Saturday, November 6, 2010

Happy 300 and Swedish delights..

Hello my dears and thank you so much for your ongoing support with my blog. I am so thrilled to have a whole 300 (actually 305..) lovely faces smiling back at me from my 'followers corner' and as you know it means so much to me that you are still with me and that you enjoy it here!! THANK YOU!!

via Are so Happy

I am sitting in bed feeling like a worn sock as I type this. After nursing Oscar through Tonsillitis when we got back from Sweden, I have now contracted the same, and feel less than average... Thankfully the antibiotics will kick in tomorrow and with the help of Panadol the feeling of razor blades in my throat is eased a little..
To make the whole ordeal a little more bearable (I am really not  I am reading your gorgeous blogs and I am yet again blown away by how amazing this this virtual world is..! So full of talent, inspiration and creativity! Post after post, you guys keep on serving up visual treats that make the need for any printed magazines obsolete..! Thank you my friends! xx

I am also weeding through the abundance of photos from our trip to Sweden and came across this little gem that you might like..  'Mary's Cafe'..

'Mary's Cafe' is a charming little restaurant and B&B, with a shop & gallery attached. They also do evening performances with local artists and musicians, all set in a gorgeous old converted barn with an orangerie extension, and sweeping views of the surrounding farmlands. It's simple, rustic and very very Swedish.. Like chicken soup for my soul! :)

Pictures by Me
Mary's Cafe shop - via their Facebook page
What I love the most is that the family who runs the place moved from the Philiphines to here.. ! Can you imagine the total contrast of environments and cultures..!?! What a fabulous and wild thing to do!! So up my alley to embrace life 'off the beaten track'! I admire people who actualize their dreams in this manner. Especially when it is done with integrity, insightful creativity and heart!

Picture by Me

I love spending time in the country side - I always have, and at times of stress I tend to always return to nature to re-gain my balance. The soothing quietness, the slow pace and simple pleasures are so appreciated by me and our little family..

  Pictures by Me

We spent many afternoons at 'Mary's' and I give this place top marks in all respects. The service is friendly & relaxed, and the food is fantastic! It has that 'home cooked' feel with focus on using great quality, seasonal and local produce.

Pictures by Me

Many of the local farmers also have 'self-serve-outlets' - Autumn potatoes, fresh organic eggs, berries, fruit and mushrooms.. Like a 'mini market' all set in some charming old farmhouse building calling my name.... :)  Just heaven for someone like me who loves cooking!

Pictures by Me

Have a beautiful weekend my dears!

xx Charlotta


  1. Dear, sweet Charlotta,

    I hope that you are well-nursed as you deal with the tonsilitis!

    It is no wonder you have 300 followers, not only do you write so beautifully but you treat us to gorgeous images such as those in today's posting!

    Mary's looks divine, I love the giant amperand in the garden and the food looks light and lovely.

    Hugs to you for a speedy recovery,

    Felicity x

  2. I hope you feel better soon Charlotta. Sending lots of healthy vibes your way :-)))))
    Loved the post.

  3. Mary's place look so wonderful, just loved the photo's.

    Oh not good that you are unwell....not fun at all! Wishing you a speedy recovery my friend.

  4. Congrats on the followers!!! And Mary's Cafe looks adorable, I can't believe how cute the interior is!!

  5. Congrats on the 300+ followers Charlotta!
    Marys Cafe looks like a real gem ... fabulous photos!

    Take care and hope you feel better soon

  6. Oh, Charlotta. so sorry you are sick. glad Oscar is better but now you've gotta take care of yourself!

    Mary's (and that yummy plateful of food) looks delicious. I know you enjoyed all your time there. what wonderful memories for your two precious ones.

    heal and feel better! we are thinking of you!

    love, Donna

  7. Hello, Charlotta!! What a lovely little place, so charming! Can't wait to see more photos from your trip! I'm in desperate need of a getaway and these images just confirmed it even more!!

    I also love that image of Taylor Swift at the top of the post :)

    Hope you're having a fantastic weekend, lady!!


  8. Sounds like we've both been in the wars a little, Charlotta! I do hope you feel better soon - congratulations on your well deserved 300+ followers and thank you for your lovely comment on the blog.

    Big hugs from the UK. xo

  9. Sending lots of warm thoughts and good energy all the way from Seattle to you. Feel better soon!

    Just looking at those pictures brings warmth to my heart. One day we will bring our families together in our beloved Sweden. And it will also be a sunny day.

    Happy 300+ -- there is a reason people keep coming back, my friend. And that reason is YOU!

    oxox, Mon

  10. My dear Charlotta,
    We all love to visit your wonderful space of inspiration! We love you!
    Happy weekend my dear!

  11. Hope you are feeling better, Charlotta.

    What a grea cafe!

  12. Hello Charlotta
    My best wishes to you,I hope that you fell better.Congratulations on your 300....your blog it's a beautiful and very inspiring place,

  13. These images are so beautiful. I would love to spend a gorgeous afternoon at that cafe too! Love rustic gorgeous places like that.

    Thank you for finding me in the blog world so I could find you. Love it here!

    I hope you feel better soon xox

  14. Hej !
    Kul att ha hittat din blogg ! Hit vill jag komma tillbaka :)

    Krya på dig


  15. thankyou for your lovely lovely comment in my pics!

  16. ry's place look so wonderful, just loved the photo's


Thank you for your feedback. Blogging would be no fun at all without you! xx Charlotta xx