Showing posts with label Fabulous Food... Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fabulous Food... Show all posts

Monday, June 4, 2012

DETOX 04: Elimination diet..

Hello hello! I am so happy about the positive feedback on my little detox series. You guys really are great and it is such an inspiration to know so many of you are willing to make positive & healthy changes to your lives! Well done!! xx

Quite a few of you have sent me questions about how to find a good programme and, just in general, how to go about an effective detox. I must confess that the more detoxing journeys I embark on the more I wish to adjust my lifestyle to be clean all the time. I am already eating a 90% certified organic diet rich in nutrients, with focus on lots of fresh vegetables and fruit. However I am starting to feel an urge to phasing out things like sugar, meat, and dairy full stop. Though these are very tasty (most of the time) I really don't feel all that great after eating them. Also, as I learn more about the serious and long term damage they do to my body the more I wish to eliminate them permanently.

But that's me, and you may feel differently. In fact it is very important to remember that we are all different - we lead different lifestyles, have different body types, different needs and sensitivities. What feels like the perfect balance for my body, may leave you feeling either unchallenged or overwhelmed. A 'raw food enthusiast' may feel completely at ease embarking on a two week juice fast, whereas a 'meat & dairy lover' most probably needs to take a softer approach to start. Detoxing therefore needs to be tailored and it is important that you bear this in mind along the way.

For the benefit of this post though I will base my advice on what I deem is 'an average person'. To me this means someone who enjoys everything in moderation, and who is reasonably conscious of the most common pitfalls of an every-day diet. He/she would at times enjoy alcoholic and caffeinated drinks, and may even smoke the occasional cigarette but is by no means a heavy user of any of these substances. For such a person I would recommend starting off by doing a so called 'elimination diet'.

An elimination diet aims to remove substances that have an adverse effect on the body and thus allowing the bodily organs to rest and recharge. It's not really a formal 'detox' but shares many of the positive benefits of a full cleanse (only not to their full extent). This kind of regime is a very common and sensible starting point for a full detox and a great way to prepare the body for the next phase. I find that a well managed elimination diet gives great results in physical appearance, bodily functions, and instils a general sense of well-being. And the best part is that it can be achieved within the reams of your day-to-day life!

Elimination diets are especially handy following times of indulgence (e.g. Christmas, Easter etc), during times of stress, after prolonged illness, or after a course of prescription or non prescription drugs. It is also a great way to kick-start a healthier lifestyle and/or prepare for a formal detox or permanent food change. The programme most commonly runs between two to eight weeks, however it is very likely that you wish to continue longer due to the positive results in the way you look and feel.

If it's your very first time and you want to try this, simply remove as many of the following substances from your diet over two weeks.
1. Caffeine
2. Sugar (and sweeteners)
3. Bread, pasta, refined cereal and white rice
4. Dairy (with the exception of raw natural yogurt)
5. Red meat
6. Salt (except for good quality sea salt or Himalayan crystal salt)
7. Alcohol
8. Small goods and processed foods
9. All soft drinks incl. commercial fruit juice, cordial, lemonade etc.
10. Needless to say, if you are a smoker, user of snuff, or other recreational drugs you aim to eliminate these too. 
Don't go 'cold turkey' as this can really mess you about , instead cut down slowly over the first week until you go 'clean' the second week..

Before you start hyper-ventilating over what you can't have, sit yourself down and instill in your mind the reason you are embarking on this journey in the first place. Write them down and pin it to your bathroom mirror, fridge door, bedside table etc.
Decide to focus on what you CAN have rather than what you CAN'T have, because really there are so many foods and drinks you can enjoy during an elimination diet. And you should, because this is not a weight loss programme or one where you constantly have to be on your toes about how much you eat. The good news is that you can indulge freely in a whole raft of great foods and you won't go hungry at all. That to me is important as I am an avid believer that life should be enjoyable!

