Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Water pouring down and up...

It's finally raining here in Sydney. After weeks of unusually
warm, stable and sunny weather the rain drops are now falling
heavy on my window making me fell like curling up in bed again.

image captured by James Brickwood

Yesterday's thunderstorms brought some amazing sights for
the few brave ones that dared to conquer the surf at the beach.
Gigantic water spouts being sucked up into the storm clouds.

Just look at those fantastic & dramatic colours people! 

x Charlotta


  1. sometimes rain is so welcomed, isn't it Charlotta. We are having rain today, too, and it was badly needed. Everything will look lovely and green tomorrow...

    Hope all is well with you and your family. Are you glad to be back home? I, myself, am ready for a little vacation...!

    Love to you, Donna

  2. Yes, dramatic certainly describes it! (Truthfully, extreme weather really scares me!)

  3. it's cold and rainy here in los angeles too... which is strange because it should be feeling like summer! hope you're having a lovely gray day :)

  4. beautiful picture but the guy must be nuts surfing in thunderstorm. water + electricity = :(

    i'm dying of heat. it's only +28C (+30C tomorrow) but my body is protesting anyways.

  5. Wow! Amazing.
    Ps. Thanks for link to my blog here:) I've just noticed.

  6. Wow, very dramatic photo! Hope winter will be mild, only seven more weeks for our arrival in Sydney!

  7. what a beautiful {and scary!} image! I love it :)

  8. wow amazing picture, Charlotta! sometimes rain it's so welcome! xo

  9. Oh wow, that is an amazing photo, wow!!

    Thank you so very much for your comments, you always write such great things - and I really mean that! I always love it when you visit, I always feel as though I can "hear" your voice through what you say - if that makes any sense.

    Will put you in my giveaway draws for sure!

    Have a great day! :)

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Hello lovelies,

    Donna - Absolutely. Rain here in Australia is literally saving lives. The horrific bush fires that otherwise rage this vast continent are only kept at bay by an abundance of water. Something that there is a shortage of here. All is well with us and yes, it is nice to be back. xx

    Marcie - Yes, isn't it dramatic. Scary and beautiful at the same time. Nature has that effect doesn't it!? xx

    Sue - Yes me too. I have a deep respect for weather and have been caught out in severe storms a few times. Once stranded on a Sicilian island with winds measuring highs of 38 meters per second in the mast of our boat (in rescue harbour!).. THAT was very scary! xx

    Asia - Isn't it scary how the climate is totally unbalanced. Sweden is experiencing high summer heat, though they theoretically should still be fairly cool.. Hope you are rugged up and cozy. xx

    Sansku - Yep, that is what these boys do. They get up at sunrise and surf regardless of weather, shark alerts, season and day of the week. It's their life passion. I love that about them. xx

    A Write Life - hello and welcome here. Don't think I have seen you before. Yes this picture is amazing and I can only imagine what it would be like being there for real. Sadly I missed the spouts and only found out when it was too late. x

    Olemkaa - Long time no see. Yes of course your blog is there. I keep all my friends close. xx

    Lumo - Yes I am hoping that Winter will be kind this year. Especially during your visit. I am calling the Weather Gods right after this.. xx

    Nuit - Yes scary is the word, but also breathtakingly beautiful. Isn't nature amazing! xx

    Caroline - Yes, rain is most definitely welcome. When it rains here in Sydney it POURS down though and the streets look like rivers. It is easy to understand why the curbs are so high here.. xx

    Simone - hello lovely ironing basket girl! You are welcome. Your blog is one of the loveliest places I know. I always feel so wrapped in girly fabulousness when I am there. You have such a way with images!! Thanks for putting me in your give-away. Wasn't sure it was open to Swedes in Sydney.. :) xx

    Maya - Weather watching is great. Especially from a comfortable distance! Since moving to Australia I have experienced some extreme weather. The compact and red dust storms have been the scariest. xx

    Thanks everyone for stopping by. It is so much fun reading all your thoughts. I love blogging thanks to you!!

    xx Charlotta


Thank you for your feedback. Blogging would be no fun at all without you! xx Charlotta xx