Monday, May 17, 2010

Happy new week!

Hello kittens and Happy New Week to you!

via Lotta Agaton

Needless to say the above woman is me - just after I got my
two sleepy-head kids out of bed, and before I whipped together
a hearty home cooked hot meal for Oscar's lunch box, and then
with a spring in my step whisked them off to school & daycare...

Haha! If only... :)



  1. Happy Monday! Cannot wait to see what you're cooking up for Catherine's dining room. I wait with baited breath...

  2. So happy to have found you via The Bottom of the Ironing Basket! Looking forward to reading more of your posts! xoxo Beth

  3. Awesome blog@ I am so glad I found it. I can't wait to read more.

    :) Marcie

  4. What do you say to your cat when you go out? Have a mice day!

    Happy, happy back to you, blog sis!


  5. Of course it's you! Just what I look like every day too..Rachaelxx

  6. It is a happy Monday!

    We are currently enjoying an early heatwave (25 C is a heatwave for us Finns) and it really shows in everyone's mood.

    We had a great long weekend and start of new work week feels also good when everyone is dressed in summer gears, a week ago we still wore warm over coats and scarves to keep us warm...

  7. LOLs... OOH !!! I do the same the minute I wake up ;)


  8. Leigha - Yay, I just sent it over. I hope she likes it. It's a little different from the others. Much more conceptional. How are you going?

    Beth - How great that you found your way here. I love the Bottom of the Ironing Basket - such a fab blog!!
    Hope you come often. I am already smitten with your blog!!

    Marcie - thank you for that!! I can't wait to see you here more often. Am so glad you found your way.

    Monika - Nothing faces my cat anymore... she is a tough little cookie with a most unimpressed approach to life. She wouldn't twitch a whisker.. :)

    Rachael - Yes, you know how it is on a Monday morning.. Skip out of bed with catlike grace and take it from there.. Hmmmm.... :)

    Lumo - Am envious!! It is freezing here now! And WET!! I am going to work the weather gods so that it is nice when you arrive!! xx

    Maya - Yes, I am very good at tip toeing across glass bottles just like so.. :) Ha ha!

    Shari - Meoow indeed. Fierce! :)

    Nuit - Yes I can imagine. I mean, Monday morning are just THAT great aren't they!! :)

    Happy love to all.

    xx Charlotta

  9. At first I was sure it was me, it sure feels like it right now.....but now that I look closer, yes you are quite right, it is you!!

    Great pic - it really made me smile :)


Thank you for your feedback. Blogging would be no fun at all without you! xx Charlotta xx