Showing posts with label Awards. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Awards. Show all posts

Sunday, April 17, 2011

More than 500 reasons to smile..!

G'day gorgeous ones! Hope you are all well and having a splendid weekend in your parts of the world.
Sorry for the lack of posts and blog visits in the past week. Life has been hectic in more ways than one - mostly so because the 'mini Inspirations' are enjoying their 'Autumn schoolies'. A whole of three weeks together and I'm going to soak up ever moment!

So with little time on my hands, I really just wanted to pop in to let you know that we are off on a family holiday to Tasmania tomorrow afternoon. Though we fly down to Hobart initially we intend to travel by rent-a-car all over this amazing island to explore & enjoy all that it has to offer. To me there is nothing better than a little road-trip adventure, and this is so what our tired 'family quartet' needs right now!

.. happy faces now smile back at me from my side bar and I wish to warmly welcome all of my new followers friends to my blog. It is a privilege & a pleasure to have you here, and I hope you will like my rambles & delights about everything that falls into this, my Space for Inspiration! xx


Last but not least. Another big thank you to my dear and wonderful friend Marsha of 'Splendarosa' who awarded me this tailor-made 'Beautiful Blog Award'. How special and heart warming Marsha! Big hugs of gratitude. xx

OK my lovelies, that is it from me for now - so much to smile about! Quick and brief I know (xx sorry xx) but I promise to be back in more depth soon. Have a wonderful week ahead and a very Happy Easter (& Passover) to those who celebrate!

Biggest hugs to you all. I'll miss you lots..!

xx Charlotta

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Summer cleanse..!

Hello friends!
Hope you are all enjoying a marvelous weekend. We are certainly doing just that here in sunny Sydney where Summer is at it's peak and life is breezy!

via Pinterest

Though it would be so nice to continue being swept away in a haze of sunshine and ice creams, it is time to embark on the first of my (quarterly) 'detox programmes' for the year..!  
Though it will be hard to pull away from all the treats and temptations of Summer, I feel encouraged by the fact that my favourite food stores & markets are full of fabulous fresh produce right now. And as you know, a good detox rests on just that - fresh foods that are packed with nutrition and 'live energy'!

via Pinterest

As of tomorrow I will start adjusting my diet to off-load my body, and to generally allow it to eliminate stored toxins. 
I will also take herbal supplements to help stimulate various parts of my body to detox & expel all the pollution into the bloodstream so that they can be transported out of my body. It will be hard for the first few days but towards the end of the week I'll start feeling the benefits and after that it will only get better and better!

 via Pinterest

I would love it if you joined me on this journey, but before you make up your mind please read THIS POST that I did back in August.
It takes you though the various aspects of detoxing and gives you a good overview of a 'typical day' on the programme that I follow. If you have any questions, please let me know and I'll try to help. x

  via Pinterest

Before I sign off for today, I would like to say thank you to everyone who shared so generously their lists of 'seven things' as part of the Stylish Blogger Award. I loved reading your lists and look forward to more sharing in the future! x

Special thank you also to 'Simply My Life' for passing the award back to me. Such a sweet and much appreciated gesture! xx

 Vintage Rose Garden

And whilst I am on the subject of gratefulness, I would like to send a big hug and thank you to sweet Carole of 'Dear Designer's Blog' for passing me a brand new and wonderful award called the 'A Blog With Substance'.

As I said to Carole earlier today.. There is nothing more important to me than to have 'substance' and as such I am very moved by this nomination! Thanks again my friend, you made me very happy indeed! xx

Ok lovelies, that's it for today. I hope you join me on the detox, and that just generally you have a fabulous rest of the weekend & start to the new week!

xx Charlotta

P.S. Vicki and Catherine. Congratulations again on winning the photo give-away. Marshall is preparing your prints and I'll email you as soon as they have been put in the mail. xx

Monday, January 17, 2011

Rain.. Reward.. Return..

Hello my darlings and sorry for my extended absence this week..! 
I have almost finished the work I was assigned to do for a website that will be launching shortly (I'll share later) and all the post-holiday chores are tackled. Now I am lulling around in some sort of 'Summery haze' where I find it hard to get just anything constructive done.. It's actually quite lovely! :)

Oscar hanging out at the beach. Photo: Marshall Ward

Before I reveal the winners of my 'pre-Christmas give away' I want to say that my heart is aching for all and everyone who is affected by the insane floods that are tearing through the world at the moment. Though the ones we are witnessing here in Australia right now are especially hard for me to watch they are less severe than the ones in Brazil and also Sri Lanka.. They do however affect a much larger area and continue to spread which needless to say is terrifying!

