I am completely overwhelmed with the love and appreciation
Not only have I made great friends who I chat to daily via the
blog, email or 'Facebook', but I also receive these flattering and
heart warming awards. Just recently sweet Carole over at the
'Dear Designer' gave me and a few others a 'Happy 101' award.
Carol's blog is full of enthusiasm, colour and great design finds
With a confident hand and great eye she takes her readers from a
killer location, to a brilliant designer, to an interesting artist, to a
fantastic hotel, a celebrity home and many other inspiring sources.
All above images are from the 'Dear Designer' blog, where you will find the original source & credits.
So when this lovely girl included me amongst her list of 10, I was
very moved, happy & honoured. Thank you again Carole!

As you may know, this award calls for the me to introduce
the giver of the 'Happy 101' and link back to their site.
Then I need to share 10 things that make me happy, and
finally pass on the badge to 10 other blogers of my choice.
My regular readers will remember that I have received this
lovely recognitions I shared 10 things that make me happy.
Though you already know a fair few things about me and
what makes me tick, I will share yet another list with you
as I believe blogging would not be blogging if we didn't
respond to each of these generous gestures of appreciation
by honouring the award & giver in the way it was intended.
So here mes chéries, is an additional 10 of my happy things:
1. Hotel living..
I feel very happy and liberated when staying at a (good) hotel,
and you have seen me post several of great ones here on the blog.
Fabulous places that you'll find under the 'heavenly hotels' label.
and you have seen me post several of great ones here on the blog.
Fabulous places that you'll find under the 'heavenly hotels' label.
From the carefree luxury of surrendering to excellent service,
the buzz of a reception area, to the little extra touches of TLC -
it is all great and I feel very relaxed and at home at a fab hotel.
2. Snow..
This picture was shot by my husband whilst we were visiting my hometown over Christmas.
It was very very cold (-22C) and these poor ducks down in the pond didn't have much water
left to stay warm. We went down every day to feed them and also put down branches in the
water to prevent it from freezing. I am glad to hear that most of them survived and are still there.
It was very very cold (-22C) and these poor ducks down in the pond didn't have much water
left to stay warm. We went down every day to feed them and also put down branches in the
water to prevent it from freezing. I am glad to hear that most of them survived and are still there.
The anticipation of Winter arriving for real and the first good
snowfall makes me very happy and excited! There is something
magical about the silence that comes with the snow and the
light that it brings to the otherwise dark months of Winter.
snowfall makes me very happy and excited! There is something
magical about the silence that comes with the snow and the
light that it brings to the otherwise dark months of Winter.
3. My husband..
With the risk of making him impossibly cocky now... :)
Marshall, ('The Huz') makes me very very happy! Sure he is
an absolute pain in the ... at times (ha ha!) but this man makes me
an absolute pain in the ... at times (ha ha!) but this man makes me
laugh like nobody else, loves me like nobody else, and is a good
and kind human being (with the most beautiful eyes in the world)..
I love him deeply, sincerely, honestly and truly. He is my rock!
4. Love
..and whilst on the subject..
In what ever shape or form it comes in, LOVE always makes
me incredibly happy, deeply moved and embarrassingly teary.
Yup, I am 'all velour' and thrive on this the greatest feeling of all!
5. Animals in the wild..
If there is something I really love doing it is spending time in
and around nature. I grew up outside the city, in between a
beautiful lake and a large forest, and feel such a deep affinity
with nature and all the creatures in it. To see animals in their
natural habitat, to watch them interact with each other and to
know they are safe and protected from harm makes me happy!
If there is something I really love doing it is spending time in
and around nature. I grew up outside the city, in between a
beautiful lake and a large forest, and feel such a deep affinity
with nature and all the creatures in it. To see animals in their
natural habitat, to watch them interact with each other and to
know they are safe and protected from harm makes me happy!
there, however if you are not familiar with Nick Brandt (UK)
I urge you to jump across to his website via this link. Wow!
