Saturday, August 8, 2009


At precisely 7.53 this morning
my son announced that he has a wobbly tooth.
His first!
A very emotional moment (he is Picean ..)
mixed with fear, excitement, pride and curiosity.
Am I completely odd for feeling a pang of nostalgic sadness
to see this little milk tooth go..?
I mean I remember when it first appeared
in his mouth some six years ago..
Big warm & loving 'mamma-sigh'...

So in preparing for The Day
when it eventually falls out,
and all the wiggely wobbly anticipation is over,
I thought I would look for some cute little vessels
to contain the tooth in
(before the Tooth Fairy swoops it away of course..).

Here are some great 'tooth bags'
that you can actually make yourself.
In fact Molly on 'The Purl Bee' site
says that they are very quick to make (DIY instructions).

Sounds like I might be able to whip up at least one
before the last flick of the tongue releases the tooth.


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