The loss, pain and tragedy is impossible to grasp, and they affect the victims on so many levels.  So many are in dire need of help and support. My thoughts travel to those who need hope and strength right now, and my prayers are aimed at those who have lost so much.. May the sun shine on you again..!

Sunrises are such a symbol of 'hope' to me... Photo: Marshall Ward

Without the intent of seeming flippant.. I am deliberately leaving the sublect of floods now and shifting to the much delayed announcement of the two winners of my pre-Christmas give-away. Both Marshall and I were thrilled to see so many entries (both from Australia and the World) and all your enthusiastic and kind comments truly made us happy! Thank you all for entering and for being so sweet!! xx

As promised, we have drawn two winners - one from Australia and one from the 'World' .. Without further ado... CONGRATULATIONS Cath (Tea with Mary) and Vicki (Vicki the Viking)!! xx

Cath & Vicki, please email me to confirm which photo you want us to send, and also your postal addresses. Thank you dear friends on entering and congratulations again!

 Photo:  Mikkel Vang

And speaking of 'dear friends'.. Whilst I have been skipping around barefoot in the Australian Summer so many new and lovely people have found their way to my little blog corner. I am so thrilled to welcome you here and I can't wait to get to know you all..! xx

In fact I have chosen 9 of my newest followers (+ 1 of my favourite blogs) as the receivers of an award I was recently rewarded by no less than three lovely blog friends;

1) My dear and talented friend Mariska who blogs over at 'I used to be Snow White but I drifted'. This gorgeous woman is a celebrated professional artist whose work hangs in many corners of the world. Please do pop across to her brilliant blog to see her latest works and news for 2011. Hugs to you Mariska! xx

2) Swedish sweetheart Jill who blogs over at 'Live Like You'. I 'met' Jill not long ago but felt an instant affinity with her. Not only because we are both from Sweden but because of the way she looks at life. Please pop over to her lovely blog and read her introduction and you'll know why I find this lady so special. Kramar till dig Jill! xx

3) The lovely Anita over at 'A Dreamer's Den' who I feel so close with. This girl is also something special. Not only does she share name with my mother and daughter (Isabella's second name is Anita), but she has such a sweet personality. Her blog started of as an attempt to document the making of her home but has grown to be so much more. This girl has a deeper conscience and wonderful sense of style. Do visit her beautiful blog and fall in love. Hugs to you dear Anita! xx

THANK YOU so much again for this very kind and flattering nomination!

This 'Stylish Blogger Award' calls for the receiver to:
1. Link back to the person/people who gave the award
2. List seven things that you may not know about me, and
3. Pass on the award to ten others... 

I dare to share and hope that you will do the same..! x

 I cry if tickled.. I actually panic to the point of trears.. (exception feet!) fact, I adore pedicures and reflexology. In my book there are no better spa treatments!

 I dislike wearing a lot of make-up and feel awkward and claustrophobic when doing so..

I love camels, quirky dogs and birds.. Actually I adore most animals full stop!

I am an obsessive 'list maker'. Love the ritual and the way they clear my head..!

I can't sleep without the window in my bedroom open. Winter or Summer it's always ajar!

I am very intuitive and often get strong signals regarding people I care about..
It's not always a blessing..


So there it is.. Seven things that you probably didn't know about me. Now over to you my dears..!

First of all I want the wonderful and always brilliant Louise of 'Lou Boos and Shoes' to receive this award. Her blog is one of my favourite out there and it is beyond stylish in every sense. Lou, I adore every visit. Thank you! xx

As for the remaining nine people I award the 'Stylish Blogger'.. These are some of my latest friends, picked at random and in no particular order from my left hand side column. Thank you all for joining my little blog circle - I love that you are here! xx Just click on the banners to be transported..!


Ok girls. I hope you embrace the award and that you will share openly your 7 things. I can't wait to read so please pop in and let me know when your posts are up.  xx

source unknown for these two

That is all for today my dears. It's good to be back but please forgive me if I am a bit random in my visits for a little while longer. I am suffering total 'Summer-itis'..!  :)

From our holiday at Shoal Bay. Photos by Charlotta Ward.

