Thursday, July 22, 2010

Give-away winner and a clean slate..

The days that have passed since Marija's tragic accident have been hard for me and for so many others. I have found it really difficult to blog and feel a little lost for what to post about. I want to continue staying in touch with this wonderful world of blogs and know that eventually the flow and inspiration will come back. I also know I am very late in announcing the winner of the 'High Tea at the Victoria Room' give-away. So sorry for this. I just needed a little break to clear my head. Thanks for waiting. xx

Left to Right from top: 1 & 2 the Victoria Room, 3 Yum & Sugar, and 4 the Dorchester Hotel London

Before I reveal the winner, I'd like to say 'thank you' to all of you who entered and to everyone who has given me such fantastic feedback. As always, it means the world to me when I hear back, and that you take time to read and leave comments on my posts! And now, without further ado, I am very excited to announce that Kimberlee, who blogs over at the wonderful 'Brown Button' has won!
Congratulations! I hope you will have fun with the book and that it will give your the inspiration to host fabulous 'high tea parties' down in Adelaide. You must try the 'white chocolate scones' - they are so amazing!

 Recipe and image via 'High Tea at the Victoria Room'

And as much as I'd love to have tea and scones right now. I can't have any... Not for a whole month,  because I have just embarked on another round of detoxing. Yep, four whole weeks of restraint and an array of herbal supplements to allow all my internal organs to detox and take a load off. It may sound like I am some sort of junkie here. I am not, don't worry. My husband and I do this detox thing a few times a year in order to give our bodies a good 'rest' before the change of season. An early 'Spring clean' if you want. As promised last time I did this, I will do a separate post about the process soon..

via Miss Wallflower

And as you can see, I am not posting pictures of the 'pure' and healthy foods am eating at the moment. Instead I am loading this post with all the nurturing and comforting delights I can possibly find. I am determined to at least let my eyes enjoy what the rest of my body can't! :) In fact, I need a lot of 'happy stuff' right now and as part of that I have booked tickets to Sweden! Yay! Well, I say 'I' have booked, when in actual fact it is my super sweet and supportive husband who has treated me and the kids to a trip home to see my family and friends. Isn't that just the kindest and most generous thing!?! xxx

We'll be there from mid September till mid October and hope that Sweden will serve up some divine Autumn weather for us. It is a bit hit'n'miss at that time of the year and it can just as well be cold, wet and miserable. Not that the weather will stop us from having a great time and I can't wait to see everyone back home!
Google image

So that's it for now my friends - my news for this week in a stumbling attempt to get back into the blog groove again. Congratulations once again to Kimberlee. Please email me your address so that I can organise for the book to be sent to you very soon. x 

Also thank you all for your wonderful support, emails, comment and general kindness over the past couple of weeks. You are the best!! xx

xx Charlotta

P.S. More give-aways coming up very soon. The next one is open to all corners of the world. x


  1. I have missed you in blog land this week Charlotta but I do understand.
    Take all the time you need - you will get back to blogging as, and when you feel like it.
    I can think of nothing worse than de-toxing for a whole month though. Such self-restraint!
    A trip home is probably what you need now - good on hubby - have a fabulous time.
    Carole xoxo

  2. Hey Charlotta, I say just take it one step at a time and one blog post at a time. Take some time off and give yourself the time to heal losing a friend.


  3. Dear Charlotta, welcome back :) we love you and will wait for as long as it takes... now, having said that, I LOOOOOVEEEE your selection of images today, they instantly made me happy and I have you to thank!


  4. Hi Charlotta, good to see you back. Very curious about the detox you are writing about, i think i could need one too.iloveSweden. We are thinking about going to Sweden again this summer, not sure yet. We had bad luck with the weather last time, but Stockholm BEST city in the world. XX

  5. Charlotta,
    Welcome back...I have an idea of just how hard it's been.

    And, a big congrats to Brown Button on the win.

    Super great news on your upcoming trip to Sweden!!!

  6. I'm sending you a big hug! I hope you start to feel better, and take your time returning to blogging.

  7. Congrats to the winner..and I am now sooo curious about this detox, I think I need one!

  8. sweet Charlotta, I'm so happy that you get to go home for a visit!

    I've been very absent from the blog world as I've been traveling and trying to get things back in order since our return, but I was devastated to just hear about Marija. What a loss and a mystery. Your tributes are so sweet and so sincere. I'm really amazed at the outpouring of this wild blog world. It is so refreshing to know that so many kind hearts are out there...and so terribly sad to know that one has passed. Thank you, as always for your inspiration!

  9. What a lucky winner!
    How wonderful that you are off to Sweden - it will be a fabulous break for you :)

  10. So happy I found your blog! And hope you get back into the groove soon, but totally understand it will take time!


    Come back soon!

  11. I think you've sparked some detox interest! I'm in as well :) Sweden...sounds lovely. I've never been. Please post pictures! Have a sweet day.

