Showing posts with label Introductions and Thank Yous. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Introductions and Thank Yous. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Talk to me about Christmas... Natasha of 'Northern Light'

Hello darlings and 'Happy New Week' to you! Four days till Christmas - can you believe it!?! Are you ready? I am not sure I will ever be completely ready - there is always little bits & bobs left to do.. Mostly 'want-to-do's', but that's part of the tradition isn't it - leaving some things to dream about for next year..  

Today I have the pleasure of introducing my dear friend Natasha of 'Northern Light'. This lovely girl is as international as one can be - born in Africa, raised in Denmark and now living in the US! And to put a cherry on top, her darling is from China. Isn't it marvelous!?! I love it!
Natasha's blog is a true reflection of her eclectic and rich heritage and her Christmas post is just wonderful. I know you'll enjoy this one as much as I did..! x

Hello! Let me start by thanking Charlotta for this amazing opportunity! 
I have been reading Space for Inspiration for a while now, and followed along from afar; all the way from Australia back to Scandinavia and Sweden. It’s been an exciting journey and I will continue to “stay tuned”! Please join me as I will share a little of my “old” and “new” Christmas Traditions with you. As Charlotta so eloquently put it “every family, culture and country has their traditions” and I was asked to share mine….

Here we go..

What does Christmas mean to you?
Christmas is all about family, traditions and great food! Oh.. and as a kid, it's also about the presents underneath the tree! The anticipation of those wrapped goodies is almost too much to bear..!
Growing up with my family (in Denmark) Christmas was really about the whole month of December - not just Christmas Eve (or Day). The early days when Christmas decorations were going up, lighting the calendar candle (marked with 24 lines - burning one for each day until Christmas Eve..), the four Advent Sundays, the count-down.. 
Some years my sister & I had a 'Pakke kalender'. I remember those fondly, and truly commend my mother (and all of you out there who partake in this tradition!) for taking the time to find 24 small gifts - one to open each and every morning leading up to Christmas. I now know what an undertaking this was - but it was so truly appreciated!

No longer a child, I love the feeling of Christmas, not so much all the hoopla, the gifts and all the craziness that goes on before Christmas. I love the simplicity of the candlelight, the preparations of food leading up to Christmas and Christmas lights on wreaths and Christmas trees! To me it’s all about the feeling of Christmas… whatever your tradition is!!

It is simply not Christmas without..?
Well, hmmmm…. I’ll say it’s simply not Christmas without decorations, however simple and small, without 'Glögg', 'Ris a la Mande', and 'Aebleskiver'. And really… it should be cold outside. And if there is snow – even better! We all dream of a “White Christmas”, don’t we?!?  OK, so I now live in tropical Florida, and it’s no secret that there is no snow, but I can dream, right?! … or turn the AC down really low, just so I can put on a blanket! 

Your ideal Christmas?
I would book tickets to Denmark for my husband and I. We would leave a good week or so ahead of Christmas and not return until after New Year! 
The days leading up would be spent with my sister, her kids, and with my mom & dad! We would be going to either Copenhagen or Aarhus (probably both..!) to look at all the festive windows. We'd drink warm 'Glögg' (click here for a recepie, but know that every household has their own version..!) from the food stalls on the pedestrian streets, and eat warm 'Aebleskiver' (click here for a recepie) while our hands and fingers get cold…. I would breathe in the cold and crisp frosty air, go for long walks in the snow covered countryside, come home and warm up with more Glögg!!  
This is written by someone who is dreaming… I was freezing and complaining in September… Can you imagine if it was below zero? I would die! LOL! I have lived in warm weather too long I think :) 

Christmas Eve would be spent with the whole family (sadly this has not happened since I left for the US), and we would be enjoying a traditional Christmas dinner, followed by Ris a la Mande with warm cherry sauce for dessert! 
We would be dancing around the Christmas tree (Scandinavian tradition) while singing Christmas carols. 
Christmas presents would be shared with everyone late in the evening. I still celebrate Christmas on the 24th!!

Since we would be in Denmark until after New Years, the 'Christmas Spirit' would last for several days!!! Growing up we always went to some of our British friends & family to celebrate 'Christmas Day' on the 25th. They served the BEST home made 'ice cream cake' you can imagine for desert, complemented with a warm fruity sauce. Yummy!!

