Thursday, August 19, 2010

Changeing season and GIVE-AWAY..

Hello friends! The temperature is slowly warming up here in Sydney and we are enjoying the first signs of Spring. The Magnolia trees are in full bloom, every bush is full of tweeting birds and the ocean slowly changing colour from deep greeny-blue (technical term...) to a lovely lighter shade of aqua. Though I am totally embracing the impending Spring, I am actually preparing for Autumn and the upcoming trip to my beloved Sweden. Yay! The kids and I will be leaving at the beginning of September and will stay for a whole month when we'll be able to enjoy the height of Swedish Autumn. My dear husband will join us for a quick and cheery weekend in Stockholm whilst globetrotting around the globe for business. Which incidentally will include pheasant hunting in England, a U2 concert in Rome and lots more..  In case you were wondering and/or feeling sorry for him.. :) xx

From top left-right: 1. Google Image, 2. Robin Stubbert, 3. Paul Costello via Decorno, 4. Erin Ever After via Lovely Little Things

Autumn to me means rugging up & going for long walks, breathing the fresh crisp air and taking in the stunning foliage in all it's glory, lighting candles & fires at night, roasting chestnuts, & apples, raking & burning leaves, and cooking yummy dinners with friends & family. I am thinking rustic, hearty, yummy feasts served on a table dressed in Autumn colours & lots of candle light. A pitcher of red wine standing next to a tray of crusty bread and a vase of fabulous Autumn twigs & flowers. Mmmm...

Top left to right: 1. Joanna Henderson, 2. via Vitania's gorgeous Verdigris Vie, 3 & 4. Crush Party, 5. Le Creuset, 6.  Tina Rupp

And speaking of cooking, I find it hard (if not impossible) to survive Autumn & Winter cooking without a raft of reliable kitchen tools at hand. Be that for making an apple crumble with afternoon tea, a fun retro fondue feast, a Sunday roast, or a weekday casserole I think you all agree when I say that Le Creuset stands the test of time! Be it cast iron, ceramic, stainless steel, or stone-ware, their products are flexible, fun and easy to cook with. And they also look fabulous on table!! To me nothing feels easier & better than to cook-and-serve in the same dish and let me tell you, your food will never have looked so good as when served out of the Le Creuset 'Cassis range'!!

1. Domino archives, 2. unknown, 3. Le Creuset

Thanks to the wonderful and generous CSN Stores, I am giving my dear US & Canadian friends a chance to win a $60 gift-card that you can spend towards a piece of Le Creuset cookware, or on anything else you would rather get for that matter.. It is all up to you and with more than 200 stores online there is plenty to choose from! I know you will have fun shopping there!!

Top left to right: 1. Unknown, 2. Canadian House & Home, 3 & 5. Le Creuset, 4. Pottery Barn, 4. Everything Fabulous, 6. tumbr

All you need to do is: Leave a comment confirming you are indeed an active follower of Space for Inspiration. Do so before the 25th August 2010 and please also let me know where in the US or Canada you live. Please note that only comments with a live link-back/URL will be accepted. Merci! x

1. 100 Layer Cake and 2. Crush Party - a relatively new blog you will love!!

So spread the word, start planning your Autumn fondue fiesta and await the reveal of the winner on Wednesday 25th August 2010. Best of luck to all my entrees!! For those who don't live in the US/Canada region, please don't despair - there will be a global give-away coming up very soon! xx

Bonne chance / lycka till / good luck!
And thank you to CSN once again!

xx Charlotta


  1. I'm a current follower and I'm from Texas. What a great giveaway :)


  2. Dear Charlotta
    Like you I am waiting for spring and can feel the stirrings... How fantastic you are taking a trip home!!! wish i could come with you. although I think right now I am thinking of a summer holiday....

    You know I was just discussing with friends the other day that autumn in australia.. well at least in sydney.. is really quite a boring season.. we don't so much get those beautiful changes in colour.. or at least not where I live...

    Good luck to the US and Canadian Readers.. I also was just thinking about Le Creuset the other day.. .I've always wanted some in white!!!...

    Ciao ciao.. xxx Julie

  3. Hi there, I'm so waiting for Spring, getting a bit tired of Winter. Your hol's sound fab and so does your beautiful description of Autumn.

    I'm going good, thank you for asking.
    xoxo DJ
    Love the pic's, have that Paul Costello one, it's gorgeous.