  12. Welcome back Charlotta, and congratulations to Kimberlee - lucky girl! Oh, and that husband of yours sounds like an absolute keeper - I'm guessing now would be the perfect time for a trip home to see family and friends. K xx

  13. Lots of love and strength to you. I really do hope Sweden Will give you a great autumn. If you will drop by Stockholm and you would like to meet for a chat, do not hesitate to contact me. I hope your day will be peacefull, letting your heart breath à little big. A big hug to you syster!

  14. Congratulations to Kimberlee, that is a fantastic giveaway, Charlotta! I know what you mean, I still think about Marija and grieve for her family. Glad you're going to get to go to Sweden! XO!

  15. Congratulations to Ms. Brown Button!

    What a wonderful treat, sis! Yeah, your family must be so happy!

    Yes, a full report on detoxing would be appreciated.

    Now, take a deep breath, enjoy the small things and try to be in the moment.

    Love, Mon

    ox, Mon

  16. Marija's death was so sudden and tragic. I still wonder about her family every day. My heart aches for them.

    Congrats to the winner of this fab giveaway!

  17. Welcome back Charlotta. I've missed you in my daily blog reads! So happy to hear you back and I can understand that it is not easy to start blogging again. Take your time and know that once in a while it's good to take a break!


    Lise M.

  18. Sorry for your loss.

    Detox... I guess we will not feast on cakes and goodies when we meet next week... see you on Friday.

  19. Charlotta,

    Not sure what you're going through, but just wanted to tell you that you have the support of your fellow bloggers. Take all the time you need to nurture yourself and your family. We will certainly be excited and waiting for you when you get back. Have an amazing and inspiring trip!


  20. Hello lovely Lady. A huge thank you for the gorgeous book, so incredibly excited, I'm a lucky girl.

    I was so incredibly saddened to hear about Marija, I completely understand your need for time out - the words and images you have shared are really special.
    Take care lovely one xx

  21. Ciao Charlotta
    I was really moved by all your words about Marija and your committment about what happened to her and her family. I can understand how you could feel. You really care about other people and your feeelings are genuine not just to impress others. I also was moved reading the words of Marija's husband. Our life can change so suddenly. It's strange to read marjia's words on her blog and realize that there will no more entries.
    This is part of life, even if for me it's really difficult to accept. it's not fair.
    Anyway thanks for your words everytime you pop in your words are full of commitment and I do appreciate it a lot.
    Answers: 1. We will spend 3 weeks in Sweden in August (between Boras and Gothenburg) 2. We live at the border with Switzerland (on the other side of the mountain - Monte Rosa - there is Zermatt more known than our small village that is called Scopello)
    Hope you will feel less sad in the next days
    A big hug from italy

  22. Welcome back I am so sorry about your friend.

    I Do love the picture of the ladies and the cake...I can almost feel the taste of cake.



  23. I'm trying to not be a stalker:-), but i am happy you're back and Can't wait for your next production(meaning your post). I hope that you're feeling rejuvenated and refreshed, especially if the detox is doing what it's supposed to do:-). One luv.

  24. I have just come over to your blog after your lovely message left on mine.
    Firstly I'm so sorry about your very sad loss,we lost a very dear young friend in an accident a few months back ... your writing was so beautiful.

    Your blog is so lovely,have also become a follower.
    Take care. XXX

  25. Charlotto - Just delighted you found me...and now I've found you! I am thrilled to see the High Tea book, as it is the perfect gift for my very proper mother. And....your post for Marija....well, so heartfelt. It's been a tough week....I think we've all been feeling her loss.

    xoxo, Elizabeth (aka your new follower)

  26. Deareast Charlotta,

    I am always so happy to hear from you, you are a very special person and your family is very like to have you. I hope you have a great time in Sweeden,enjoy your family when you are there. This is what I am doing in Rio. I will be looking forward to your post , sweedish design is my passion.

    Have a safe trip,


  27. Hi Charlotta, how lovely you're coming to Sweden, hope it will be a beautiful autumn :)
    I'm very sad to hear about Marija, it's terribly tragic. I have been a little out of the blogworld last weeks and haven't really caught up about it.
    Lovely pictures in this post (as always). Good luck with the detox! Take care!
    Kram Mia

  28. Hello friends and thanks for all your sweet and supportive comments! xx

    Carole - I've missed being here and feel detached. Just needed to clear my head but know that I am thinking about you guys all the time. Yep, the detox is tough but also rewarding. More on that soon. Hugs. xx

    Kiki - Thanks. I feel a little better now. Still sad and numb, but not as paralysed as I did. I want to be here and will try to post more often. It makes me happy after all. x

    Nuit - Thanks! That makes me happy too. :)

    Linda - Glad to be back. Yes a detox is always a good idea and I'll share more in my next post. I hope you get to go to Sweden. It's a fab summer this year! xx

    Rebecca - I know you are in pain too. It's hard isn't it, but it's nice to walk this path together and I so appreciate our email chats. Big hugs to you! xx

    Christine - Thanks for the hug! xx Am still so blown away by your quilts! You are amazing! x

    Sue - Thank you my dear. Yes the detox is a curious but great thing. Will share soon. xx

    Leah - Yes Sweden will be good for me now. Need all that love only a mum & dad can give. I agree with your thoughts on the blog world. It is wild, wonderful and full of great people. Like you guys. xx

