Monday, August 2, 2010

Squeeky clean..

Hello my dears! So you've been wondering about the detox!?
Well today is 'day 13' and it is all going well and smoothly. In fact, this time it has not been all that hard for me (thankfully) and I am more enjoying the benefits than dwelling over the sacrifices or not-so-great side-effects. I feel pretty comfortable actually and am not too upset about only being half-way through my programme. I know that it is doing me the world of good and that I'll feel fantastic at the end of it!..

Many of you have been so sweet with supportive comments & emails, which has been great!  Thank you for that - it has helped me a lot! xx
There have also been a fair few questions that I thought I'd answer here rather than sending individual replies. Though of course you are more than welcome to email me for more info if you feel this is not enough. x

Why do a detox?

By Sweet Memories via Sweet Memories

A good detox programme will give your whole body (,spirit and mind) a much needed 'rest' from having to deal with the pollutants we tend to consume & surround ourselves with daily.  
Think of it as a way of de-congesting your internal organs, external features, your mental ability, and emotional self.
Your entire body will be given a chance to 'cleanse' itself from within and get rid of stored toxins that prevent us from looking & feeling our best, and performing at maximum capacity. I will go so far as to say that everyone needs a detox once in a while!

In essence, the cornerstones of any good detox are:
Eliminate key pollutants such as caffeine, alcohol, red meat, dairy, sugar, salt, wheat, processed foods etc.
Expel stored toxins, parasites and blockages.
Nourish your body with 'clean foods' loaded with nutrition and goodness.
Restore the natural balance in your body to enhance key organ function and digestion. 
Refresh your external features, brain and emotional balance.

Top row from left to right: 1. Il tuo tesoro via French Blue, 2. Bottom of the Ironing Basket, 3. Chromata Hotel SantoriniBottom row from left to right: 1. Canelle et Vanille, 2. Google image, 3. Bottom of the Ironing Basket

What are the benefits? Do you loose weight?
The core and most important benefit is that your body will heal itself from within. Not only will this result in your liver being able to deal with daily filtering of toxins in your blood, it will also mean your digestive functions will operate at a normal capacity. 
All of this will result in a number of physical, psychological and emotional benefits such as:
- Your skin will become clearer, smoother and rosier
- Your eyes sparklier & the colour enhanced
- Your stomach flatter, less unsettled and/or bloated)
- Your hair shinier
- Your senses stronger (smell, taste etc)
- Your energy higher
- Your sleep better 
- Your bood & oxhygen circulation better.
- Your brain more alert (incl memory)
- Your 'toilet habits' more regular & frequent
- Your breath fresher (check the colour of your tongue..)
- Your mood more stable
- Your spirits up
.. and you will generally just feel lighter, brighter, happier, and more refreshed...! People will notice and comment!

And of course, because you are helping your internal organs to function as they are intended, your digestion & metabolism will speed up and you will likely shed a few kilos. 
Though please don't use a detox for this purpouse only. Instead focus on the inside of your body and know that when it is well nourished and free of blockages, your outer body will feel and look fantastic (including being lean and slim). 
Living a toxin-free life, eating clean & pure foods, and regularly helping the body to function at maximum capacity can add years to your life, help relieve allergies, heal injuries, cure illnesses, boost your immune system, and lift clinical depression! I speak from first-hand experience here, so please trust the process!

How often and for how long?
In the past few years I have done a 2-4 week detox three or so times a year, however this time I am doing a full 6+ weeks as I know the body benefits the most when completing a minimum of 30 days.
Though any kind of 'cleansing programme' will be beneficial, I think that gradual and long term change is the most sustainable. 
In my opinion bad, unhealthy, or negative habits can truly only be broken after a good month (2-3 months is ideal) of slow and persistent adjustments. Again I say this with experience, and know how easy it is to be good for a while and then fall back into old routines and thereby end up where you started. Is there anything more frustrating than having to start over..!?!

If you are breaking a so called 'candida cycle' (click on the term and read more), or need to 'rebuild a fatty liver' you may need to stay on a detox programme for up to 8 weeks (or longer). NB! I would not recommend you embark on this without professional guidance. Please speak to a qualified Naturopath first!
Also, whilst on 'not recommended' - I am very much against the so called 'Lemon detox'. Not only does it shock your system (which can be dangerous!) but it also deprives your body of essential nutrients that are required when you are expecting it to clean and heal itself! Remember, the focus is to gently help your body heal itself, not deprive it!

