Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Norwegian bliss..

Hello lovelies! Popping in to share a lovely little house tour I came across today. The house dates back to the 1860s and is located in divine Norway - my favourite country on this planet!

I am loving the simplicity of this Christmas decorated hallway. In the midst of the 'holiday craziness' a quiet and minimalist approach like this feels so soothing!

What a dream to have a 'lounge style kitchen' like this one. I can just imagine the cozy talks and casual meals taken in these wonderful grey armchairs.

Cool grey mixed with near blacks, natural wood and white makes for such a warm and inviting impression. I feel like adding a few more candles and a comfy chaise longue in the corner. Would make a nice reading nook don't you think?!

images via

All I have to say to this last room is *sigh*..! I have a walk-in robe as well, but OMG it's no where near this structured (or this big for that matter..). I now feel inspired to add a 'dressingroom-mini-make-over' to my 'new year's to-do-list'!

Wintery hugs for now darlings

*** Charlotta ***


  1. For you http://superxxxxx.blogspot.com

  2. Gorgeous Charlotta. The Scandinavians seems to design everything perfectly; whether it be interior design or jewellery design etc. Love the images and hope you are well in your part of the world xx

  3. Such a beautiful home. Rather than being cold, the dark grey looks like a lovely warm hug. I could cocoon here all winter! PS I love Norway too.

  4. The sweet little tray at the foot of the stairs is so sweet and that dressing room is just divine - what luxury! Hugs to you my sweet friend! xo

  5. Oh, Charlotta, what an incredible home!
    I'm a huge fan of Scandinavian design, it's almost always monochromatic and neutral, but still so cozy!
    Thanks for sharing these beautiful images with us.
    Have a nice Tuesday.

  6. " nu så är det jul igen, jultomten myser julegran och klappar han skickar så snällt
    uti minsta koja nu julljusen lyser alla äro glada på julaftons kväll"
    Gammal svensk julvisa

  7. Loving that kitchen and the chairs.
    Sending big hugs to you, darling Charlotta. xx's

  8. MMMM MMMMM MMMMMM! I love that gold framed mirror!

    Trisha X

  9. Hello lovely girls!

    How I love it when you leave a comment - thank you! xox

    Yes, this home is very special. I have seen a few versions of it and I like them all. Has such a cozy feel about it, without being over dressed or cluttered.

    Big warm weekend hugs to all!
    xoxo Charlotta

  10. Hello,

    Could you share with us the name of the grey color and brand name of paint that you used on the walls in the fifth picture by the stair case. Thank you in advance!


Thank you for your feedback. Blogging would be no fun at all without you! xx Charlotta xx