Thursday, September 6, 2012

By Invitation Only: Cycles..

Hi darlings! Today I am popping in to participate in the 'By Invitation Only' postings, and to celebrate that this diverse and talented group of global bloggers celebrate it's 1 year anniversary!
Every month we are given a theme upon which we base our posts, and this month it's 'Cycles'.

My regular readers will know that I have spent the large part of my life living in several countries around the world. An adventurous, driven, and curious soul, this nomadic life suited me to a tee. I studied, worked and lived in six amazing (and very diverse!) countries. 

Life was marvelous yet as the years ticked by I found myself missing a very fundamental aspect of Swedish life, namely the closeness to nature and the cycles of the seasons. 
I was fortunate enough to be able to pop hoe to Sweden several times a year but somehow my visits never seemed long enough (despite spanning up to 8 weeks at times!). Increasingly I found myself wanting to be part of 'what was about to happen next' in terms of the seasonal changes. I wanted to see Summer mature into Autumn, and to smell the garden as the apples ripened on the trees. I missed not being able to hear the icicles 'drip - drip - drip' away in the early Spring. I wanted to be part of the transition, and so longed to be able to live it to the full.

I came to understand & respect the importance of the pace that nature brings, and how this is deeply instilled in us Northeners. Perhaps it was the twelve years I lived under the Australian sun that made me realize that 'you can take a girl out of Sweden but never take Sweden out of a girl'. I started to crave the unpredictability and vast diversity of the Swedish weather cycles.

The very distinct seasons here in the Far North bring with them a tangible transformation of the way we go about life. Everything changes; from the food we eat, the way we dress, how we socialize, the decor of our homes, our daily routines, and even our working habits. Each season has a distinct flavour and meditative state which is closely interlaced with the cycles and expressions of nature.

The endless light during the months of Summer is cherished and celebrated, as is the richness of what nature provides in Autumn. 
The quiet meditative state of our Scandinavian Winters brings with it a sense of inner peace and hibernation, which in turn is broken by the surge of energy released as the sun slowly melts the snow away in Spring.

It took me nearly three decades to realize that it was these seasonal cycles of nature that I missed so much. And so, I returned home after my 24 year orbit.

xx Charlotta


  1. Before I left Australia I would not have understood this sentiment at all as the transition between seasons is so subtle, however now that I live in Iceland I appreciate the enormous change the weather and seasonal elements have on ones psyche...and I love it!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Dear Charlotta
    Thanks for your nice comment on my blog!
    It was an incredibly great post you write. I can so well understand your need to have the changing seasons of nature around you - I feel the same way. Right now I'm looking forward to the beautiful fall colors appear, it's that time of year I love the most.
    For me, it was necessary to move to Norway. It was my birth land and my homeland, and therefor I have to come home for my soul. I think that as you get older, the need to stay where you are rooted gets only bigger.
    Wish you a lovely day!
    Love from Lene

  4. I definitely can sympathize with you! I grew up in the Middle West of the United States where each season is so unique and even extreme. Now that I live in Provence (I am not complaining mind you), I have much more subtle shifts to go by. Not the same!

    All the Best from Arles,

  5. having really difficulties to publish my comment,
    here again:

    Great post, Charlotta!
    Wonderful description how you see, feel and apreciate the different seasons, together with lovely images.

    Greetings from the Périgord to Sweden, k

    p.s. should all 3 comments come up, just delete the two.

  6. Charlotta...Such a lovely post...and I think I would love to be a's seems these days since I've become a blogger some of my very best friends are..XO

  7. Lovely post, Charlotta!
    I live in the same town I was born, this is where I belong and where I want to spend the rest of my life.
    Sweden is in my list of places to visit, and I'm positive sure I will love it.
    Have a nice week.

  8. Hi Charlotta,

    You articulate the need to live in harmony with nature so very well. I love your descriptions of Swedish life as the seasons turn. I also look forward to the changing of the seasons, even the cold and snow. Thanks for posting. I hope you are well and happy.


  9. You know... I agree, I miss Denmark more and more, especially during the fall and the darker months...

    Great post!

  10. Charlotta, I've finally had time to hop over and digest your beautiful post for . I couldn't find the November post, the link you sent didn't come through when I clicked on it. I completely agree with the change of the seasons, our bodies are in sync with this, as well. Here in Texas we don't have this beautifulness so much, if so it's very short. Sending love, my nomad friend...

  11. Just a splendid post Charlotta. So honest and real. When you write, I can empathise with many things you say. In S. Italy, there are really only two seasons. I've enjoyed my time here but I my home is calling me too.

    So happy to be back and reading your blog!



Thank you for your feedback. Blogging would be no fun at all without you! xx Charlotta xx