How do it and do you need to follow a programme? Is it hard?
To kick start the programme, I usually buy a so called 'detox kits' and our favourite one is the 'GNC Detox Kit'. I know it is by an Australian brand so you may not find them where you live, but perhaps print the content sheet and bring to your local health food store or naturopath for input on similar products.

I just realized that you may not know what I mean when I say 'detox kit'..  Sorry.. Basically it is a box containing an outline of the programme, including instructions, diet recommendations, common side effects, menu plans etc. 
It also contains herbal supplements aimed to help various parts of your body to release & eliminate stored toxins. For example, the 'GNC kits' contain tablets for the liver, stomach, small intestines and colon. The tablets are taken at various times per day during the entire programme and are excellent when used in combination with the recommended foods. 
Other detox kits (put together by a naturopath) may include a 'parasite detox' agent. These are fantastic and I can highly recommend THIS company for many wonderful products!

What can't you eat?
As mentioned above (and in essence), the key restrictions are:
- White / refined flour products (wheat breads, white pasta & rice etc)
- Sugar, sweets and table salt You can use limited sea salt flakes at times, but try to cut it out all together by week 2-3. Salt retains fluid and binds fatty tissue like nothing else..!
- Dairy products deriving from cows (cheese, milk, butter, cream etc..). The only exception is 'live natural Greek style yogurt'.
- Alcohol, coffee/non-herbal tea, commercial fruit juices, soft drinks, energy drinks etc.
- Gluten and yeast.
- Red meat and small goods (i.e. sliced cold meats such as ham, bacon, salami, sausage, turkey etc)
- Pre-fab, modified and processed foods.
- And of course you mustn't smoke or take any other harmful chemicals during your detox! Or any other time for that matter! x

  Forbidden foods from top row left to right: 1. Karen Mordechai for Sunday Suppers, 2. Patterson Maker
3. I'ts Mary Ruffle  Row two from left to right: 1 & 3. Canelle et Vanille , 2. Tartlette

Though hard the first time you do a detox, it becomes easier to find substitutes and to establish a regular routine where you eat an array of clean and yummy foods that you know will nourish and support your body.
I am a huge believer in using certified organic, cruelty & chemical-free foods. Not only during a detox but full stop. 
There is enough scientific evidence to prove that certified organic produce is higher in nutrients, and there are enough people swearing it tastes better too! If you can't afford to switch 100%, just replace the foods you eat the most of with organic brands and notice the difference in how you look and feel!..
As a mother I feel so much better knowing my children are growing up eating clean and toxin free foods!

So what can you eat?
My programme separates foods that I can have every day with ones that I can enjoy once or twice a week.
For instance you can eat as much vegetables, fruit, fresh fish, seeds, berries, hummous, seafood, nuts and sprouts as you want.
Lean (skinless!) chicken breast, eggs, tinned fish, live Greek style yogurt, pasta (made from spelt, corn, rice or millet), goats cheese, and tofu are allowed once or twice a week.
You can also enjoy all types of herbal teas, and I especially recommend Green tea and Dandelion tea as these enhance liver function as well as support the digestive system very well.

For me a typical day on the programme may look like this (though of course I don't stick to just this menu):

Bowl of natural live yogurt drizzled with raw Manuka honey and topped with raw musli and sliced banana & blueberries. A big glass of freshly squeezed juice or filtered water with a squeeze of lemon/lime.
Toasted Spelt sourdough bread (yeast and gluten free) with mashed avocado, a faint sprinkle of sea salt and topped with rocket & sliced tomatoes. YUM!
And on a weekend (like this morning) I add a boiled egg to boost my protein and omega intake.

Bowl of pumpkin soup loaded with extra vegetables such as carrot, leek, cherry tomatoes and sometimes also fresh peeled prawns.
If I didn't have any bread for breakfast then I sometimes have two pieces of toast topped with grilled mushrooms, or smoked salmon.

Oven baked fish with a nice tray of roasted vegetables and a big salad.
We might fire up the BBQ and enjoy chicken fillets that has been marinated in natural yogurt, lemons, garlic, and fresh rosemary.