The key is to take away what harms and/or hinders your body from feeling and looking its very best. By taking them away you will become tangibly aware of the negative effect these daily pollutants have on your health, even if they taste good and make you feel good at the time you eat them. 
Of course there may be some side effects in the first few days such as head- and joint- aches, loose stools, flue like symptoms, irritability, skin rashes, and tiredness. But try to see these as a sign that the process is working. As a general rule, the worse you feel the more you need this cleanse. So hang on in there and know how great you will feel, look and be in only a matter of days!

I know that the thought of having to live without coffee or chocolate for more than a short while can be so confronting that you don't even want to try..! But really, you can do this! All you need to do is to stay focused and determined, and you will be surprised by how easy it is to establish new habits. 
Also, please try not to become overly enthusiastic and dive in the deep end by doing a rigid programme the very first time (I speak from experience here!!). Instead start with an elimination diet, set realistic goals, and take it slow. Go one week at a time and focus on the long term. It won't take that long before you find clean, nutritional, and yummy alternatives to your daily food staples and habits. Remember that Rome wasn't built in one day!!

PLANNING ahead is the key to success and I urge you to go through your pantry, fridge and freezer and remove ALL temptations before you start. Because as you can understand, there will be times you will want to cheat and if it is there you'll eat it..! Even things you may not normally be drawn to may seem tempting, so be brutal and take away anything that falls within the list of foods/drinks to avoid!

The next step is to stock up on the foods you CAN eat. Think about maximizing nutrition and make it easy for yourself to find things to eat at a short notice. This might mean making frozen smoothie icypoles, preparing your own musli mix, roasting nuts, filling a bowl with washed & ready-to eat seasonal fruits, keeping a jug with freshly squeezed juice in the fridge, cutting vegetable sticks, making guacamole to dip them in etc etc. Become your own best friend and make this journey as smooth, enjoyable and kind as possible. By preparing meal and snack plans you eliminate the pressure to think on your feet, which at the beginning can be a challenge. Rest assured that it gets easier by the day, and in week two you'll be right on track .

Last but not least, ensure you keep a PBA-free bottle of filtered water with you at all times so that you stay hydrated and refreshed. Drinking water is essential during a cleanse so get yourself a Brita filter jug and fill your fridge with yummy fruited and flavoured water. Also stock your pantry with a wardrobe of herbal teas that can replace your morning and evening hot drinks. There are plenty teas that have wonderful properties that will help your body. Some of my favourites are dandelion, camomile, fennel, cinnamon, mint and green tea. Visit your local health food store and ask for assistance when building your very own tea cupboard.

As for the foods that you CAN eat. Though there are plenty  of great alternatives I would recommend you go to HERE to find a good and straight forward eating guide. It's part of a detox programme issued by GNC, and one that I have used successfully many times. As I have mentioned before, I am not sponsored by these guys I just happen to like them. The booklet refers to the programme as a 'detox' but as you are allowed to take some animal proteins I think it falls more within a restricted or elimination diet. But terminology aside, this programme is effective, well balanced and easy to follow whilst also achieving great results.

The two key objectives of the programme is to a) eliminate toxins, and b) restore the body on a cellular level. You will no longer eat just to feel full. Instead you will eat to nourish yourself in the best way possible. When this happens your body will be happy, and will start to transform. Not only will it unfold a wonderful & healthy glow, but also a rush of life energy and an inner feeling of peaceful wellness!

Good luck everyone and please let me know how you go!

xx Charlotta xx

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Detox made yummy..

Hello lovelies and warm weekend greetings from Sydney! I am thrilled that the sun has returned to our Wintery patch of the world, and as such life feels pretty great! :)

via Tumblr

As I mentioned a couple of posts ago, I have received a few emails from people in regards to the 'detox regimes' that I embark on.
My regular readers will know that I go on a 4-8 week detox stint 3-4 times a year. In fact I am enjoying 'week 7' of my second round for 2011 as I type this!
It may come as a surprise that I use the word 'enjoying' but it is true, I am actually genuinely enjoying it! I will even go as far to say that I really look forward to my detoxes these days - so much in fact that they have become more frequent and longer!