Fave Christmas movie?
This is a tough question... Growing up we always watched 'Walt Disney' Christmas cartoons in the afternoon of Christmas Eve to pass time before the 'big event'. I remember those fondly!
Now.. it's a toss up between 'Home Alone (I still laugh at that one) and 'the Holiday' with Kate Winslet and Cameron Diaz.

Number one Christmas song / music?
Leading up to Christmas I like to play the 'Tony Bennett Christmas Album' in my house - it just sets the mood! However.. it's a little short, so it can get to be a bit too much for weeks on end (you can imagine..).. I might have to get my hands on the new Michael Buble 'Christmas' album - I hear it's really good..! 

What's on your Christmas table?
Besides a million live candles, fresh flowers and a few decorations..?

Dinner for Mr. Wonderful & I will most likely be the traditional roast pork, candied potatoes, regular boiled potatoes, warm red cabbage, and thick brown sauce. The best part is when the rind is crisp and thick, and you can taste the bay leaves! 
Dessert will be – for sure – 'Ris a la Man'de with warm cherry sauce. And as tradition will have it, one whole almond will be buried in the dish, and whoever gets it, and can prove it (we need evidence people, this is serious business!!!!) will be the lucky recipient of a small “extra” gift.

Since living in The States we often share this meal with friends. I enjoy cooking Christmas dinner and love sharing the Danish Christmas traditions with them!! 

What would you love Santa to bring this year?
Two plane tickets to Denmark for next year's Christmas! :)  … and a new laptop! 
No labels mentioned, but one of those with a little fruit on the top would be nice! I also have a request in for a super cool Tine K black braided leather key ring. (It was sold out when I was back home in September..) 

Your Christmas message to the world?
Take the time to enjoy the holidays. Appreciate time with your family! Don’t stress out about the little things, cook good food, and share it with friends! 
Remember those around you who are less fortunate. Perhaps volunteer on Christmas Day. And don't forget to make a donation to your favorite charity!!

Make up your own Christmas traditions… We did!! My husband is Chinese but gew up in The States - Christmas is not a particularly big deal to him, and that has opened the door for us to create our own traditions. On the 25th, while everyone is up at the crack of dawn, we sleep in. While everyone opens presents, we eat fresh baked pancakes (the flat ones… crepes!). While everyone plays with their new toys, shovels snow or are stuck in airports, we take the car for a spin - roll down the windows and enjoy the tropical weather! 
While everyone is cooking dinner, we are watching the waves roll in off the coast of Palm Beach. While everyone is stuffing themselves, we are taking a walk on the beach. While everyone is taking naps, we drive home, enjoying all the pretty Christmas lights and have one last bowl of Ris a la Mande!   
… But really, I secretly long for a traditional Danish, cold, and white Christmas..

Glaedelig Jul!


Image Credits: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8


Dear Natasha - what a wonderful Christmas post! 
I can so relate to that longing of a Scandinavian Christmas.. Cold, dark, crisp, and full of mystical magic & traditions. It's in our blood isn't it!?!
Though a tropical Christmas, like the ones I used to know in Sydney, are also very nice, they never hit the spot just as a snowy one does..!
I sincerely hope that Santa grants your (not-so-secret-wish) of tickets to Denmark for next year - or better yet, gives you a hike there on his sleigh..! :)
Thank you (mange tak!) so much for your beautiful post and stunning images. What a wonderful finale to my Christmas series! xx

So my darlings, I hope you enjoyed my wonderful Christmas guest bloggers as much as I did. A huge THANK YOU to all of them (in running order below):  **please click the star to read their posts**

Maria of 'Scandie Foodie'
Lousie of 'Lou Boos and Shoes'

Sarah of 'Haute Design'


Stuart of 'What Wilson Wants'

Elizabeth of 'Pretty Pink Tulips'

Natasha of 'Northern Light'

That leaves one very last Christmas post - mine..
I'll be back in a couple of days to wish you all the most wonderful holiday season, and happy end to an eventful 2011!

