Saturday, August 14, 2010

To lie here and listen to the rain..

Marie Claire Maison via My Creative Pathway 

Why on Earth that TV is there is beyond me..!

Have a gorgeous weekend everyone and thank you so much for all your kind and supportive comments re Isabella. She is slowly recovering and improving, allowing us all to relax a little. I am catching up on some much needed sleep this weekend.. No wonder I am drawn to bedrooms like this one right..!?!

Hugs to all you guys!

xx Charlotta


  1. Sounds great your daughter is recovering. Hope you´ll have a nice and calm weekend!
    Have to agree with you on the TV. This is truly a room with a wiew. Why would anyone even come up with the idea of putting it there? :) (Being addicted to TV myself)
    Take good care of you and your family!

  2. Before I read your caption, I was thinking the same thing. A TV - really? Crazy. Hope you get your much needed rest.

  3. oh Charlotta I can see why you are drawn to gorgeous bedrooms! hope beautiful Isabella gets better and you can all relax and have a great weekend! xo

  4. Åh vad skönt att hon börjar må bättre! Det är inte roligt när de små är dåliga. Jag tar mycket hellre sjukdomarna själv än att barnen har dem.

    Funderar också över den där tv:n... helt galet juh!

    Ha en mysig helg.

    Kram Jenny

  5. I am so sorry to hear of your daughter's virus and hope that she is doing much better and that you all get some needed rest. I enjoyed reading some of your posts today and especially enjoyed the award post. Your express yourself so well and it was a delight getting to know you through your answers. Rest...........

  6. Wishing you a peaceful weekend filled with REST and relaxation. There is something about a TV in a bedroom that bothers me to begin with, but with that view, what more does a person need, honestly?

  7. What a gorgeous picture (tv not withstanding). Your blog is lovely!!

    Jessa xx

  8. Seriously, who would want to watch tv with a view like that!? I know you're exhausted. I hope that Isabella is feeling much better and that you'll get some much needed rest. Happy and peaceful weekend to you! xoxo

  9. Agree nature's view is far better than the TV! Best wishes to you and your family. Jane :)

  10. charlotta
    so good to hear that sweet isabella is doing better xo.
    enjoy a restful weekend

  11. I thought that about the tv too...

    I hope you have a wonderful weekend!!

  12. oh, what a stunning room. and i agree on the TV!!

    have a great weekend, jxx

  13. Hi Charllota,I am so sorry to hear of your daughter's virus and hope that she is doing much better today.Have you tried supplementing her diet with selenium? The soil in Australia an NZ do not have this important mineral as is a volcanic soil and selenium is very important to keep the immune system strong.After many years of much struggle to keep the kids stronger against so many seasonal virus I was asked to add that to their diet and to my surprise, their almost never got sick after that.
    Hope you get some rest soon.

  14. I hope you will get some rest. And some familly love. Kram!

  15. Wishing you a fantastic weekedn and speedy recovery to your daughter. Thanks for sharing the inspiring photo - the TV in the middle of that paradisaical scene did make us laugh out loud too!
    xoo Edie & Rhonda

  16. Oh can I live in that room?? Looks like pure bliss - and you're right, why the tv? :)

    Glad to hear your daughter is getting better - sending good wishes your way!!

  17. Goodness me that is one stunning outlook from a bedroom! xx

  18. I really wish I could find a way to crawl inside your blog Charlotta! So beautiful.

    I hope Isabella is feeling better, how lucky she is to have you!


  19. You're right about that TV - for shame! Perhaps it should have at least been removed for the photograph...and then covertly enjoyed in private guilt. :)

  20. What a gorgeous bedroom! It's probably a good thing mine does NOT look like that, otherwise I would never get anything done! I agree, that TV is totally out of place, it's not even a pretty tv - can someone photoshop it out of this picture?!


Thank you for your feedback. Blogging would be no fun at all without you! xx Charlotta xx