Friday, September 24, 2010

Guest post 04: 'Golden Fall' by Monika of the Splendid Willow..

Hello all, Monika from Splendid Willow here. I am truly honored to be guest posting today when my close blog sis Charlotta is enjoying Fall in Sweden with family and friends.

As many of you might already know, I am also a native Swede, but resides on the other side of the planet, in beautiful Seattle, USA.

Fall has arrived here too - and I could not be happier! I love this time of the year! The air is crisp, the leaves are magical with their rich colors and life gets more earthy and cozy.

Fall also means harvest and mushroom season. I am huge mushroom lover - especially chantarelles and "trumpet mushrooms" (horns of plenty).

I have picked basket loads in my days. And let me tell you, that's quite a few days...

And when I come home with my golden friends, this simple, basic mushroom dish is a fall must (try it!):

Monika's Golden Fall Dish:

(Brush off the dirt of the musrooms. Don't clean them with water or they turn into sponges!)

one. Fry up some shallots with butter and add a little crushed garlic

two. Put the fresh chantarelles (tear them into small parts) into the pan together with the onions and garlic

three. Add some fresh parsley

four. Fry for a few minutes

five. Add some salt and pepper according to taste (Mine are more on the salty side)

six. Put a fresh toast (good bread, people!) in the toaster (or heat up in the oven)

seven. Overload the toast with the chantarelles

eight. Enjoy with a glass of wine and a salad. Eat while it is warm and salute fall!

This is also the season to start investing in a few new fashion items to endure the colder weather. A warm, cozy sweather and a nice pair of boots are always a must. These Sam Edelman boots are making me quite happy.

And this sweater from Antropologie.

This is also the season to get really crafty for the upcoming holidays. I like my decor simple. The fewer things, the more you see!

Ultimately, Fall to me is all about cocooning and spending lots of quality time with family, and darker days don't scare me ( I come from Sweden after all!). This is a good time to fill up your heart and soul (and stomach) with goodness for Winter.

Thank you for having me here today, Charlotta! I am sad we are not on the same side of the world, so we could go mushroom picking together! And share that bottle of wine we keep talking about. One of these days...
Fall hugs to you and all of your readers!

Image credits: 1-4) Flickr, 5+6) thegoodmoodfoodblog, 9) Sweet Paul, 10) Unknown (sorry), 11) Homelife

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TUSEN TACK my dear sis for this gorgeous Autumn post, and thank goodness I am in Sweden right now so that I can enjoy chantarelles by the handfull..! They are amongst my favourite things to eat - them, and Swedish crayfish!! And when we finally manage to synchronise our travels, there will be more than just one bottle of wine.. Of that I am sure!  ;) xx

Now for those of you who read my blog regularly, you will be very familiar with Monika's wonderful blog 'Splendid Willow'. For those who are new to the name, please do not wait another minute to click the banner, and know that you will be transported to an amazing world of style and inspiration. Be sure to sign up to the email subscription and look forward to wonderful posts of addictive reading!

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In a few days you will be able to meet another gorgeous Swedish girl here on Space for Inspiration, namely Tina of the lovely blog 'Komma Hem'. Tina is not only adorable & a wonderful friend, but she has also got a fabulous eye for style and design. I hope you will join her here on the 26th September.

xx Charlotta


  1. Such a beautiful post...I can almost taste those mushrooms....YUM!!


  2. Mon,
    Gorgeous, gorgeous post! I am yet to visit Seattle and it's on my list for places to visit. Hope you're having tons of fun dearest Charlotta! xx

  3. Beautiful images. I don't like mushrooms but my daughter does and she is living in....SEATTLE. She has been there for a year now (school) and being a native of Phoenix, is really missing sunshine, I'll send her the link to this post so she can find something to celebrate about your weather. She also loves to cook so it seems perfect for her.

  4. yumm!!! those mushrooms!!!!

    ah and Seattle rocks ;)

  5. Beautiful post with beautiful pictures Charlotta...


  6. Great post Monika! Love the boots and sweater!

  7. Amazing post ... very in love with the last picture. there is a vintage charm about it. also love mushrooms. yum! x

  8. Beautiful Monika
    One of my favourite snacks.. mushrooms on toast and now I must remember to stop washing mine!!!

    That shot with the light through the trees is superb and the scrappy tufted chair is just waiting for me....

    Two of my favourite bloggers in one place!! fabulous.. A great weekend to both of you! xxx Julie

  9. Thank you for that taste of fall I have yet to indulge in! Today my car read 96 degrees waiting for my son to get out of school. Whew! I can't wait to partake in the festive fall decor, foods, and fashion :) Lovely, and love to the both you you! XO, Kelly

  10. I love Seattle more than any city in the USA. I would move there in an instant. Beautiful photography, & those mushrooms are simply to D.I.E. for. I'll be visiting you often. xx's

  11. I love mushrooms too! Sauteed with some butter and salt, yum!! One of my best friends lives in Seattle and I have yet to visit - I only hear great things! Lovely post Monika, really enjoyed it :) xo

  12. Thanks for the recipe on the mushrooms Monika! Looks delicious! I love cooking with them too.

    p.s. gotta love the sexy boots. I have something similar, but unfortunately they don't have a zipper, so it takes a while to tie them up. :-))

    big online HUG to your Charlotte! I hope you're having a great time back home!

  13. Fall in Seattle looks like a dream - so cosy and inspiring. Thanks for the perfect Friday post, Mon!

  14. OMG, I can smell the delicious chantarelles through my computer screen! I would love to go to the woods and find some of my own! Lovely!
    The boots looks fabolous, bet they will look great on you!
    Totally agree with you on 'The fewer things the more you se'. That is so true!
    Ps. Loved your idea of putting lots of interior design books underneath my Supertube. Unfortenately that nisch is made for a flatsecreen- TV in my kitchen. But that gave me some other great ideas, so thank you!
    Great post, full of fall- inspiration. I enjoy it fully!
    Lots of hugs!

  15. Dear Charlotta,

    Thank you so much for having me as a guest poster. I had so much fun putting the text and photos together - it kicked started fall season in my heart too!

    Have a wonderful weekend with family and friends. And think of me if you spy some chantarelles!

    A warm hug,


    P.S Tre barn hemma i feber + gäster!!! Hej och hopp!

  16. Mon (and Charlotta) that post made me very happy this morning. beauty everywhere and delicious treats for the eye and tummy. I am sending big hugs to you both, my good friends. Charlotta, safe travels! Love to you both! Donna

  17. TUSEN TACK Monika for your lovely post and for helping me out whilst being a lazy lass in our beloved Sweden!

    Seattle is high on my priorities and I so look forward to experiencing Fall for real with you over there one day.

    Big sisterly love and hug to you!

    xx Charlotta

    P.S. Hoppas barnen mår bättre nu!

  18. Tusen Tak Mon and Charlotta! Loved this...can almost smell the mushrooms cooking from here...I wish!

  19. Lovely pictures and tasty recipe! The boots are gorgeous.
    Varm höstkram Mia

  20. So much loveliness in this post! I'm being swept away by it :) Now if I could just get my hubby to like mushrooms!! That recipe looks so yummy :)

  21. mon, thanks for getting me into the right mood for fall. and that third image- i love it because it reminds me of the scene from twilight (dont hate) :-). Love how well you have decorated your home for fall. And that dish - it loks delectable and i have to try it. well, when i actually find the time to cook. happy almost weekend to all.


Thank you for your feedback. Blogging would be no fun at all without you! xx Charlotta xx