Sunday, November 7, 2010

Happy happy..!

I must say, that despite the obvious pain of having Tonsillitis (like a hand-full of razor blades down my throat..) spending a couple of days in bed without anyone questioning why, has its advantages...

 This wonderful typographical 'moustache poster' seen over at Luna and Chloe Weddings

I am roaming around the blog world enjoying some fabulous posts. I just dumped a whole seven comments in a row over at 'Desde Mi Ventana'.. She'll think I've lost the plot.. :) Apart from rediscovering some of my old time favourites, I am also so enjoying the wedding and event bloggers right now..

I mean, what a fabulous & uplifting bunch they are! Always full of romantic & colourful shots, girly energy, and contagious inspiration, don't you think!?! It's an instant 'pick-me-up' browsing their happy little corner of the blog world today!

Just look at the gorgeous Sarah Yates shoot above (seen via my friend Megan's wonderful 'Beach Bungalow 8')..! After I saw it last week I went ran (I consider my enthusiasm one of my virtues..!) straight into my kids' playroom to dig through their plastic animals (you think I am kidding..!?) to see which ones I could spray gold for Christmas.. I think it would be a fabulous idea, don't you?!? But horror (!), when I had dug through several crates I remembered that we'd given them away to my god daughter earlier this year.. Oh bother!

And how divine to stage a little 'forest fiesta' like the one I saw over at 'Style Me Pretty' (above)! Can you imagine being invited to a gorgeous lunch feast at a secret location like this?! Heaven!

And speaking of wonderful.. These delightful blogs are always full of colour, which is a sure mood booster for me! Rich gorgeous dollops of the spectrum in a never ending parade of vibrant inspiration!

This turquoise dream above actually reminded me a little of Eddie and Jaithan's amazing creations. I think it is the confident use of colours, fabulous detail, and gorgeous table wear. They are so clever those boys! BTW: Did you guys see their latest post 'Center of Attention'?. Gorgeous holiday decor inspiration in yummy colours!

This one (above) by Follow Studio, reminds me of Sweden. All that light-filled goodness. Though I am not typically 'the girl with the flowery napkins', I quite like the one above in combination with the stunning Dutch Poppies and all that white. The pattern reminds me of the hankies I used to always buy at Liberty's in London (also, they do a blog that you might enjoy..).

How many doilies did it not take to make this beautiful dress..!?! It's gorgeous isn't it!? Especially with the green lining. So unusual.
And aren't marshmallows always a great idea when you are feeling a little under the weather.!!? Especially when toasted over a candle on a skewer, until they nearly drip, then squeezed between two Marie crackers! YUM!  :)

Chic and morbid at the same time - hanging one's wedding dress on a dead animal..
On a lighter note, can one ever get tired with rice lamps..? Especially when they are used out of context like in the picture above..!

Style me Pretty
 Jessica Claire
Style me Pretty

How can Hibiscus Iced Tea not draw a smile!? I feel better already and am sure I'll wake up bright eyed and bushy tailed tomorrow after all this indi love..! :)

It's night time here in Sydney and it's time to sign off.
Sweet dreams my darlings!

xx Charlotta


  1. Hope you are feeling better soon but those images all really inspire!

  2. How terrible,tonsilitis.I knowhow how you feeling.Well you managed to make à great post though!ilovemy the ricelamps.Hope you feeling netter soon.

  3. Hello - what a lovely selection of things. I am not surprised they are making you feel better. I am familiar (all too much) with tonsilitis so I feel for you. It's no fun atall. i hope it passes soon - have you tried eating ice pops? As in kid's ones? They work the best help the throat and that feeling of razor blades! Lou x

  4. oh no! -- tonsillitis? i really hope you're feeling better SOON!

    what a lovely post; and i love the idea of spray painting the little animals!!

  5. I didn't even know that you were sick:-(. Hope you'e feeling better! Love the blogs you highlighted in this post too. XX

  6. Goodness, Charlotta, the colours in your post are so inspiring! Thank you.

    P.S. I hope you feel better very soon. Big get well soon hugs from me in the UK. xo

  7. Gorgeous images and ideas. I hope you are feeling better very soon - tonsilitis is horrible!

  8. Soooo much prettiness here!! I must admit, I like being sick so that I have an excuse to laze around :)

  9. Gorgeous images, the moustaches are fab. These would be great for Movember as I start to see hairy lips appear around Sydney public transport....just like the mod squad in late November here...

  10. Please get better soon, hope you will rest and feel 100%! Can't believe while you sick you still managed to write such a lovely post, I enjoyed looking at every word and photo, and I will be checking the links shortly!

  11. I hope you feel better soon -- no fun! Love these photos and the inspiration -- so much prettiness!

    Hope you had a lovely weekend,

  12. Such beautiful images. I love party/wedding details.

    The last one is my fav.

    Take care xox

  13. Charlotta, your posts are always so magical! I'm sorry you're feeling under the weather but you would never know from your post!
    Wedding blogs are my guilty secret. No chance of a wedding for me (boo) but at least my step daughter is planning one. Gives me an excuse anyway. You have chosen such lovely pics.
    Get well soon hun.

  14. oh. I am dreaming away and have decided I wont come back until spring. ;-)

    I am glad you are back! Lots of hugs!

  15. Great post... love the teapot with the sunflower!! Thanks for the mention! Loving the barn reception!


  16. your post is banishing my post-vacation blues. thanks for the inspiration dear. wishing you a very speedy recovery. xoxo

  17. What a lovely collection of images makes me want to get married all over again. Think I might steal that idea about the gold spray painted figurines! Would be great for Christmas.

  18. Hej rara!
    Åh, vad tråkigt att du åkt på halsfluss! Även om det finns positiva aspekter av att ligga sjuk några dagar: vila kropp och själ, hämta ny kraft, surfa runt som bara den, inspireras, titta på film mitt på dagen, läsa osv.
    Hoppas du mår bättre snart dock! Tack för fin respons på bloggen, blir alltid lika glad:)!
    Har lagt in någon form av Subscription på bloggen men vet ej om det är rätt. Du kan väl kika vid tillfälle, om fel skicka mig gärna den där länken. Jag känner mig aningen förvirrad av all teknik, hänger nätt och jämt med och att jag kan blogga måste vara rena undret:)
    Massor med kramar till dig!

  19. Gorgeous post! You know my 'inner hipster' loves the mustaches. And I hope the gold toy placeholder is worth investing in...because I am TOTALLY buying toys for that project this holiday season (hello dollar store!).
    Hope you feel better dear. So sorry you are sick.


  20. So sorry to hear you were sick, sweetie! They're definitely are benefits that come along with it though, aren't there? I'm hope sick myself today but am getting to catch up on things :)

    Hope you're all better by now! xoxo

  21. Those tablescapes are gorgeous!! Love them all. I hope you are feeling better fast! xo

  22. Hi Charlotta :)

    I am sorry you are not feeling well! That is never fun, but it's always a great time to recoup :) That is usually the only time I will stop to rest!

    I love you idea of a regular tree for Christmas :) If it wasn't Christmas and I literally didn't have 100 pines in my yard alone...I could see myself going that route as well!

    I am beyond behind in blogging. I just sent a dear friend to the airport and she's headed back home to Oklahoma. I hope to catch up this weekend.

    From my end of the world to yours, have a nice day and feel well dear XOXO



Thank you for your feedback. Blogging would be no fun at all without you! xx Charlotta xx