  4. Just arrived at the beach house in Oregon, and I have promised to stay away from the computer. But this I am not missing! I have been trying to win a cobolt blue tea kettle for 4 months!

    I have been a follower since day one!

    Wonderful images, Charlotta!

    Hubby must be pumping up a lot of air miles! Maybe a free ticket to Seattle?

    A warm hug. Mon.

  5. Beautiful images my friend! Great, now i can actually enter one of these great CSN giveaways. I love CSN:-)

  6. So now the weathe is warming up... Well, cannot complain about the weather on our last days in Sydney, they were already sunny and glorious.

    Weather is turning here as well, the very hot wather ended few days ago, now we have more normal mid August weather in low 20's. Seems to similar in Sweden as well.

  7. Good morning Charlotta, just as you warm-up for Spring, we're cooling down for Autumn and I can take out my beloved but very elderly Le Creuset and once again cook those delicious slow-roasts and stews...with crusty bread, creamy potatoes and most importantly a large glass of red wine! Yum!!

    Where about in England is your husband joining-in the pheasant shoot?
    The young pheasants are all about here now, enjoying themselves under protection of the a few months they too will be slow roasting in my casserole dish!

    I hope you have a wonderful time in Sweden.

  8. haha i won't feel sorry for your husband now! a U2 concert in rome! amazing! and your pics are pretty :)

  9. Oh my god, such beautiful pictures! Also was really swept away when you describe in words what autumn means to you!
    Now I can´t wait for autumn to come(my favourite time of the year). I´m really lookinbg foward to it, always does this time of year.
    Hope you´ll have a great visit in Sweden!

  10. What a wonderful fall you have planned! I love all those images.

    My mother-in-law gave us a few pieces of Le Creuset for our wedding shower, and I am so thankful for her generousity. Those pieces will last my lifetime! I would love to add another one to my collection!

    I am a follower, and live in Boston, Massachusetts. I can't wait to see where all your readers are from!

  11. This post transported me, for a moment, out of the oppressive heat wave we've experienced all summer long. I am pining for fall and am in love with the beautiful montage of images you compiled. Count me in, a follower, from Georgia, and the aubergine Le Creuset would make a perfect addition to my fall wardrobe! Thanks Charlotta!!!

  12. i'm back in the blogging world. we went to finland for three weeks.

    that first picture!!!!!! love it.

    fall is my favorite season. no bugs, cool nights, warm days, beautiful colors, no more sweating... the only thing i hate about fall is halloween because stores are full of creepy scary stuff and i have to shield my super sensitive daughter from it all. i only like cute halloween.

    anyways, have an awesome trip to sweden. a full month there... heaven!

  13. I am a follower, from Oklahoma. That Le Creuset in Cassis photo makes me weak in the knees. That would be my dream set. Thanks to you and CSN for the awesome gift card giveaway, and for the opportunity to enter my name.

  14. loved all your answers down below. bumping into pierce brosnan etc. you've done a lot. it was fun to read all that.

    thanks for the book tips. i wrote the list down. i'm always on the hunt for good books. just one question: are these "clean" books? no swearing, disturbing scenes or detailed sex scenes? just checking to make sure. :)

  15. That's exactly what autumn means to me too! Summer is starting to wind down here so I'm getting myself excited for fall. Your post is really helping me :)

    And what a wonderful giveaway. I'm most definitely a follower!

    Oh and I'm with you on the Le Creuset. They're the best!


  16. Charlotta - your descriptions are so spot on and written in the most delicate language. Always in combination with beautiful photos, your blog is such a treat to read!

  17. of course I am a very active follower and I need to read your blog at least everyday. I am from Manila and I guess I won't get a chance to win your giveaway. those pictures are breathtaking.

  18. I adore your blog!!! Those pictures are completely dreamy...

    I live in Vancouver, British Colombia.

    I'm crossing my fingers and toes I win this one!!!


  19. Of course I am a follower! Great giveaway...the violet Crueset is amazing! Love CSN!

  20. I'm a follower and would love to be entered in your giveaway.

  21. I've just discovered your blog through Stacey at Design Addict Mom! Loved how you described Autumn, my favorite season despite being originally from the tropics - and your blog is just beautiful! (I'm a tad sleep-deprived myself, so forgive me if I'm incoherent :))

  22. Wow, purple Le Crueset, beautiful! Have a great trip home Charlotta!

  23. I just found you through Stacey, and so happy I did! Funny isn't it, I am living in Chile and preparing for spring as well. But reading all Northern hem's autumn wishes keeps autumn on the brain, doesn't it? Also that you'll be doing a little jump almost backwards in time to suddenly fall in Sweden! Happy trip!

