Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Love to the world..!

Darlings, though it still takes for ever for me to load images to the blog I wanted to pop in and wish you all a wonderful Valentine's Day! xx

Despite the commercial aspects of this holiday I whole-heartedly support any initiative to spread love, kindness and thoughtfulness in the world.

Let us all genuinely and generously share our affection and appreciation of our friends, family, pets, and loved ones today!
Of course we should do this all and every day, but on Valentine's I think one can go that little extra mile and really spoil them!

And please don't forget yourselves - so important to kiss the mirror, pat oneself on the shoulder, and just generally send a thought of appreciation and love towards oneself once in a while! So easy to forget isn't it..!

If you don't feel like aiming your loving efforts at a person, do take this day as an opportunity to celebrate love itself. An act of kindness towards a stranger or the world goes a long way!

A Happy Valentine's Day to all and everyone! 
May you be loved & appreciated today and always!

xx Charlotta

P.S. NB!

We love you daddy/Marshall and miss you so much today!

Marshall and Isabella in 2011 - so much love!!


  1. I looked at all the pics (loved the old man buying the card), read all your lovely words .. then got to the last pic and felt so sad.

    I can't tell in that pic who is the happier .. they both look so much in love.

    It will all work out and you can all be together again soon. Take care dear Charlotta. Get extra hugs off the kids today (and I'm sending you one too!!!).

  2. AWWW love the photo of Isabella with daddy Marshall!!! so cute!!!! Charlotta, all the best to you, and much much love from the other side of the world! xoxo

  3. Thank you so much for all the lovely pictures you shared. They are just amazing for a day like this and cover so many ways of showing and celbrating love.

    And thanks for your wonderful blog, I finally discovered recently. I love it to drop by here.
    Hope you had a wonderful day, Charlotta.

    Love. Lysann

  4. Happy love day to you, darling, today and everyday!

    Your post, as ever, is so sweet and full of love.

    I hope Marshall gets back home soon!

    Hugs hugs,
    Meera xx

  5. Happy Valentine's day....♥.. ♥... ♥....Love Ria......♥.. ♥... ♥....

  6. Love that last image of your family. Happy Valentine's Day Charlotta!


  7. Oh Charlotta such wonderful thoughts and images, I know you miss your husband today!

    Happy Valentines!

    Art by Karena

  8. Good thoughts lovely pictures.
    Thank you and hugs,

  9. Hi everyone and thank you for your comments!
    It feels so good to be back and I appreciate you dropping in. xx

  10. Wishing you a happy Valentine's day also! Spreading the love is really what it is all about.

  11. Photography defining LOVE with precision - Marshall and Isabella, very touching.
    Warm hugs to you.

    1. Tereza it's so nice to hear from you. I can't wait to visit your blog - I love every post but at the moment my broadband issues are messing my blogging up. Blah! Fixed soon I hope!!
      Big hugs in the meantime. xx C

  12. Such a beautiful post Charlotta! It's wonderful to see a picture of your daughter and husband and I hope you had a wonderful Valentine's Day! xo

    1. Hi Alena! Thanks fot your comment and livet remark of the photo. It was taken last March when we all lived in Sydney. A beautiful day down at our face beach, Bronte. An almost dry, and very salty kiss from Isabella. :)
      xx Charlotta

  13. Hello My Dearest! So true!!! And so cute!!! Önskar dig en finfin dag!!!
    //Kram, kram ♥

    1. Jag hör solsken i din röst! :)
      Jag ringer nästa vecka.
      And Hasseludden så blir Maj bra. Vi bokar snart tycker jag. Kram

  14. Wow, what a lovely blogpost my far friend! I hope you've enjoyed your Valentines day. Will we meet eachother @ Meet the Blogger in Amsterdam? Read more about the event here: www dot meetthebloggeramsterdam dot com

    Big Hugs


    1. Hello dear L!
      I would live to come and will read up over at yours as soon as these tech chenanigans are over.
      Big hugs. xx

  15. Hi Charlotta,

    I would like to talk to you via email, but I cannot find your address. MIne is: Could you please drop me a line when you have the chance, so that I will have your address? Thank you so much! I look forward to speaking with you.
    Have a delightful Sunday!

    1. Hello again! xx
      Did you get my email?
      No rush. Just wanted to make sure.

  16. what a lovely photo of Isabella and Marshall..and the photo of the old man looking for a Valentine's card is wonderful too. I can see these images every day not only on Valenine's day. Big hug to you, Charlotta

    1. Hello!! Yes isn't he just divine - so romantic!
      And whilst any younger girl would be upset about a mass produced store card one just knows his wife will be moved to tears. I bet he has bought a card for her on this very day all their life! It's just so wonderful!
      Big hugs! xx

  17. Love this post Charlotta!! You are so right in every way. Sending love back to you and your family!

  18. HI
    i would like to say thank you about this cool post, and this idea very helpful to me and nice article
    Thank You

  19. ahh loved that photo of Marshall and Isabella... hope you had a beautiful day, Charlotta. warm hugs, Carolina

    1. Hi darling and thank you for dropping in. I haver real tech issues at the moment and can't blog freely as my broadband plays havoc.
      Will visit soon. xx Charlotta

  20. What a beautiful post, Charlotta! I agree, this day is all about love, not just for our significant other, but for everyone—why not? The world needs extra love and care... thank you for the beautiful post!

    Hope you are very well :)


  21. Inspiring post! Great thing to read and kick start my day with a smile. Great shot for cute Isabella & Marshall!
    buy aion account

  22. Hey
    God Bless you, Cause I found just what I was looking for. I enjoy what you guys tend to be up too


Thank you for your feedback. Blogging would be no fun at all without you! xx Charlotta xx