Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Pure give-away..

Hello everyone! I am not quite grasping that we are already in full Autumn up here in Sweden..!?! It feels like a mere blink since we were all blogging away about the approach of Summer, and yet here we are now lighting candles, draping ourselves and our homes in layers of comfort and warmth.

We have had such a gorgeous Summer. The 'mini inspirations' were off school since early June till late August which meant we were able to enjoy a lot of fun filled quality time together.
Typically we spent a lot of time outdoors, in fact Scandinavians  almost 'move outside' in the warmer months of Summer. Well not literally of course, but we tend to spend as much time as possible under the blue sky, and we simply love the ability to do so. We need it you see, because come September the sun starts its journey further and further away from the top of the world and we are no longer able to absorb our daily dose of vitamin-D!

via Pretty Stuff on Tumblr

Add to this the fact that for the most part of the year we dress in layers of warm clothes to withstand the weather and cooler temperatures. Any opportunity (well almost.. ha!) to shed those layers and stretch bare limbs towards the nutritious rays of the sun is treasured deeply in our Nordic hearts!

source unknown

But here we are in Autumn now, our faces slowly loosing that healthy & sun-kissed glow of Summer. I find that by the time the swimsuits give way to scarves and cozy layers, my skin & hair are in dire need of some TLC. In fact to me Autumn is all about nurturing & replenishing, and I tend to restock my bathroom cabinet with some good quality products that aim to do just that.

The skin is our largest organ and it absorbs everything we put on it - detergent, soap, perfume, make-up, lotions and potions. It all goes straight into our bodies. Chemicals, toxic waste and harmful content that unfortunately is highly present in most personal hygiene products enter our blood stream, our internal organs and cause damage.
As such, I am a huge believer in certified organic and biodynamic produce (see my recent 'detox series') and today I am thrilled to offer my Swedish readers a wonderful give-away which is hosted by 'pureskin'.

I came across 'pureskin' through a friend of mine, and since using their products I am totally hooked! 
Not only are they 100% Eco Cert, which means that most of their lotions and potions are so pure & natural you can actually eat them! Actually 'eat them' is exactly what your skin and hair will do. They will feed off the nutritional content with - in my mind - unbeatable results. To me 'pureskin' is pure skin food!

I haven't tried all the items in their collection but I am a happy and loyal user of their 'Face Care Eco' (both night and day creams), '100% Face Serum' (a must for Winter!) and '100% Eco Cert lip balm'. I wash my kids' hair in their shampoo, and I have also used the 'Special Care Cream' for dry little knees, elbows, and behinds. 

Pia, the founder is a generous & kind soul with a broad and impressive background in chemistry, biology, immunology, mineralogie and a lot more. But, with sincere modesty, she dismisses all of that as unimportant, and prefers to highlight her passion and determination to deliver the best and purest products on the market!
She makes all products in her private lab. Small, exclusive batches of natural & 100% certified organic goodness that has a healthy impact on the body as well as on nature!
An added reason to love both Pia and pureskin is that 5% of all sales go towards helping children and women in Tanzania, through the 'Yatima - heart to heart' foundation. Thank you Pia! xx

Image via Yatima

Pia has generously offered one lucky winner to pick one 'pureskin' product of their choice, and this is how you enter;

Mandatory requirements (each one worth 1 entry)
1. Leave a comment on Space for Inspiration motivating your choice of product.
Please include your name, email and residental city in Sweden.
2. Like 'pureskin' on Facebook, and leave a second entry here on Space for Inspiration.
3. Become, or confirm that you already are, a 'Follower' 'Friend' of Space for Inspiration by leaving a comment with your 'alias' as shown in my left hand side column.

Extra entries (each worth 1 entry)
4. Share this give-away on your own Facebook page, and leave a third comment here on Space for Inspiration. Please include a link to your Facebook page.
5. Blog this give-away and include live links to 'pureskin' and Space For Inspiration. Leave a link and comment to your post here as well. 

Please ensure your entry is in by no later than the 10th October 2012.

Ok luvvies - I wish you all the best of luck and can't wait to hear your thoughts on Pia's wonderful 'pureskin'!

xx Charlotta


  1. okay I'm not entering because i don't live in Sweden but I have to say your summers and winters sound just like ours and we soak up that sun and now we're in full on candle lighting comfort food mode. I am all for organic products as well and use a locally made line here in canada.

  2. Here in Brazil the climate is completely different from Sweden, our winters, at least in the city where I live, the temperature reaches the minimum of 4oC and our autumns have temperatures near yours in the summer.
    Summer, meanwhile, is unbearably hot, and I hate it.
    So, in the Winter our skin is dry and in the Summer is extremely oily,
    Now, the Spring is coming and we are already melting, can you believe?
    Even the flowers bloomed earlier this year, I'm afraid of what is waiting for us in the Summer.
    Would love to buy Pia's products, but Sweden is so far...
    Have a nice week, Charlotta!

  3. Tack för ett inspirerande inlägg !


  4. What a great giveaway that really made me pause to think about what I am putting on my skin everyday! I'd love to try the face serum!

  5. I know I'm not able to win, charlotta, but just dropping in to say hello. hope you all are well!

    what lovely products - must say I will be a little jealous of the winner! donna

  6. Hej fina Charlotta!
    Åh, det här låter precis som något min känsliga hy skulle trivas med och självklart vill jag ej missa chansen att delta i utlottningen!
    Har tyvärr ej mitt Facebook- konto kvar, men hoppas kvalificera mig ändå!?
    Kram Tina

  7. I clearly live in the wrong country! Lucky, lucky winner!

    Jag får väl packa med mig lite produkter när jag kommer till Stockholm i Oktober. Du får guida mig Ms. Charlotta!

    Vilken vettig och trevlig giveaway!

    Kram från Seattle.

  8. Hi Charlotta! such a beautiful post. I adore fall but I also miss summer! spring is starting here in Patagonia and I'm already loving it! have a fabulous weekend, darling!

    caroline @ patagonia gifts love knot jewelry

  9. well, i'm packing my bags! this is a phenomenal giveaway! i'm actually loving the cooler temps brought on by autumn. beautiful pics! xx

  10. Hi ladies and thank you for your comments and entries.
    I am sorry I couldn't include everyone in this give-away. You certainly all deserve a prize for being such great friends! x

    I am happy to say that I have picked a winner and I will announce this in the coming days.

    Until then...

  11. I really appreciate dear the post you have shared here on health and skin with amazing details i really liked it..
    Thank you dear for sharing this with us..

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Thank you for your feedback. Blogging would be no fun at all without you! xx Charlotta xx