  24. Hi Dear Charlotta,

    I love the pictures of the cookies... when you describe Australia and seosons I think about my home... we are also at the end of fall



  25. ahhhhh...autumn. The anticipation of it helps ease the ending of summer! I am indeed a follower and would love to add to my set ( of 1) of le creuset!

    And, yes I'm jealous of your husband getting to see U2 in Rome!!

    xo elizabeth

  26. awesome images.... so inspiring, I do love autumn! xoox

  27. Wow what an inspiring post again! You so rock girl!!! I hope you enjoy the autumn. I prefer spring and summer but we almost enter the autumn here in Holland.

    Hope you have a wonderful weekend my dear!


    Lise M.

  28. Hi Chalotta,

    I absolutely LOVE your blog! I just noticed that you kindly gave me a photo credit of a beautiful photo on your August 19th post. As much as I'd like to take credit, I wanted to let you know that I didn't take that photo.

    Many thanks,

  29. Charlotta, first of all your images are gorgeous - I love how you've arranged them. I would love to be seeing the beauty of spring slowly presenting itself as it is my favorite season, but fall is a close second and thankfully it is on its way.

    Thank you so much for stopping by the blog via Lana. I'm thrilled to hear you enjoyed visiting. =) I will becoming a follower of yours as well and consider me entered. I need to get started on my Le Creseut cookware collection.

    (I believe I'm supposed to tell you where in the US I live - Oregon).

    So nice to have found you as well. =)

  30. I had to "spring" into action on this one! Sounds like wonderful things on the agenda as you crawl out of your winter den. I follow near to the heart even though I'm far away :) XO, Kel

  31. A Swede in Australia, how fun! Love your blog, just found it throuh Stacey's blog and I'm now your newest follower :)

    Og ha en fin tur til Sverige! Høsten er kommet til Oslo også :)

  32. Hi Charlotta, just wanted to say hi and thanks for your lovely comments. This is such a beautiful post, you've chosen lovely pics. It's also getting warmer here in South Africa which makes me happy. Have a great weekend!x

    ps too bad I can't take part in your giveaway!

  33. Hey Charlotte! Great giveaway, I'm already a follower, but alas...I don't live in N.A., but good luck to all who enter.

    I love Scandinavia and Sweden! Have a fantastic trip!


  34. We are planning our spring down here. I loved your pictures, specially the combination of colours.
    Great blog!
    Kira (another nomad)

  35. Oh, Charlotta...! I am so happy to hear about your trip to Sweden! And during autumn no less..! The images are all's my absolute favorite time of year.

    Well, I'm just really glad and I know you are going to have a wonderful time. (I wish I could meet you there... Someday!!)

    much love to all of you.

  36. I just started following you, I found you via Stacey @ "Design Addict Mom" and I'm so glad I did, I totally in love with your pictures :D


    P.s Awesome giveaway, hon

  37. Just found your blog today and love it. I am now a follower. :)

  38. Hej vännen,

    Skickade just en msg till din FB :).

    Måste helt enkelt kolla din blogg efter att på mycket länge inte ha kollat nån blogg (med undantag av min tvillingsyrra Avas blogg), och STORNJÖT av det hur du beskrev hösten!! TACK!! Jag som inte alls var färdig för hösten utan ville att sommaren skulle fortsätta lite längre, ändrade faktiskt på åsikt tack vare det du skrev :)!

    NJUT NJUT NJUT av er en-månad långa semester i Sverige, och när ni väl är tillbaka hemma igen, så får ni njuta av våren där :). Härligt!!

    Stor kram,

  39. you are going home!!!! how wonderful charlotta. i am with you fall is so glorious and love the traditions, smells, clothes, food........all of it. will we be hearing from you in sweden? sending lots of photo's?

  40. Your pictures are wonderful! I am a current follower, from Louisiana. Thank you for the entry.

  41. mmmm pity I am in Amsterdam. Wishing my US & Canadian blogger sisters good luck with winning this great gift certificate!

  42. i follow you (Nancy, nblexp at gmail dot com)

    Your blog is gorgeous!

  43. Charlotta these mood boards are AMAZING!! Loving all of them..



Thank you for your feedback. Blogging would be no fun at all without you! xx Charlotta xx