Saturday, October 2, 2010

Guest post 07: 'Springtime Sydney' from Louise of 'Table Tonic'...

Hi Everyone, my name is Louise and let me just say what a pleasure it is to be helping out someone as divine (and effervescent!) as Miss Charlotta, who is undoubtedly having a gorgeous, well deserved blogging hiatius. Not sure if you've heard of (or visited) my Table Tonic blog or online store, but pop over and say sometime. I'd love to see you! Louise (Sydney, Australia). xxx

Sydney has taken it's time welcoming Spring, but the days are slowly getting warmer (and longer), and sandals & sundresses are making their cameos on the streets. The Spring horseracing carnival has kicked off, and Sydney is swamped by festivals and markets, left, right and centre! 

September is, without question, my favourite month by far, Down Under. Not only do I get to welcome a much anticipated warm breeze after a frosty few months, but I celebrate a birthday too, so there are many lovely associations for me. This time of year, the Strawberries are sweet and juicy (and cheap!), fashion does an exciting about-turn (I've recently reignited my passion for fashion blogs!) and getting outdoors with the kids on a warm, sunny morning is an absolute joy. It's a wonderfully envigorating season. Heck, I might even bake something again soon!

While Spring is traditionally a popular time for getting married or selling a house, we recently bought a new house (that's her, below!!!). Thoughts of decorating and (a distant) renovation are swirling through my head, and our first summer so near the beach is going to be amazing, I just know it! While we would usually spend this time of year driving up to Sydney's Northern Beaches on the occasional weekend, this time around, we'll be locals!

Apart from moving house, I am so looking forward to busting out the colour (everywhere!), getting a tan, having less washing(!!), wearing a floaty dress, rocking a pompom, dusting off my K Jacques sandals, opening every window and door, swapping bath towels for beach towels, eating gelato, going for swims in the ocean...


Thanks for having me you guys - and have an amazing, life-changing Sring/Summer/Autumn/Winter, wherever you may find yourself!
x Louise

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THANK YOU my dear Louise for this splendid Australian Sprintime yumminess! All of what you describe about Spring is what I love too, and the best treat ever is that after this blissful soft-start to the warmer season there are weeks and weeks of Summer and beach life..! Returning to Sydney will be easy this time of the year and thanks to you I am now feeling excited! Also congratulations again to your fantastic house purchase! It looks and sounds divine and I suspect decorating will be easy witht he abundance of fabulousness you have in your shop! That, and your great sense of style! xx

For those of you who are not familiar with Louise's wonderful online shop 'Table Tonic', please click HERE to transport yourself into retail heaven right now. And whilst you are at it, also click on the banner to visit her brilliant blog - a place that always overflows with stylish, witty and inspiring posts!

Next up in this wonderful parade of guest posts is my lovely and super talented friend Mia Linnman who blogs over at Solid Frog in Sweden! Mia will share some Swedish Autumnal inspiration with us on the 5th of October, so please mark the date in your diaries and pop across then!

I am having such a great time in Sweden and am
sending you big warm hugs all the way from here!

 xx Charlotta


  1. It was great meeting Louise and I'll definitely check out her shop. Congratulations on her new home - very exciting! Sydney is a beautiful city.

    p.s. Charlotta, glad you're having an awesome time in Sweden!


  2. I definitely need to visit this place, it always looks so beautiful!

  3. Hi from sunny Brisbane, just a few hundred kilometres from gorgeous Sydney. What lovely photos!

    Yes, September in OZ is lovely..:)

  4. i can't help but feel the tiniest bit we are heading into another canadian winter {which is suppose to be cold with lots of snow...ugh} the image of the fruit is so great....
    thanks for sharing louise!
    {hope you are well sweet charlotta xx}

  5. Summer time in a brand new house - so exciting for you, Louise!

    Charlotta - hope Sweden is still treating you well! xo

  6. I will certainly enjoy watching the renovation of the new beach house. Keep us posted. May we pretty please see pictures of the beach too.
    Thank You,

  7. Wow, Sydney sounds wonderful, what a fantastic post!!

    Louise, your new house is GORGEOUS!!

    Off to check out your blog right now :)

  8. Sydney sounds like a must visit! I also read on Louise's blog a few weeks ago about her house purchase and i'm so excited for her! Glad to hear that you're enjoying Sweden Charlotta! xx

  9. What a sweet little cottage. Glad to hear you are enjoying your time in Sweden. Can't wait to see your pics.

  10. Thank you so much for having me, Charlotta - and thanks for all the kind words, you guys! xL

  11. Great post Louise!!

    ps Charlotta- Thanks so much for the sweet comment!! Great guest post!



  12. Oh my, Louise! Are you sure you don't want to sell that house to me???!!! You can't possible have time to take care of that and that fabulous store of yours! (:

    Hugs to you both!

    Hej Charlotta, hoppas att du njuter till fullo! Bamsekram, Mon

  13. what a great post!!! and FAULOUS street fashion!!! xoo

  14. What a lovely post & how exciting about the new house! Thanks for sharing such blog goodness, especially on this rainy Monday (it's definitely not spring here, I'll just savor these images instead :))

  15. I just love it when two of my favourite blogs collide :) (probably not the right way to describe so forgive my English!) xox

  16. You're making me want to visit again!! We absolutely fell in love with Sydney - we didn't want to leave. It's such a beautiful city and so vibrant and fun. Thanks for sharing that spring feeling - I miss warm weather already :)

  17. Sydney is very good place to visit.There are many places which has made it an ideal place.Thanks for sharing this.House cleaning Sydney


Thank you for your feedback. Blogging would be no fun at all without you! xx Charlotta xx