone!!

    xx Charlotta

  23. Good things always come to good people - that´s what I believe! Enjoy everything that happens, I´m looking forward to see you soon!

  24. Dearest Charlotta (Wonderwoman!)
    Before dashing off with paintings x children (the most beautiful gesture)please visit my best New York girlfriend's website. Yes, I am original New York too! and Also she an awesome Bed & Breakfeast in Harlem that she decorated...fabulous!I gave her all the info about you darling, please hook-up it is meant to happen. Love the photos here, I see a good ideal for hanging my postcard collection (3rd photo) and the bed with background-panel of the constellation inspired me to write this dedication to you: "There is one admirable form of the imagination. The imagination is so intense that it creates a new reality, that it makes things happen."
    If needing original photos or info regarding what to serve with teas
    x your book "High Teas", please view my blog and let me know. I make cakes using teas for color and taste. I love your sandy heart.
    Closing for now and keep spreading the positive energy!!
    Love, Kirsten

  25. How exciting Charlotta, I really can't wait to hear how all your projects develop. It's hard to find time for everything isn't it? I always have so many projects I'm starting but not finishing! Rachaelxx

  26. You are so awesome, Charlotta! Cannot wait to hear all about your cool projects, and see how they come out (beautifully, I'm sure!). Also, lovely photos here! XO!

  27. Charlotta,

    Hello again.. I have missed you this past week. Work can be a wonderful distraction! Excited to see what you have been up to...


  28. What beautiful images. I feel the same way about designing nurseries, it is so special!

  29. It sounds like you have a lot on your plate - how exciting! Lycka till with everything! :)

  30. Oh, I am so excited for you! You deserve all the success in the world. I have noticed how well you write, but did not know that this is a passion of yours also. The more I learn about you, the more I discover how much we have in common. I write for fun (poetry, essays, and short stories)and belong to a women's writing group in my town.

    Congratulations, dear one!! Wonderful news!


Thank you for your feedback. Blogging would be no fun at all without you! xx Charlotta xx