Big sunny hugs with ice cream on top!

xx Charlotta

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Princesses and the splendid Splendarosa..

Hello my dears and sorry for the lack of frequency here at the moment.. Isabella's asthma has played up again and the past week has been ridden by intense worry as well as night wakes making sure she is ok. A 'silent virus' hit her respiratory system out of nowhere and we ended up in hospital on Friday, and were kept under close watch until her little lungs started responding to the medication again. Since we were released on Saturday I am giving her Ventolin every three hours around the clock. Though it will be a few more days till I breathe a sigh of relief (no pun intended..),  Isabella is looking a little better this morning and the wheezing starting to fade a little. Needless to say we are all exhausted and emotional after this ordeal but Isabella has (as always) been an absolute champion through out and I am so proud of my little princess! xxx

My beautiful Isabella in character.. :)

Speaking of princesses.. There is is this other wonderful lady that I love (I know you do too!) and that is Marsha of 'Splendarosa'! She is not only a witty, smart, talented, creative and inspirational woman but also a warm, kind, and caring friend who I value so much. For those of you who read her blog, you will know that Marsha has a way with words that leaves us all spellbound and her flirty, girly, fabulously yummy blog is always such a delight to visit!

 Click HERE to jump across to Marsha's lovely blog. You won't regret it!

This multi-talented lady is also a skilled designer and fashion stylist. Her razor sharp eye for style and amazing fashion brings us couture & jewelery treats from all over the world. I am taking notes.. !!

 Pictures via Splendarosa

I have gotten to know Marsha through our blogs and I love that we chit-chat over email across the globe. I often read her posts in the morning (first up). I leave a comment and then scoot off to have a shower. By the time I come back there's an email from her - full of warm energy and genuine friendliness. It's such a nice way to start the day for me. Thank you for always being there Marsha! xx

 Pictures via Splendarosa

The other day when I opened my mail, there was a message from her letting me know that she had nominated me for an award - the 'Super Comments Award' to be precise. And this award comes from the queen of lovely comments!! What an honour Marsha! I was truly delighted by this! Thank you!! x

As you know, I love awards! I think they are a brilliant way for us 'blog chicas' (and chicos too..!) to share more about ourselves and thus getting to know each other better. What it's really all about, don't you agree!?! This particular blog award asks the receiver to post the 'award icon' on the blog,  to thank the person who gave it to you and of course link back to their site.. All of this done, I will dive straight into the core of the award. Namely these 10 questions;

1. Why do you blog?
2. What are your 3 best memories?
3. Name 4 of the best fiction books you've read.
4. What are the 5 best movies ever made?
5. Name 5 things you can't live without.
6. If you could change your name what would it be?
7. Tell us a unique and interesting fact about yourself.
8. What do you love best about yourself?
9. If you had a 'Freaky Friday' experience, who would you change places with?
10. What is the best thing about being a woman?

Marsha's answers were wonderful and I so enjoyed getting to know her better.  Please do click HERE to read her award post and take your time looking through her blog whilst you are there.

Here are my answers..

1. Why do you blog?
The addiction aside.. (oh yes, I know you know what I mean.. :) It all started on a whim after I had been reading a few blogs and thought it would be fun to try. Initially I started a private little blog for my family back in Sweden, then I added a 'work blog' (HERE) which is more of an 'online gallery' of my artworks after I started getting a lot of orders & requests from overseas Clients. Then came Space for Inspiration.. that came about at a similarly worrying time with Isabella about a year ago. Again she was very very sick and having spent a week in hospital we got back home with strict instructions for how to care for her throughout the night. I couldn't sleep and began blogging as a way to keep myself sane and distracted whilst sitting next to her in bed. It became my lifeline and the friendships I formed along the way quickly become very important to me. Little did I know that there was such a vast community of gorgeous people in this virtual world, and that I some of them would become some of my best friends. I love the connections, the hearing back, the comments, emails and messages. Every day I chat to my special friends and without you guys blogging would be no fun and the purpouse would be lost.. So thank you! xox

2. What are your 3 best memories?
Ok so not counting the births of my children, the first time they told me they loved me (OMG!), the two times I  told my parents they were going to be grand parents, the day I knew I had met the man I wanted to marry, our wedding day, the endless moments of closeness with my family and close friends... It's hard and there is an abundance of amazing and 'best memories' to choose from...