How to make: 
1 large tub of Greek/Turkish style natural yogurt. 
Crushed garlic to taste (I use 3 medium cloves), the juice of 1/2 lemon and the other half sliced, two large twigs of rosemary (bruised) and some chillipepper if you want a little 'punch'. 
Put all of this in a zip-lock plastic bag along with your cleaned chicken breast fillets (3-4). 
Squeeze the bag to 'exhale' the air and then massage it a little so that all ingredients mix with the chicken. Seal and leave on a plate (with the zip lock facing up) in your fridge for at least four hours. Remove from the fridge 1/2 before cooking. Remove it from the marinade (but don't rinse or scrape off what is stuck to the fillets) and BBQ till cooked through.

Fruit salad 
Dairy-free smoothie or frappe
Cup of salt-reduced miso-soup and corn crackers with mashed avocado or hummous.
Frozen natural live yogurt sweetened with fruit, berries or honey

Doesn't sound too bad does it? In fact, once you get the hang of it, the options are endless and you'll find yourself enjoying your detox rather than dreading what you have had to leave behind. I
If you log onto the GNC site and look in the 'food guide' you can see more menu options that you can try for fun, and without doing a full detox.
And may I say here that I am not sponsored by these guys. I just happen to like their products. They work for me, but you may prefer some other brand. x

What are the negative side-effects?
Of course there are some not so great side-effects, but that said I honestly believe that they are worth all the benefits you will enjoy later!
The hardest part of the programme are the first four days. That is when you will feel your worst and you might get/feel:
sore joints
aching internal organs (kidneys - lower back)
mood swings
hunger pangs
diarrhea (or at least 'loose stools') Sorry for being graphic..
..and a general feeling of coming down with the flue or a cold.
You may even get sick for real, as the body is encouraged to eliminate blockages and expel impurities. This is all good though and try to see it as part of a 'good process'. You will reap so many rewards after this limited and one-off rough patch.

I know all of this may sound scary, but think of how bad it is to have all the toxins sitting in your body rather than being eliminated...!
In fact the more toxins are in your body when you start, the worse you will feel so you may want to start cutting down on (toxic) things a week or two before you start the actual programme. E.g. reduce the number of coffees a day/week, halve the amount of sugar, stop fizzy drinks, have a 'bread or meat free day' twice or so a week etc..

The best thing is to also be prepared and to time your first detox so that those first few days fall partly over a weekend or an extended break. 
Most of all though, persist, stay focused and be kind to yourself! All of these nasties will only last a few days and that after that, you'll feel great!

Do you do special exercises or treatments during the detox?
The typical stressed out 'working mother' that I am, I don't get to enjoy a lot of free 'me time'. But I do try to spend as much time as I possibly can outside - I walk, stretch and try to be active without diving into some particular exercise routine.
Having said that, it is proven that doing aerobics, pilates, yoga and/or any other exercise will help stimulate the detoxification and help your body eliminate faster.  So if you have the time, do try and exercise a few times a week but the most important thing is to listen to your body and don't force yourself. Remember change has to be gradual and should be reasonably enjoyable in the process!!

On a more pleasant note.. Having reflexology, acupuncture, deep tissue massage, infra-red sauna and mud wraps will help immensely (both physically and emotionally). 
If you don't have the time or money for spa treatments, enjoy long hot showers, scrub your body with an exfoliation mitten daily (your skin is the largest bodily organ and it will expel toxins to the surface), walk rather than drive, massage your feet before you go to bed, and generally just be kind to yourself.
Also sleep! Sleep is the single most beneficial and rewarding thing you can give yourself. There is nothing that doesn't feel easier, better or more manageable after a good night's sleep!

Are you still with me.. We are nearly done... ;) Just a final summary..

1. Do it together with a partner/friend

Marshall (my dear sweet husband) and I always do this together. I can't tell you how much of a difference this makes and how nice it is to have someone who is in the same boat! So encourage your own husbands, boyfriends, partners and/or house mates to join you on this journey and have fun!
Though don't inflict this on your children. Detoxing is for grown-ups only! x

2. Ease into it

Start cutting down on key pollutants a week or so ahead of the programme to ease the side-effects. Weaning is a whole lot easier than going 'cold turkey'!

