Saturday, May 5, 2012

Happy Weekend..!

Darlings, with this beautiful vignette I wish you a sunny and relaxing weekend.

Don't you just adore the pops of yellow, and that quirky little tassel?!
Hugs and love from the top of the world!
xx Charlotta

image via The Style Files


  1. Charlotta!! I was thinking about you it's lovely to see you pop up on the blogger feed! Beautiful picture; love the mustard. Have you stopped by my blog lately? The Apothecary is live!! Yey. Lou x

  2. I do adore pops of yellow, especially with grey.
    Happy Weekend!

  3. Such a happy vignette with the sunny yellow flowers. Not quite sure what they are, but they suggest springtime.

  4. Vacker bild !
    Jag hoppas att du får en mysig helg !!


  5. Une très jolie photo qui doit ravir Demoiselle Printemps...
    Je vous souhaite un excellent week-end avec de gros bisous.

  6. Hello everyone and thank you for your comments!

    Lou - I am thrilled for you and so proud of what you have achieved. What an interesting journey it has been for you. Remember the posts last year.. and now this wonderful destination it brought you to! Well done my friend!! xx

    Jeanette - Great to hear from you! Yes me too - grey and yellow with natural wood lots of light and white. YUM!

    Ms Glamour Drops - That's what I felt too - happy, bright and so full of good energy! Perfect for Spring.

    Anci - Ha en mysig helg du också! KRAM

    Martine - Merci. x Ayez un bon week-end aussi. Bisous

    xx Charlotta

  7. looooove yelow&grey!!

    have a nice weekend,

  8. Dear Charlotta,
    This is a beautiful vignette!!! Happy weekend for you too!!

  9. Happy from

  10. Hi Charlotta!
    How are you? I agree the tassel makes it.....Not much commenting lately been our busy season.....Hopeeverything is going well with you.... I've been reading....... Maryanne xo

  11. The w-e was indeed relaxing and I finally had time for blogging and photos, but alas no sun in Brussels...I hope you had a nice day Charlotta!

  12. Thank you all for your comments - I love hearing from you! xx

    Elena - Me too - white, grey, yellow mixed with natural wood. Total crush!

    Greet - Hello my dear. Isn't it just beautiful. I love the colours, the tassel and just generally the tranquility over the entire vignette. xx

    Ria - Thanks darling. Lots of love back at you. xx

    Maryanne - Me too. Life takes over at times but friendship remains doesn't it. I will pop over and see you soon. Hope all is well and that your store is booming. Hugs xx

    Kellie - I was thinking of you the other day (really!) and was wondering how things were with you. xx Hope Autumn is treating you well and that the store is booming. xx

    Ms Not Just a Pretty Dress - I am so glad you made time for me. Thank you for popping by. I'll visit you soon.

    Big hugs and thank you to all. I love hearing from you.
    xx Charlotta xx

  13. I love that combination of colours. The beautiful soft greys and naturals and the bright yellow - lovely! Great inspiration. Paula x

  14. Love the dash of yellow! I can imagine looking out that window very often... Happy New Week my lovely! XX

  15. Hey,
    This post couldn't be written any better! I believe that is among the most important info for me and many others.

  16. Hej gumsan,

    Nej jag har inte glömt bort dig! Här snurrar allt så vilt...

    Nu har jag missat din födelsedag och allt men paket kommer - jag LOVAR!

    Happy, Happy belated Birthday beautiful Sis!

    Tons of hugs and warm thoughts!



  17. So pretty and cheerful—yellow is such a happy color—thank you for sharing this with us :)


Thank you for your feedback. Blogging would be no fun at all without you! xx Charlotta xx