1. Don't Settle For Less, 2. Scandie Foodie, 3. Chance Facebook, 4. Sweet Paul Magazine
May I add here though that I by no means am a 'health freak', nor do I intend to become one. But I do love the powerful & tangible benefits of clean, nutritious, and healthy foods. I can assure you all that eating/living this way does not mean going about daily life feeling deprived or starved in any way! 
To me it all comes down to a 'lifestyle' choice, and how we aim to find one that make us feel, look and be the best we can possibly be. Most importantly, any initiative or change to ones life and habits has to marry organically into every-day routines & life in order to work in the long run. 

1. Unknown, 2. Babauhaus, 3. Red Stamp, 4. Australian Gourmet Traveller

The detox queries I have received are mostly from people who read my 'Squeeky Clean' post at the beginning of the year. I wrote that post as an introduction and starting point for finding out more about the kind of 'detox programme' I do. It is a long and comprehensive post that takes you through the basics of detoxing and also gives reference to a couple of good sites.
There are many different programmes out there, including ones that incorporate 'fasting', 'parasite elimination' and 'breaking a candida cycle' and I am happy to talk more about all of these at a later stage. For now, I am basing my posts on a broader detox programme that will benefit everyone and that is not too hard to implement.

1. One Thousand Rings, 2. Fabulous K 3. Canelle et Vanille, 4. Sweet Paul Magazine

Some of the questions I have received relate to foods & recipes, and this brings me to the core of today's post.. namely 'yummy detox friendly foods'!
Over the (detox-) years I have built a little 'mental library' of every-day-recipes that work for me, and I will eventually add these to a dedicated 'blog page' (or separate blog..), but today I wanted to introduce you to a wonderful 'food blogette' named Maria.

This talented Finnish girl grew up in a small remote town just south of the Arctic Circle but has called Australia home since a few years back. 
Inspired by her mother and the abundance of amazing raw produce here in Sydney, she cooks up a delicious storm of healthy foods which are showcased through her vastly popular blog 'Scandi Foodie'. You will want to click that 'subscribe button' fast people!

via unknown source on Tumblr

The 'Scandie Foodie' dishes are delicious, wholesome, and packed with nutrients. Maria cooks with skill, style, and with great insight to seasonal & quality raw produce! 
Having salivated my way through her impressive and impeccably photographed (!) 'smörgasbord' of recipe posts I knew this would be the perfect reference to give my friends who asked about guidance on food & eating.
With Maria's permission I am sharing six 'detox proof' dishes that I personally will try in the near future. Rest assured though that there are plenty more where these came from..!
Thank you Maria for letting me showcase them here. You are such an inspiration to me!! xx

Chestnut & Apple Crumble - HERE

Brown Rice & Fig Tartlets - HERE

Fig & Goat's Cheese Tart - HERE

Paradise Pear & Kamut Couscous Salad - HERE

Savoy Cabbage Rolls With Brown Rice & Chanterelle Filling - HERE

Prawn & Wattleseed Fettuccine - HERE

All recipe pictures by Maria for 'Scandie Foodie' 

 ** * **

That's all for now folks, but I promise to chat more about detoxing later and to also share some of my own recipes. 
Of course you are always welcome to drop me an email with more questions until then.

 via Wet Hot American Summer

Hugs to all and happy new week for tomorrow!

xx Charlotta

One last (but not least) thing! My blog and posts are being featured on the  'Decorating Forum' all week. Do pop across and check their 'forum' and Facebook out.  Thank you Julie-Ann - hope your members enjoy my blog. x

Thursday, June 2, 2011

A taste of Swedish Summer..

Hello hello! Today is the 'second day of Winter' here in Australia (the official first day of Winter is June 1), and as such I am going to cheer myself up with a post all about Summer.. ! ;)

After yesterday's post I received a lovely email from a Danish girl who lives in California, and we got talking about sweet childhood memories and home made cordial.. Yum!

