Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Tech trauma..

Thank you so much to everyone who has checked in on me and for sweet emails. You have no idea how much I miss you guys, but it seems my broadband and modem issues persist. 
My telco company is working hard on determining the issue which apparently has nothing to do with my hardware.. but something to do with their station.. 
In the mean time.. 
All is well with me and the detox is going fabulously - week 4 now! The sun is slowly returning after what feels like forever, and the rays turn crisp & glistening Winter days to gold. It's heaven!

I hope to be back with a proper detox update and regular posts soon and I really look forward to checking in on everyone as well. It feels like forever since last time, but please know that I haven't forgotten about you. Far from it!

Biggest hugs to you all!
xx Charlotta


  1. I was just thinking about yesterday and thinking that you hadn't posted for a long time!!!

    Hope the internet issues get sorted out really soon. Glad to hear the detox is going well!!

    Take care XXXX

  2. missing you too, charlotta. hope to see you back soon...love, donna

  3. Thinking of you Charlotta...you always inspire me.


    Art by Karena

  4. Oh, I'm sure all of us who love to come here miss you.
    Come back soon, ok?
    Hugs and kisses from Brasil

  5. Have been thinking of you for days and was just about to email to make sure life was good and you hadn't hitched a ride on the 1st plane out of there to come back to some sunny weather (although I hear Sydney weather has been a bit crap lately??).
    Glad you are well and well done on the 4 week detox so far. Your insides will be as sunny & happy as your outside soon too (-:

  6. Glad to hear your detox is going well and I'm looking forward to reading more about it. Hope your computer issues clear up I know it must be frustrating!


  7. Du är så välkommen när du kommer !


  8. Come back soon. Hugs and kisses from Italy.

  9. Glad to know you're still out there!!! Enjoy your forced break!! :)

    xoxo Elizabeth

  10. Those darn computers!! Glad you are are fine, and week 4 of detox? I am MOST impressed....hope you will tell us all about it when you are done hats off to you!

  11. Hope you are well and looking forward to your next update :)

  12. Do you think your techy guys could come and check on mine too once they've sorted your Internet issues out Charlotta? love the net but, omg, it can be frustrating at times! Pleased the detox is going well! Amanda x

  13. So sorry to hear of your persistent tech problems, dear Charlotta. I hope they get fixed soon. Very happy to hear you are doing well and completely agree with your sunny yellow poster!

    Hugs hugs
    Meera xx

  14. awww hope it gets fixed soon Charlotta! love the poster and quote. have a lovely weekend, darling! xo

  15. Charlotta my dear, you are missed!

    Hugs & kisses from South Florida,

  16. We've missed you Charlotta! Hope it s all fixed for good very soon! Thank you for your lovely comment on yesterdays post :) Speak soon.
    Big hugs
    Stu xx

  17. aww beautiful!! so nice to hear from ya xoxoxox

  18. Happy Hearts Day!

    Sending you extra love and good energy today!

    ox, Mon

  19. Techie problem are always a nightmare! Good luck getting it sorted out and well done on your detox!xx


Thank you for your feedback. Blogging would be no fun at all without you! xx Charlotta xx