Monday, October 11, 2010

Guest post 10: 'Spring in Patagonia' by Caroline over at 'Absolutely Unique'...

Hello everyone! This is Caroline from Absolutely Unique from Patagonia, Argentina. I’m so honored to be guest posting here while lovely Charlotta is enjoying a well deserved vacation in Sweden!

Spring is coming on this side of the world. Can you tell how excited I am? I love, love, love Spring! Patagonia is quite a cold place, so when the first warm rays of sun start to show feels like heaven to me.

Flowers, flowers… is there anything more lovely than flowers? I always like to have fresh flowers at home. My favorite colors? Pink, purple, yellow and white. I put them on vases, cups or teapots. Flowers embellish everything and its fragrance spreads all over the place. Pink macaroons can make a lovely pairing, don’t you think?

What I love most is the beginning of the outdoor dining season. Barbecues, salads, a glass of wine, champagne or just a simple lemonade… anything is better when you can enjoy it al fresco, isn’t it?

I love to set a pretty table, even if we are only having a family dinner. It’s my pleasure! I’m a big fan of napkins. I have them in many different colors and floral motifs. Lovely glasses are my other weakness. You know good glasses make anything taste much, much better!

Last but not least, spring is the season to wear all those beautiful sandals, wedges and sky-high heels I’ve been lusting for. I must confess I cannot resist the temptation of a gorgeous pair of shoes. Talking of which, now I need to get a beautiful shoe cabinet where to keep and display my shoes…

I’ve recently discovered the pleasure of wearing high heels. Yes, I am wearing now all the high heels I didn’t dare to wear when I was younger. And I love it! Who cares if I’m too tall for heels?

Thank you so much, Charlotta, for letting me guest blog here today. This is my first time guest blogging and it’s quite a challenge for me! You were so sweet for considering me. Hope you are having a great time in Sweden with your family and friends. Big hugs from Patagonia to you and your lovely readers! Hope you can visit us someday! Caroline x

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Caroline I loved this post and you have a natural talent for guest blogging my dear. I can't believe this was your first..! It certainly won't be your last, and it has been such a pleasure having you here! - THANK YOU! xx
Patagonia is high on my wishlist of places to go. (I was discussing this with my friend Carole (of 'Dear Designer') who has had the pleasure to travel there. ) So expect a visit one day..! :) Though it is very likely I will show up looking more than a lumberjack than one of the stylish visions on your blog.. I love hiking and the breathtaking scenery of your beautiful country is calling my name..!

Darlings, to enter Caroline's lovely world of stylish, adorable and girly posts just tap on the banner above. I know you will be infatuated by her ability to perfectly marry fashion, jewellery and pets (!) in a stream of inspiring and fun posts. Enjoy!

Next up is my friend Dawn who blogs over at 'the Alternative Wife'. This stylish girl will share some Autumn inspiration all the way from Manhattan. I can't wait for you to meet her here on the 14th (the day we land in Sydney..).

Big hugs from Sweden!

xx Charlotta


  1. Ah, such a beautiful post and I felt my heart skip when I read your thoughts on the importance of glasses... I cannot agree more!

  2. WOW, I never stopped to think until now that it's Spring someplace else in the world, since it's Fall here in the US.

  3. I agree, great post. And Patagonia is high on my wishlist too! Hope you have fun in Sweden.

  4. Wonderful post Caroline.. and just what I need.. although we are in spring the weather seems to have forgotten and all these beautiful images are just the tonic I need... I love that daybed ... the colours are spectacular..

    Well Charlotta.. you will be home soon.. I hope the sun comes out to shine for you on your return.. xxx Julie

  5. Such a gorgeous post, and a beautiful shot of spring colour for those of us facing a colder season :) Lovely!

  6. thank you Charlotta for the beautiful inspiration!!!

    have a beautiful week...

  7. Gorgeous! Love the table setting!


  8. thank you so much for your sweet words Charlotta! I really enjoyed guest posting at your beautiful blog! I just arrived from a quick getaway and found your email. have a lovely week, darling!

  9. I'm so enjoying all of your guest bloggers Charlotta. So many inspirational thoughts and images. Carole xoxo.
    Btw, thanks for the sweet little mention.

  10. What a lovely blog you have and I am enjoying all the pink in this post! :)

    Liesl :)

  11. Caroline, what a gorgeous post! The images you picked are stunning!

    And I agree with you about stylish glasses making beverages taste even better!

    Hugs from Seattle all the way to Argentina and Sweden!

    ox, Mon

  12. You did an amazing job! This is a stunning guest post, I love it! Hugs from Savannah! XX!

  13. wow! Fall for us - Spring for you! amazing to realize!

    Beautiful post - so full of fun and life. I enjoyed it very much...

  14. Oh lovely post Caroline...I kinda got stuck on the macaroons...then the macaroons and :)
    xoxox DJ

  15. That last photo makes me swoon. You almost have me wishing it wasn't fall lady!

  16. This is such an amazing post and those clicks are all so mesmerising.


Thank you for your feedback. Blogging would be no fun at all without you! xx Charlotta xx