3. Plan ahead

Make sure you choose your timing well, and that you stock your pantry and fridge with 'allowed foods' only as it is easy to slip when temptation is staring you in the eyes.. Also avoid starting the detox at times when you know you will need to perform your best or won't have time to rest and recharge.

5. Go organic and pesticide free!

via the Daily Green

Swap to organic and pure foods if you can afford it - it makes a real and tangible difference. Especially in children!! You will be amazed.. Thank me later! ;)

6. Be kind to yourself, rest and take it easy!

Make it as easy as possible, don't abandon the programme if you slip once or so, allow yourself to rest & take it easy, treat yourself to a massage, praise yourself on your great work and enjoy your self!

7. Drink LOTS of water & herbal tea!

Unless your house is fitted with a water filtering system (if you can afford it - do it!), buy a Brita filter jug at your nearest health food store or super market. Unfiltered water may be deemed 'safe' but is full of pollutants, parasites and pesticides. Also, indulge in freshly squeezed juices (though not orange as this will bloat you terribly!).

8. Enjoy the benefits and congratulate yourself on a brilliant job!

1. Photography and styling by Karen Mordechai for Sunday Suppers, 2. Pink and Soft

Notice the difference in you appearance and enjoy the compliments your friends will give you!

So that's it my friends - a long and detailed post..! 
After this detox round, I will do my next one after Xmas and if anyone wishes to join me then, please let me know. I'd love the company and welcome all blog-detox-buddies along on the journey! ;)

Happy 'New Week' and hugs to all!
xx Charlotta


  1. wow it sounds amazing! your menu sounds like something i can jump on board with :)

  2. Hi Charlotta!
    Lots of interesting information and of course very beautiful and inspirational photos. I truly admire your character!
    Ps. The photo of the clocks comes from I had the same one on my blog. Ds
    Take good care of you!

  3. Dear Charlotta,

    What a brilliant post, thank you so very much for sharing that, I will join you in your next detox and start to intoduce some of your healthy ideas before then.

    I have been thinking about you, I do hope you are beginning to heal a little after the loss of your friend.

    Take Care


  4. First vacation, then Detox! you convinced me my dear. If i'm in Sweden i will say "hello"from you.

  5. Charlotta, thank you so much for all the information on your program. While I have not done anything that specific, I do try to cut down on sweets and caffeine at certain points thru the year. I do agree, the benefits to your body are tremendous. You are so wise to listen to your body and try to do the best that you can for yourself.

    Again, thank you for your help with my blog e-mail subscription. You are a joy!

    Love, Donna

  6. This is a very informative post. I remember as a child growing up in Jamaica, each summer before going back to school, my parents would have us do a little "detoxing." However, it wasn't as elaborate as yours is, but it was effective. We drank this horrible tasting concoction every morning. I am with you regarding the organic purchases( a bit more expensive, but so worth it).

  7. I really need a detox but I simply postpone. my body can really need a break. thanks you for all the info. I am going to have a go at it after my holiday xoxo

  8. Wow, you are so brave Charlotta!!! Thanks for sharing this beautiful story! I know you can do it and you will feel so good after this month. I usually take shorter detox programs but I know it works out well!

    Take care honey!! You are the best!

  9. wow amazing post Charlotta. thanks for sharing! maybe some day I will be brave enough... xo

  10. Wow. Great post. Hmm, never thought of doing one before. Hmmm, will have to think about it some more, but loved the information. Thanks.

  11. Oh Wow! Fantastic post, I have always wanted the full scoop!! I am at the beach on vacation, and after the tour of bad & fast food this sounds completely wonderful. I thought of emailing you the other day to say hello, and now I know what you're up to :) That is wonderful that Marshall is all in as well. Two heads are better than one and reciprocating encouragement is priceless and one of the benefits to a lovely marriage. Happy Detoxing! XOXO, Kel

  12. Charlotta, Thanks so much for this detailed and helpful post. You are an inspiration to me!

  13. Charlotta, this is so inspiring. I think I'm in need of baby steps before I go the whole way, but reading this makes me want to do it!! Sounds like you are enjoying the benefits!!!
    ~ Elizabeth

  14. What a fabulously informative post! I've been tempted to do a detox for years. My step-mother is a nutritionist/natural foods chef and author and even prepared a kit for me but I've never gotten around to it. I think I'm going to finally do it after the summer.