    Sarah - Thank you. The trip will be a nice way to start fresh. Can't wait. x

  29. Leah (the way we are) - Welcome here. Glad you found it too and I hope you come back often. Your blog is gorgeous too and I am so glad you lead me back there. x

    Kelly - Yes I think I must have. :) I'll get back to all of you on that soon. Yes I will snap lots of pics in Sweden. Promise. xx

    Kerri - Thanks! x Yes Marshall is lovely and such a caring husband. I am a very luck girl! xx

    Alexandra - Hej - thank you. Yes I can't wait to walk around in the gorgeous Swedish Autumn foliage! I will most definitely be in Stockholm so please email me your mobile number. Let's have coffee! xx

    Shari - Thank you my dear. Yes the book is great and may actually be released in the US soon. Fingers crossed!! Yes, Marija is on my mind daily but I am starting to work through the initial shock. Am still so sad. xx

    Monika - hej sis! x Yes they are all so excited that we are coming. My dad's voice on the phone made me cry. He was so excited! Detox report coming up. xx

    Connie - Thanks my friend. So nice to have you here. xx

    Lise - Thanks.I will take it slow but am so happy to be here and to have you guys. xx

    Lumo - Thanks. Can't wait to see you on Friday. Detox will not matter. It will be fun never the less. xx

    Elkie - Thanks for popping in and for becoming a follower. Your blog is lovely. x

    Kimberlee - Yay. So excited for you. I have passed on your details and the book will come soon. Yes it is sad re Marija. She was very special. Thanks. xx

    Marzia - Thank you my friend. Your mountain haven looks so amazing. I can't get enough of it. Monte Rosa! Love it. I have skied Zermatt. I too was born with ski boots on my feet! It's a Swedish thing.. :)

  30. Fer my dear - thank you. xx Yes the cake picture is great. Wish that was me! Loved your pictures from the trip. Looks amazing. So glad you had a great time. xx

    Stacey - So nice that you are here. xx I am posting again soon. xx

    Mandy - Thanks for coming here and your kind words. Hope you'll come back often. I am sorry to hear about your loss. I am looking forward to getting to know you through our blogs. xx

    Elizabeth - hello pretty tulips girl. Your blog is so amazing! Am thrilled you are here. Thank you for your kind words. xx

    Mia - Hej. Yes I can't wait to go home. It will be great. Thanks for detox support. Much appreciated. And needed.. :) xx

    Ok all. Thank you again. You are the best!!

    Hugs and happy weekend!

    xx Charlotta

  31. Oh, detox? Do share more!
    Wishing you armfuls of sunshine (like a warm hug).

  32. Thank you for the booth on the old ass to get on with my beautiful and exciting journey...Thank you for your incredible honesty...Friends are the ones that never holds back from speaking the true... I am ever so grateful for your strong and uplifting words.


  33. Hi - I am your newest follower - am wondering how it was I never stumbled across your blog before? Anyway - nice to 'meet' have a lovely page. Lou x

  34. Hello darling, hope the detox is going well...I've never been able to do that, just too much socializing & not enough will power! Today, I have an award for you at my place. Take your time posting about it, don't interrupt your serious health challenge. xx's

  35. Hi Charlotta, you can take as much time off as you need whenever you need, we will always be waiting for you. It is healthy to step away at times...but I'm glad you are back! Hope your detox is going well and yey for your trip to Sweden! much love to you

  36. sooooo sorry to hear from the loss of your dear's never easy to go back on having a "normal " life when your heart is so full of pain and sorrow.Time is the only healer you have to your aid at the moment...time, the comfort of good friendships and love. Just take one day at a time...give yourself time to adjust to the loss and to accept the tragedy.Take time to ponder about your own life too,death always brings on us the sense of urgency to get on track with our revels itself as a fragile tapestry of moments,many moments that took our breath away.Go on with your life my friend,keep on inspiring all of us with the person that you are and your beautiful gift with words.
    Take a break from all and give yourself time to heal from this immense pain.
    We will be here when waiting for you when you are ready to come back.


  37. How wonderful to be able to have a nurturing trip home. Sounds like exactly what you need..and what a wonderful man you have to know just that! Interested to hear about your detox process...I like the idea, just not sure about the reality!! x

  38. a trip home sounds like a great idea, will do you the world of good!

    and did i read that right back there - did that say white chocolate scones???!!!! far out, another great idea! : )

  39. We've missed you in blogworld! There are few things a trip home can't fix but this is an understandably difficult loss. We are here for you no matter how hard it gets! Wishing you well :)

  40. Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving me a comment. you're blog is lovely. Hope your detox goes well.. I tried it once and wasn't so strong! x Trina

  41. sounds like you've got a great husband! hope the swedish weather will be good. thanks for your lovely comments - we went all over sardinia (or as much as we could in a week). there will be pictures on my journal blog! and yes, it has been possible to comment on my journal before, but i've closed commenting now because this blog is more personal than the other one - just my words and photos =)
    good luck with the detoxing - good thing you've done it before, sounds like you know the benefits!


Thank you for your feedback. Blogging would be no fun at all without you! xx Charlotta xx