Until then..

xx Charlotta

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Talk to me about Christmas... Elizabeth of 'Pretty Pink Tulips'

Hello darlings! Today I will cut straight to the chase and introduce you to the sweet Elizabeth. This gorgeous (in every sense) Texan girl (who now calls NY home) writes a fabulous blog called 'Pretty Pink Tulips' - an eclectic and always stylish cyber destination you won't want to miss.

What does Christmas mean to you?
Christmas to me is a beautiful holy time of the year when people seem just that little bit friendlier, jollier and hospitable. It is a time of reflection, celebration and giving.

It is simply not Christmas without?
Holiday music, greenery, the Newst holiday candle, and my collection of 'Nutcrackers'.

Your ideal Christmas?
Is snowy, joyful and full of laughter.

Fave Christmas movie?
'Love Actually' finally edged out 'It's a Wonderful Life' for me. I literally laugh and cry every time I watch it.

No 1 Christmas song/music?
I am already listening to Christmas music around the clock, and love everything from Micael Buble to Mariah Carey.. but my all time favourite song is 'Silend Night', as we sing it in church on Christmas Eve, as we light candles from one to another, and have for as long as I can remember!

What's on your Christmas table?
My Christmas table is set to the nines with greenery, my collection of Nutcrackers down the center and candles flickering in between. My place settings are Bernadaud Happy Holidays, which has a rim of little Nutcrackers around the rim. I use napkin rings of green leather with a large jingle bell and place cards that I have hand written in calligraphy. My husband usually wants a formal meal on Christmas Eve, so will have a beef tenderloin, corn pudding and a spinach salad. For dessert, I'm planning on making a black bottom pie. Yummmmmm!!

What would you love Santa to bring this year?
'Santa' has been treating me to a few lovely things already, so I feel as though Christmas has come early in the form of some gorgeous black suede boots and some sparkly holiday sandals!
Your Christmas message to the world.. 
Oh, our poor little world right now needs a giant hug. I feel like there is so much turmoil swirling all around. I would love for those who be generous. For those who can....invite someone to share Christmas with you. For those who can...lend a hand to someone who needs it. Let's reach out and love one another and reflect on all we have to be grateful for. 

A special holiday hug to Charlotta for having me as her guest today. Merry Christmas, everyone!!! Love, Elizabeth

Thank you dear Elizabeth for your wonderful Christmas post. I would love to see your 'Nutcracker' collection! It's so special to have something that grows over the years and that brings back so many memories. I bet you could tell us stories about each and single one of your beautiful 'Nutcrackers'! 
Darling, I wish you and your family a truly magical Christmas. May Santa bring you happiness, love, good health and lots of new adventures for 2012! xx

Ok lovelies, with that I wish you a relaxing remainder of the weekend! The snow is pouring down outside and we're snuggling up inside with some great holiday movies and some home made ginger biscuits. 

I'll be back in a couple of days with the last of these gorgeous Christmas posts - this final one is by my friend Natasha of 'Northern Light'.

Lots of love and hugs!

xx Charlotta

Friday, December 16, 2011

Talk to me about Christmas... Stuart of 'What Wilson Wants'

Darlings I am so sorry, I just realized I am running a couple of days behind schedule with my Christmas blog series.. I seem to be chasing minutes this week and not doing a very good job at it. Sincere apologies to my guest posters! xx
With Luica over and done with, it is full steam ahead towards Christmas really and there are still lots to take care of. Fun things, like finishing the shopping, dressing the tree, making sweets & truffles, putting together the gingerbread house and of course writing the rhymes for the Christmas pressies. Do you rhyme? I love it, and think it makes the 'opening process' so much more special. :)

Speaking of special. Today I have the pleasure of introducing the very sweet and talented Stuart. This gorgeous English interior architect & furniture designer writes a fabulous blog named 'What Wilson Wants' - if you don't know it yet, hop across and click the subscribe button. But not after you've read his joyous Christmas post..

What does Christmas mean to you?
Christmas to me is most definitely family! Mine all live in Birmingham (Central England), and I live in London, hence I don't get to see them all as much as I would like to, and when I do, it's only for a very quick weekend. But at Christmas I really feel that I can spend all my time and focus on my amazing family - my Mum, Dad, my twin brother Neil and his wife Beccy.