    Glad that it is going so well for you and thanks for providing such insight :)

  15. sigh, all of these pictures are making me oh so dreamy!

  16. Charlotta - you are full of infinite wisdom. You may have just inspired me to do a little detox round myself (you don't know how monumental that is, but if you saw my kitchen full of ramen noodles, captain crunch, whipped cream and pepsi you would be impressed...thank goodness I am not in charge of nourishing children!).
    If nothing else, perhaps I will join you after Christmas.
    P.S. The BBQ Chicken recipe sounds delicious. Any specific ratios? I must try this.

  17. Charlotta! what a fantastic and helpful post! I try to do something similar every year after christmas and new years also, I like to start the new year with a cleaner, lighter body and soul, so I am definitely IN to join you on your next detox! I do agree that it's hard at first, but definitely one of the best things we can ever do for our bodies. THANK YOU for a great, detailed post on your method :)

  18. Hi Charlotta,

    Yes, it has been awhile. I have had limited time in this land of blog lately and had been thinking of you a lot when I opened my dashboard to see your comments. It is always such a pleasure to hear from you!

    I am sorry about your friend Marija. Such an untimely and sad loss. Another blogger friend of mine wrote about her death also. She seems to have touched many lives with her kindness.

    Congratulations on doing this de-tox program. It sounds like the benefits are innumerable. I have been closely tending to what I eat to see if it has an impact on my autoimmune issues. So far that entire process remains a mystery to me. I am all for making more healthy choices in how we live and in what we eat. Kudos to you, my friend!

    And you are right-- we do share the exact same design aesthetic. Great minds...

    Enjoy the rest of your week!

  19. Beautiful photos as always! Thank you for such an informative post. I've always been skeptical of "detoxing" but the menu and regimen you've described sounds so healthy and delicious. Done. I am going on the GNC website. :) xo

  20. Hello everyone and thanks for persisting with this super long post..! x

    Krystal - Yes, it is amazing to go through a detox and how great you feel after. Join me on my next one - after Xmas?! x

    Tina - Hej! Thank you my dear. Yes it does take a bit of character to stick to it, and that is why I recommend you do it with someone who you trust and know well. Thanks for the picture reference. I updated the post. xx

    Cowparsley girl - I so love your blog! Hope you can send me that information.. x

    Linda - Your trip sounds so much fun. How great that you are doing that! I'd love it if you send my love to my beloved Sweden! Though I will be there soon to kiss the motherland myself! :)

    Donna - Thank you my dear. Both for the comment and for enduring through this marathon post.. :) You're welcome re the email subscription - the pleasure is all mine.. :)

    Stacey - Hello gorgeous girl with fast expanding blog!! :) Glad you too are embracing the organic lifestyle - it does make a difference. Especially in our kids. I am attending a seminar on 'toxin free kids' next week - will be interesting. x

    Marsiska - Yes, just do it! The more you think about it the scarier it gets. Just get the kit, get rid of all the 'temptations' from your fridge, freezer and pantry and get going! You won't regret it! Even if you just cut out coffee, softdrinks and bread for a week you'll feel so much better! xx

    Lise - Thanks hon! Am thinking about you and your mum. How's everything? xx

    Caroline - Hello my dear. Have missed you here. x I know you can do this too - you're super strong! Though do it in Summer.. it's easier.. xx

    xx Charlotta

  21. D Jean Quarles - I would so love to hear more about your books! If/when you have time please drop me an email. x

    Kel - hi hon. xx Your comments are always so nice. Hoping your holiday is great. Yes! Do the detox when you get home - you'll feel great! Marshall is fantastic - so loyal and supportive. My rock! Hugs xx

    Sue - Thanks sweetie! You know I love you! xx

    Elizabeth - Yes start with little changes before you go full throttle! Any changes to enhance your life are good but make sure they are sustainable and that you can live life to the full whilst making them ! Loving the benefits! xx

    Alternative Wife - Hello my friend. x OMG I wish my M.I.L was that. What a great resource to have. Do it do it do it!!.. xx

    Chelsea - Welcome here my dear. So nice to have you. Hope you come back. Will visit you soon. Thanks for your comment. x

    Leigha - Love, it would be great if you joined me on the next one. I'll email you the chicken recipe. It's yum!!