I remember vividly the arrival of the 'first strawberries' of the season.. Not imported ones, but locally grown, real Swedish strawberries bought directly from the farmer..! 

My mother would send me & my sister by bicycle to buy them, knowing full well that we'd nab a fair few strawberries on the way home..  Because who can resist freshly picked, sun-warm strawberries..!?!

Apart from fresh berries, lots of wonderful, seasonal treats would make their way to our table through out Summer, and this always included my grand mother's home made strawberry (and rhubarb) cordial.. Sometimes she'd mix it with elderflower or red currant too..

I have been searching high and low for the original recipe  she used when we were little, but I can't find it (to my despair!). But the one below looks pretty good and I might in fact attempt to recreate a 'glass of Swedish Summer bliss' for my own children. We're really spoiled here in Australia because we have fresh berries and fruit all year round..!

Enjoy, and please let me know how you go.

xx Charlotta


If you can get your hands on 'wild strawberries' (the kind that grows road side or in the forest..) DO use that instead as these berries are so much sweeter. My favourite!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Today I am dreaming of..

Summer escapes... Aqua coloured water... White beaches....

Home made strawberry cordial... A fragrant garden..

Frosted rose petal cake... And a day without rain... *sigh*

Warm hugs from a wet & grey Sydney.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Celebrate Spring with a 'Herbed Party'...

Hello my dears and happy Thursday! With Easter just around the corner, my Swedish mind inevitably drifts to Spring. I guess this proves that you can 'take the girl out of Sweden but not Sweden out of the girl', because really, I should be immersing myself in Autumnal glory as this is the season we're enjoying here in Sydney right now.. Oh well..

So, the other day I came a cross this suite of pretty pictures, and suddenly found myself dreaming up a 'herb themed lunch' with a buffet of foods and drinks inspired by the first harvest of herbs from the Spring garden. Why not eh?!

 I love this idea!
I was thinking baskets of freshly baked breads - perhaps some with flaky sea salt and fresh rosemary on top. Racks of 'Herb crusted Spring lamb' (click for recipe) and a large tray of Swedish 'Hasselbacks Potatis' (see here for recipe).

 Beautiful picture and recipe via 'Almost Bourdain'

There would also be bowls of beautiful ‘Salsa Verde(click for recipe), and scrumptious ‘Pesto Genovese’ (click for recipe). And perhaps a nice big plate of lightly steamed green asparagus with a side of sage butter, and a big salad of tender Spring time vegetables tossed with fresh Coriander leaves & a light dressing.

The hardcore ‘Scandi’ that I am, I would also add a fresh batch of ‘Skagen Röra' (see my mother's recipe below), and most definitely also a tray of home made ‘Gravlax’ (click for recipe) fringed with zingy lemon wedges. Both of these recipes use fresh dill as a core note and out of all herbs, dill is the one that is most true to my beloved Sweden. At least in my humble opinion.

I would serve up a variety of good wines (I love Lewin Estate Art Series whites, and Penfold's reds) and also set up a side table with a few jugs of flavoured water.  


I also love ‘lavender flavoured’, and ‘rose or tulip petal’ water. These are wonderful, and if you decide to make them please ensure you use 'pesticide free' petals only. Perhaps you grow these in the garden, but if you are relying on your local florist or flower market, please ensure you tell them what you are using the petals for so that you are given ones that are 'suitable for consumption.
 This image via

Last but not least. If you are able to get your mittens on some fresh passion fruit, I can highly recommend you make Australian chef Bill Granger's 'Passionfruit & coconut slice' for desert! Serve up with minted whipped cream and reap the rewards! Bake two - you'll need it!

This image via 'Almost Bourdain'

Hope you feel inspired to put on your own 'Herbed Party' to celebrate the unfolding Spring in the Northern hemisphere. Such a glorious time of the year and so much fun to have!

xx Charlotta

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