6. Trees
Since for ever I have been completely drawn to trees. I find them
incredible in every sense and think there is great wisdom to draw
from them. I'm happy sitting underneath, climbing or hugging trees!
7. Sweden..
How could I not love my beloved birth country!? It is one of the
most beautiful places on Earth and I feel very proud to be Swedish!
From the baron & magestic North to the soft rolling hills & white
ocean beaches in the South this country incredibly diverse and very
very beautiful. I love that we have a reputation for honesty, great
design, genuine traditions, fabulous food, stunning girls and oh so
handsome men! From Abba to Alfred Nobel, to Ingrid Bergman to
Anita Ekberg & Greta Garbo, Pippi Longstocking, the Swedish Chef,
to Carl von Linné, Stieg Larsson, Göran Kropp and many many more,
I am so proud of my birth country and to be Swedish by body and soul!
8. Australia..
A nomadic soul with a huge appetite for life, I left Sweden at the
age of 18. Since then I have lived in England, France, Scotland,
Norway and finally here in Australia. I have travelled all over the
world however can safely say that you will find no country more
magestic, welcoming, and relaxed than Australia. Hippies live in
total harmony with Yuppies, and diverse cultures mix in a healthy
and natural manner making me feel right at home from the start.
This entrepreneurial country is full of opportunities and exciting
developments. A place you absolutely must visit once in your life!
9. Happy feet..
Is there anything better than walking barefoot!? I love the look
and feel of tanned 'Summery' feet with pretty nail varnish.
Is there anything better than walking barefoot!? I love the look
and feel of tanned 'Summery' feet with pretty nail varnish.
Be that in the form of a handwritten letter or card, an email,
a blog post or FB message, I love and appreciate all mail from
my friends and family spread across the lovely world we live in!
I love sharing your links and this time I would like to highlight
some of the newcomers in my little 'blog family' (see left column).
I have picked the highlighted ones by random by available links.
Their/your loyalty and friendship is the ultimate honour and reward
of blogging to me, and every day I think about how fantastic it is to
meet so many talented, inspired and gorgeous people in 'Blogland'!
I know it sounds corny when expressing my sincere gratefulness in
this manner, but I do mean every word and hope that you can feel it!
Without further ado, here are the wonderful blogs
(in no order what so ever..) I wish to pass the 'Happy 101' to.
Some of you may have received this award before, howver
I hope you share another list of 10 things with us. I for one
can't wait to find out more about your beautiful selves!
(in no order what so ever..) I wish to pass the 'Happy 101' to.
Some of you may have received this award before, howver
I hope you share another list of 10 things with us. I for one
can't wait to find out more about your beautiful selves!
I saved 'Tea with Mary' to last because she deserves an extra hug
and thank you for posting such a sweet introduction to me on her
lovely blog. Cath, I was really touched by this - thank you again!
To read the post, please click HERE.
Also it is Cath's birthday today, so please stop by to say hi
and wish her a splendid day full of celebrations and fun!
Happy Birthday Cath!
Again, thank you Carole and congratulations to all award nominees!
I look forward to reading your 'Happy 101' lists very soon.
Love to all.
xx Charlotta
I saved 'Tea with Mary' to last because she deserves an extra hug
and thank you for posting such a sweet introduction to me on her
lovely blog. Cath, I was really touched by this - thank you again!
To read the post, please click HERE.
Also it is Cath's birthday today, so please stop by to say hi
and wish her a splendid day full of celebrations and fun!
Happy Birthday Cath!
Again, thank you Carole and congratulations to all award nominees!
I look forward to reading your 'Happy 101' lists very soon.
Love to all.
xx Charlotta
I´d love to see Australia one day (and New Zealand), it has always seemed like a wonderful place to me. When I was studying to become pre-school teacher, an australian woman came and visited us and asked if we would like to participate in an exchange program... I intended to join with three friends, but from some reason our university didn´t approve. I still think that was a big bummer!
Have a great thursday!