    Nuit - Yes I know what you mean. It makes for a great start to a new year, or season. xx

    Anne - Hello! So nice to have you here again. x Yes, I know what you mean - time is a treasured resource. Re Marija. Thank you. It is so sad that she is gone. I think of her daily and miss her so much! Yes, she touched many. xx

    Dreaming of palmtrees girl - hello and welcome to my little corner. So nice that you popped in. I'll visit your blog soon. Thanks for your comment. Glad you liked. xx

    Hugs to all - you are the best!

    xx Charlotta

  22. D Jean Quarles - I would so love to hear more about your books! If/when you have time please drop me an email. x

    Kel - hi hon. xx Your comments are always so nice. Hoping your holiday is great. Yes! Do the detox when you get home - you'll feel great! Marshall is fantastic - so loyal and supportive. My rock! Hugs xx

    Sue - Thanks sweetie! You know I love you! xx

    Elizabeth - Yes start with little changes before you go full throttle! Any changes to enhance your life are good but make sure they are sustainable and that you can live life to the full whilst making them ! Loving the benefits! xx

    Alternative Wife - Hello my friend. x OMG I wish my M.I.L was that. What a great resource to have. Do it do it do it!!.. xx

    Chelsea - Welcome here my dear. So nice to have you. Hope you come back. Will visit you soon. Thanks for your comment. x

    Leigha - Love, it would be great if you joined me on the next one. I'll email you the chicken recipe. It's yum!!

    Nuit - Yes I know what you mean. It makes for a great start to a new year, or season. xx

    Anne - Hello! So nice to have you here again. x Yes, I know what you mean - time is a treasured resource. Re Marija. Thank you. It is so sad that she is gone. I think of her daily and miss her so much! Yes, she touched many. xx

    Dreaming of palmtrees girl - hello and welcome to my little corner. So nice that you popped in. I'll visit your blog soon. Thanks for your comment. Glad you liked. xx

    Hugs to all - you are the best!

    xx Charlotta

  23. Very inspiring indeed!
    I would love to join you after the mean time, will give it a bash myself...nearly summer here in Cape Town, South Africa...looking forward to feeling and looking refreshed!
    Loving our blog...just found it.

  24. Hi Ingrid - Such a Swedish name.. Are you from there as well?

    Thank you for stopping by and for becoming a follower. I am thrilled to have you! x

    Yay - join me on the next round. It will be fun. Also it will be a whole lot easier for me given it will be Summer here then. A proper detox is always easier when it is warm outside and the markets are overflowing with yummy fresh fruit and vege.

    Will pop into your blog soon and say 'hi'.

    x Charlotta

  25. Hi Charlotta, what an amazing post. And so informative. I actually think I could quite happily more than enjoy that great sounding menu, but I so admire you for sticking at it for 30 days. I guess you have the experience to know how much you're gaining by doing this for yourself. Now you've got me thinking...

  26. C, you blog is looking abs amazing. i love the new look of images you are compiling for us. A detox sure would be nice. i have been bad bad bad to my body recently.
    i always say i am going to do it, but lose the will. someday for sure..xx

  27. You always have the most beautiful pictures on your blog! Love these ones here. Sorry it's taken me so long to follow your lovely blog! I am now and look forward to more!

  28. Hej Charlotta

    Thank you for your kind comment!
    Yes it is such a delightful book.
    Hmmm... this is very interestingi
    I think I may join you...sounds like a v.good idea
    Ha en trevligt helg

  29. I a always been a huge fan of the detox diet.. and yes your post has inspird me to start my own plan as well.. I might be posting some of my tried and tested yum recipes to encourage your readers.. you covered it all very well.. but i was wondering how do you come off the diet... ?? I mean how do you start going back to the normal routine.. maybe you should tell us more about that as well.. thanks love Samia

  30. I'm so glad you posted this. I have been wanting to do this, but have been nervous about the side effects, and quite honestly the mental stamina to do this. I feel I can do this. I will be going by the health food store first thing in the morning to go pick up the detox kit.

    Much love,



Thank you for your feedback. Blogging would be no fun at all without you! xx Charlotta xx