It's simply not Christmas without..? 
German Christmas markets... I adore them! For the past few years, here in London, there is a huge 'Winter Wonderland' in Hyde Park with lots of authentic German market stalls selling food, old fashioned traditional wooden toys, and trinkets... I love going there in the early evening when all the stalls are lit up with soft white lights, and a gorgeous smell of mulled wine is lingering in the air.... Mmmm.
But ultimately, it isn't Christmas without sitting around the table after dinner, chatting and laughing over silly stories, with a great old classic Christmas movie or old Christmas song on in the background. Perhaps with a glass of red wine or sherry..

01-03 by Stuart Wilson, 04. via Ateliegaaya

Your ideal Christmas?
My ideal Christmas would be spent in a quaint cottage in the middle of 'nowhere' with just my family. Snow would be falling all around us whilst we are sitting by a beautiful open fire laughing, drinking, and playing silly games.

 01 Out Now, 02 What Wilson Wants Pinterest

Fave Christmas movie?
My favourite Christmas film... don't laugh... is 'Home Alone'..! 
It's just one of those films that to me has it all, and for so many different reasons. It reminds me so much of my childhood at Christmas time. Neil (my brother) and I still get extremely excited when 'Home Alone' comes on... Yes we are 29 years old, hahahaha. 
Like I said, I like it for so may reasons.. The cinematography is lovely and timeless. The use of colours throughout the film are those classic  deep rich reds and greens, which I know are very clique but again are synonymous with Christmas. The Church scenes are lovely and remind me (and also did, when I was a child) that Christmas isn't just about gifts & indulgence, but also about religion, faith, and family. 
I also love the sound track to the film... just soooooo Christmasy, it give me 'goose bumps' (happy shivers).

via AFB 

No. 1 Christmas song / music? 
My No.1 Christmas song has to be 'O Holy Night'. I can actually listen to it all year round.... its stunning! 
It's been covered by so many different musicians over the years, but was first written by John Sullivan Dwight, who re-wrote it from the original version composed by Adolphe Adam in 1847. 
I say the song reminds me of being a kid at Christmas because - yes, you've guest it - it was one of the songs on 'Home Alone'. Hahahaha. From the scene when Kevin goes to Church and talks to 'old man Marley' for the first time. Old man Marley's Grand Daughter is singing in in the choir. Magical. 
It's just one of those songs that just make you breath Christmas, and what makes it special for me is that it reminds me of my Christmases as a child. I think Christmas is so much more magical when you are little.

What's on your Christmas table?
 As I spend Christmas with my family, our table is usually very old fashioned and fussy. If were put in charge, it would be a lot more simple. I really love handmade table setting so perhaps 'my table' would look something like this...

What would you love Santa to bring you this year?
In a completely selfish sort of way, here is my (pictorial) Christmas wish list;   God, I wish! hehehehe ;)

All images via 'What Wilson Wants' on Pinterest

Your Christmas message to the world...
My Christmas message to everyone is... Have a fantastic Christmas! It's a time to really appreciate those around you - family and close friends. A time for reflection and total happiness.  Merry Christmas everyone! :) 

 via Kaniko (on Etsy) 

Many thanks,

 Stuart Wilson 

Stuarts  header with a 'Christmas badge' by me.. 

Dear Stuart - thank you so much for this very generous post! 
Your love for Christmas and all the happy memories from your childhood really wrapped us all in a happy & warm glow. So special!  Also, your post inspired me to go out and get 'Home Alone' for my kids. We'll be watching it tomorrow night (a Friday night ritual to watch a nice movie together). And I'll be thinking of you! :) 
Stuart, I wish you and your family a truly magnificent Christmas - I hope you get to enjoy the same cozy magic you shared with us here today! xx


Today I am also featuring a 'Scandi Loving' gift guide over at my dear friend Lana of 'Lanalou Style'. Do hop across and check it out - there are some yummy items on show!

Ok darlings, with that it is full steam towards the weekend. I can't wait! We have such fun plans and I look forward to spending time with the kids after a truly whirlwind week!
I'll be back on Sunday with a Christmas post by my sweet friend Elizabeth of 'Pretty Pink Tulips'. This girl rocks and I can't wait for your to read her gorgeous post!

Big hugs to all!

xx Charlotta

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