Diving into air filled submarinal caves in the remote island of Linosa, every time I arrive home in Sweden since living abroad, watching the volcano of  Stromboli shoot sparks into the air on a clear & perfect night whilst listening to Mozart on a sailing boat, learning to bike ride, perfect powder whilst skiing off-piste for the very first time in Chamonix, delivering a speech to 1500 people at the London Hilton, moving into my very first flat, flying first class to LA from London on my very first photo shoot, climbing a stunning ridge ca 1700meters above seal level in Norway,  the smell of freshly baked Swedish cinnemon scrolls, my mother's cooking, swimming with tropical fish & dolphins in Australia, visiting Capri for the first time, graduation night, & receiving a scholarship , para-skiing off a mountain at 1800m, watching the first snow fall of the season, climbing Sydney Harbour bridge, drinking a rare bottle of Fragolino wine in Rome, watching the sunrise from the steps of Sacre Coeur in Paris,  my sister's wedding, wrapping a boa around my neck, growing up in Sweden, my first time at the opera, living in London, every Christmas morning, numerous skinny dips in the lake by our former summer house, clearing a grade 5 rapid whilst rafting in the remote North of Sweden, being in love in Paris, staying at a private castle in Switzerland, watching my grand father perform on stage, my first bra, waking up to a perfect morning whilst camping at 1200m in Norway, my first kiss, arrival of Spring after a long Swedish Winter, my first job offer, eating wild strawberries straight from the bush, my first blog comment.. The list goes on and on, but here are three little snippets drawn at random..

The very first time I saw fireflies.. At the time I was in Tuscany,  a guest of a fabulous Italian host at a private estate in the divine Sinalunga, near Siena. It was early evening and we were walking cross the vineyard to have dinner at the restaurant owned by my host. The night was filled with the scent of lavender, lemon trees, rosemary, vines and fireflies.. The whole plantation in front of us was full of swerving fireflies and I had never seen anything so beautiful.. It was like out of a fairytale and all I wanted to do was to dance with them.. Which of course I did! :)

via Ali's fabulous Escapade

The second memory would be when I passed my driving test.. God knows I had tried several times before I finally succeeded..and when I did I ran home and jumped into my car and drove all the way to Stockholm just to buy an ice cream with my friend Karin.. The roof was down, the wind in our hair, Peter Tosh playing loud on the stereo and I felt so free and independent.. :)

The third would be when I accidentally ran into the arms of Piers Brosnan down on Kings Road in London.. I was coming out of a shop and didn't watch where I was going (lucky me!) and ended up with my face on his chest.. Though the man is a tad too smooth for my liking, I didn't mind falling into his embrace..  Short of anything clever to say, I asked if I could do it again.. (can you blame me?!?) We both laughed.. :)

3. Name 4 of the best fiction books you've read.
I love love love books (!) and always have a few going at once, but here are four some that I enjoyed very much:

One: The Diving Bell and the Butterfly, by Jean-Dominique Babuy

I know I am cheating here because this is no fiction book at all. In fact it is the French memoir (Le scaphandre et le papillon) of the late journalist and editor-in-chief for Elle, Jean-Dominique Babuy written by himself after he woke from coma having suffered a severe stroke. Though physically paralyzed with the exception some ability to move his head and eyes (of which the right was sewn up) he was mentally aware and sound (can you imagine..). He wrote the book using a transcriber that repeated the French alphabet (letters arranged by  frequency of use) and that changed letter each time he blinked his left eye lid..! With over  200,000 blinks over 4 hours a day for 10 months the book was completed and became a best seller world wide. Needless to say, this is a story everyone should read and it will give you insights to the life on the other side of 'locked in syndrome'.. Life is precious!

Two: The Artist's Way, by Julia Cameron

A must for all artists and writers, who most likely at one or another time will experience a blockage of the creative mind. This book is an absolute bookshelf staple!

Three: Let me sing you gentle songs (also called 'Astrid and Veronika') by Linda Ohlsson

Linda Ohlsson is Swedish but lives in New Zealand. Interestingly she wrote this book in English first and translated it to Swedish later. It is a beautiful story about friendship and life. I can highly recommend you read this one. 

Four: The Millenium triology, by Stieg Larsson

I know I am not alone in loving these books. If you haven't had a chance to read them yet, do! They are brilliant! Also let's hope the Larsson family can resolve their issues and release the fourth book sitting on the late Stieg's hard drive..