Charlotta, you are truly a doll! Thanks from the bottom of my heart for passing the award on to me. It was wonderful to be able to get to know more about you. There were so many beautiful images you posted, but I especially like the tree and all things related to Sweden. Some day it is my dream to go there. I look forward to getting to check out other blog friends of yours, for, as you have demonstrated many times, you have ultimately good taste! Take care, dear friend, and big hugs to you!!
Well, thanks ever so much, Sweetie! What an incredible group of bloggers to be included with.
Oh Charlotta! I feel so honored you included me in your list of fun blogs! You made my day!
Congrats on all your accolades! What a fun way to get to learn more about you, and to find some fun new links as well!
This is the lovliest post, Charlotta. And, I do feel like I know a bit more about you...and it's definitely all good. You're adorable. xx's
Dear Charlotta, thank you so much for visiting my blog and letting me know about this award! I truly appreciate it. Your beautiful soul is what makes our blogging community so amazing! xo
i like 9 out of your 10. i'm not too into snow. mind you, when it glitters like diamonds or frosts the trees - i do love it. and i switched your husband to mine, of course. ;) so 9 1/2 out of 10 i guess. :)
What a lovely post Charlotta
Those images from Carole's blog are a great teaser... the blue bed is so unusual...!! will have to take a look..
And how lovely to read another 10 things about you... all wonderful [especially Hotel stays.. hehe]. And I do believe you have me wanting to travel to Sweden.. your love for your country shines through and makes us all eager to visit.. Now Australia.. i just love how you have presented us.. how true.. a little bit of everything!! have a lovely weekend. xx Julie
Hi Charlotta, you are so sweet to say such lovely things about my blog. Thank you. Thank you.
Btw, huz looks very handsome - you lucky girl!
I'll be back later to check out all of the blogs you have nominated.
Have a lovely weekend. xoxo
What a great list! And I totally agree with you, there is something magical about the first snowfall, and those beautiful crisp January days when the sun makes the snow sparkle and it's almost too cold to breathe but that's OK because it is all so beautiful. Or at christmas time when everyone is cuddled up inside with blankets and candles and it is dark and cold outside...
Dear Charlotta
Back to say Happy Birthday.. I thought I had commented on your birthday post.. but my comments have been going haywire lately...
so.. yes we are both Taureans!!! the best yes! hahaha.. sounds like you had a fabulous time.. I think my next birthday will have to be somewhere exotic.. take care and thanks for the sweet wishes.. xxx Julie
Grattis! Du är verkligen ambitiös med din blogg och är värd alla awards som finns :-) Nice to read more about what you like, I also love staying at nice and cosy hotels. Kram Mia
Hi Charlotta!
Congratulations on getting the 101 award! It was fun to find out you are an ABBA fan too! Thanks so much for considering me, I am flattered...Maryanne xo
Charlotta what a beautiful, beautiful post!
Hello gorgeous girl - thank you so much for this award, its an absolute honour to be in such fabulous blog company.
Will drop you an email shortly - this birthday week has been tres hectic...but LOTS of fun!
xxx Cath
Those floral chairs are gorgeous xxx
LOVE your collages. You know I have a weakness for pretty collages. Especially creative ones that manage to look pretty while maintaining perfect right angles. I have a thing for straight lines and non-overlapping images :)
My favorite of your favorites: happy feet. Though I'm sure I would adore Sweden and Australia. And probably your handsome Marshall :)
Oh, and you deserve all this love..! You area a dear. As always, I adore learning more about you with each visit I make here.
Dear Charlotta
Thank you so much for visiting my blog.
I ADORE your post
you have given so much of
YOURSELF and more.
I feel like I am getting to know
Thank you for sharing and do come and see me again.
Congratulations Charlotta! You so deserve every award! And both Carole and Maryanne, who I follow, are wonderful! (As I am sure the rest of the bloggers you nominated are!)
Marshall looks like a movie star! But where are you, dear? You don't always need to hold the camera!
I now know for sure, that I better have my feet prepped before I go on vacation together with you, girlfriend! (:
Happy, happy! Mon
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