Darlings, the Polar Express is definitely shaking our house at the moment. Four more sleeps till Christmas and our traditional Swedish celebrations (always on the 24th Dec!).

The house is clean, decorated and glowing with Christmas cheer and love - ready to embrace all that the holidays bring. And we are so looking forward to this our second Christmas in Sweden since our move from Australia last year! The silence of fluffy snow flakes falling outside our window, the smells, rituals and traditions of my beloved motherland - it is all so wonderful! :))

All we have left to do before we let go and simply enjoy the festive cheer is to buy the last few ingredients to our Christmas buffet, wrap the final presents, and to drive around to our closest friends with little home-made tokens of love & appreciation.

In the afternoon of the 23rd we will also make our way to our favourite nearby forest with bags of apples we have stored since Autumn. We spear the apples on tree branches for the animals to feast on, and we hang nut & seed balls for the birds as well. The snow and ice makes it very difficult for all four-legged and bewinged little darlings to find food and so we make sure we continue our tradition to extend the Christmas spirit beyond our human friends!

I recently read somewhere that "the true spirit of Christmas is what fills the room if you stop opening your presents, close your eyes, and listen!". The statement was made by a 7 year old (!), who clearly has tapped in to a higher level of understanding. Children are so wise!

With that warm and insightful reflection I leave you for now.
From the land of glistening snow, Northern lights, and happy reindeer I wish you a very heartfelt Merry Christmas, a peaceful ending to an eventful year, and a fabulous start to what I believe will be a truly magical 2013! Here's to you, to life, and the adventures that lay before us!
From the land of glistening snow, Northern lights, and happy reindeer I wish you a very heartfelt Merry Christmas, a peaceful ending to an eventful year, and a fabulous start to what I believe will be a truly magical 2013! Here's to you, to life, and the adventures that lay before us!

Warmest and biggest of hugs to you all & thank you for all your support over the past 12 months!
xox Charlotta xox
OMG, Charlotta!
I really, really love coming here and read your so wise and sensitive words.
In february I'm becoming a grandmother, can you believe? Bernardo is coming and you gave me an amazing inspiration today.
Paraphrasing Charlotta, a very special person, we will start a new tradition in our family, by "extending the Christmas spirit beyond our human friends".
I have so many trees around my house and so many birds, it will be necessary lots of apples.
Wish you and your family a Happy Christmas, full of joy and blessings and a peaceful and healthy New Year.
Charlotta! Oh I love your tradition about leaving apples for the animals, that is such an evocative image! As you know I too celebrate a Scandinavian Christmas so these stories are really special. We don't have snow but endless rain, so I'm afraid not quite the romantic setting! But the intent is there, we too will gather on Christmas eve and be Danish in our celebrations! I do wish you a happy festive time and look forward to more inspiration in 2013... Lou xx
I have to experience a Scandinavian Christmas. Here in Connecticut, I leave hay for our local deer family.
This year, it does not look as we will enjoy a white Christmas. I will miss reading the Polar Express and the Animal Christmas to my children, a little too grown up ... Wishing you a very Merry and Beautiful Christmas, Francine
so beautifully written, charlotta.
thinking of you and your entire family and wishing you love and all the best this holiday and always.
your friend, donna
Hej Charlotta! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all!
Extending the Christmas spirit beyond our human friends; we already few weeks ago carried hay and carrots to the near by woods at my in laws for deers and rabbits to feast on. And their dog also always get goodies as a gift.
beautiful sentiments to stunning images. love your traditions that you get to practice at "home"
merry christmas dearest!
beautiful post, Charlotta, as always! thank you for sharing your Christmas traditions. hope you have a lovely Christmas celebration with your family! warm hugs, Caroline.
Helt MAGISKT inlägg! Tänker på dig varje dag och önskar dig sååå en fin jul tillsammans med dina barn och övrig familj, nära och kära.
Massor med kramar till Dig!
Hi my first time here. I saw you on the blog home tre chic and come here knowing your blog. Beautiful graphics, a happy Christmas and a prosperous new year.
Oh my goodness I just love that you care about the animals - such a magnificent tradition!
Have a wonderful Christmas!
Tack för dom fina orden hos mig. Sånt värmer. Tråkig att höra om era älskade katter. Jag har en väninna som älskar katter men som inte kan ha någon pg a att maken och barnen är allergiska. Så hon frågade om hon fick komma över en dag och klappa på våra nu när vi har dotterna katt på besök några dagar. Bra när man kan lösa det så. Jag tänkte kika in här lite mer i juldagarna när lugnet infunnit sig. Här är mycket fint att titta på.
En skön helg till dig! Anita
Utterly amazing! The images are gorgeous, the sentiments so Inspiring and I'm absolutely in love with your tender treatment of God's creatures.
Blessings to you and your family,
Leslie (Gwen Moss)
I love that train pic and the mirror. Those are my favs. Have a wonderful, happy and bright Christmas in your beloved Sweden. Merry Christmas from Texas, darling.
This post and its meaning is one of the reasons I love you so! You're so in tune with "the bigger picture" and how we should really live our lives here on Earth. Beautiful images as always. Thank you for being my friend and Merry Christmas to you and your oh so beautiful family! XX
Dear Charlotta, just stopping by to wish you and your family a wonderful Christmas and a fantastic new year!
I look forward to more of your beautiful inspiration in the new year when I am back to blogging. For now, it's all about snuggles with baby :)
Lots of love,
Meera xx
Merry Christmas! :)
Such a lovely holiday post. My favourite image is of the deer checking out the snowman. How kind of you to bring food to the animals, in winter. Hope you and your family had a wonderful Christmas, Charlotta. Cheers!
Happy, happy pretty sis!
Wishing you and your beautiful family a fun and wonderful 2013!
Hoppas att ni alla är mätta och mår bra!
Här har det gått vilt till... Farmor fick en stroke mitt under presentutdelningen!!! Jösses vilken pärs! Men farmor mår bra och har kommit tillbaka till oss efter 2 dagar på sjukhus. Jag har ätit mer kakor än någonsin av all stress! (: Know that feeling!
Mer om detta nästa år!
Pussar till er alla.
wishing you a wonderful new year 2013, darling Charlotta! xo Caroline
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Hi Charlotta!
I love your images of Christmas in Sweden! The first image of the fluffy white snow flakes against the red backdrop.
I hope you don`t mind but this image has made my top 5 best window views, and here it is:
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