4. What are the 5 best movies ever made? 
This is SO hard.. I love movies and get so into each and everyone I watch. My husband will testify that every time I watch something I love, I declare that it was the best one I have ever seen.. But here are five (ish) that stand the test of time for me..

One: Il Postino, by Michael Radford

Two: As it is in heaven, by Kay Pollak

Three: As good as it gets, by James L. Brooks

Four: The Godfather triology, by Francis Ford Coppola

Five: Chocolat, by Lasse Hallström

5. Name 5 things you can't live without.
Apart from my family, friends - they are an absolute given.. I'd find it hard to carry on without an abundance of lip balm, hand cream, filtered tap water, fresh air, blueberries, changing seasons, and a readily available modem (ahem)... I bless my soul that I live in a time where my modem means I can chat, Skype and generally access my family at any time from anywhere whenever I want. It sure does living in Australia a whole lot easier when my family lives in Sweden.. And blogging of course.. xx What else..? I could not live without genuine kindness, thoughtfulness, love, morale and respect for others as well as the beautiful world we live in. I would also find it hard to exist without paper & pens, colour, good chocolate, the ability to travel, flowers, laughter & humour (mine is very dry..), freedom of choice, education & access to information, and generally just being able to connect and interact with people boundlessly.

6. If you could change your name what would it be?
..I have always wondered what it would be like to be Mrs B. Pitt.. :)  No really, I am quite happy with my name as it is now.. Though I remember how I as a young girl once I booked a hotel room  (in London) under the name of  'Contessa von Rosen' and felt so fabulous doing it.. and what was even better was that the hotel went along with it.. It was so much fun to be a Contessa for a day..! :)

7. Tell us a unique and interesting fact about yourself.
I hold two university degrees & graduated with straight As and honours only to abandon all that to pursue my dream, did my internship with one of the key organisers of London Fashion Week, have climbed a tall mountain, have para-glided off another very tall mountain, once ran away with the cast of American 'Up With People' in pursuit of becoming an actress, grew up in Sweden but have since lived in six countries, suffer post traumatic shock since nearly 15 years, must read a few pages in a book to be able to sleep, drink at least 2 liters of water a day, get hiccups when I eat lemon muffins, have no sense of direction, am terrified of worms but have kissed a snake, am very intuitive, have skied from France to Italy but forgot to bring my passport (..), can tap dance & yodel, (if allowed to drink enough wine first..), am still best friends with a guy I met at daycare at the age of 3, will always consider Sweden home, have lived at more than 40 addresses around the world.. To mention a few..
8. What do you love best about yourself?
That I am kind and genuine.
9. If you had a 'Freaky Friday' experience, who would you change places with?
Having read this somewhere in the blog world, I would love to swap places with my kids for one day to see the kind of parent I am. What an eye opening and amazing learning experience that would be.

I know I am incredibly fortunate to have been able to carry and give birth to two beautiful children. The ultimate gift of life to me!

10. What is the best thing about being a woman?
Being able to have babies, eat pink cup cakes, paint our nails in pretty colours, being allowed to cry over almost anything, change our hair colour every month of the year without anyone raising an eyebrow, being able to kiss all our friends regardless of their gender without social judgement, have a wardrobe of shoes & handbags, wearing tights, short skirts and sexy lingerie, be allowed to be indecisive, not have to shave our faces every morning, living longer, enjoying 'female intuition', our incredible strength and courage through history, our continuous strive to improve and grow.. and so much more. I wouldn't change it for the world, and thank my lucky star that I am fortunate enough to be born & live in a part of the world where I can take freedom, equality and respect for granted...

Just couldn't resist this one.. Cracks me up.. Found somewhere on Tumblr..

Before I go, I'd like to pass this award onto the following gorgeous girls
who always leave such lovely comments for me:
Tina 'Komma Hem'
Julie 'Being Ruby'
Manvi 'Mochatini'
Kelly 'Style Attic'
Catherine 'Shiny Pebble'
Leigha 'Elle Oh'
Sue 'The Zhush'
Louise 'Table Tonic'

You girls rock and I can't wait to read your award posts. xx

Last but not least. Marsha, once again, I am so sorry about your friend Lisa. My heart is saddened by your loss and my thoughts & prayers go out to you and her family. Sending you all my love & hugs! xx

xx Charlotta
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