Monday, August 23, 2010

Seasonally boundless..

via Country Living

Summer is bliss isn't it!?! And today you will find me guest posting about it over at my dear friend Monika's blog - Splendid Willow, whilst she is off enjoying some fabulous family time in Oregon. 

via Splendid Willow
I love that I am sitting here at the end of Winter in Sydney, waiting for Spring to arrive (not long now!!), writing about Summer, whilst preparing to return to Autumn in Sweden in just a couple of weeks.. How seasonally fantastic life can be!! :)

Aren't these butterflies to die for! via Coco + Kelley

Click HERE to jump across to Monika's now to read my post and don't forget to click through to the other posts in her wonderful 'Summer Postcard' series.

 xx Charlotta

P.S. If you live in the US or Canada, please don't forget to enter into my  
'CSN gift card give-away'! Entries close on Wednesday this week, so do
hurry hurry my lovelies!! Just scroll down to the post prior to read all the
details of how to enter. Good luck everyone! xx


samantha ramage said...

I love celebrating all of the seasons-- and when you think of someone experiencing winter on one side of the world, you appreciate the summer even more!!


carolina @ patagonia gifts said...

love those napkins Charlotta! I'm off my way to visit you on your guest post! xo

Acanthus and Acorn said...

ENJOY your time away!!!

Ingrid said...

thanks for the beautiful inspiration Charlotta...


Jude said...

So beautiful! I just want to jump into each image (thanks for the breathing space :))

Unknown said...

gorgeous images Charlotta!!! I love our winter here in Puerto Vallarta, it's so nice and cool, never cold, just comfortable and great.

Our summers are fun but seriously hot and the humidity is crazy. can't wait for fall!!! xoxo


Stacey said...

I already viewed your guest post and loved it! xo

~*~ saskia ~*~ said...

Beautifully Bliss it is!
The first picture won my heart, it's adorable, Charlotta. Though Fall is around the corner...
Have a happy week! xx

Lilla huset på prärien said...

Åh vad spännande att du gästbloggar! Det måste jag genast in o kika på. Håller förresten helt med dig om årstiderna! De är fantastiska!

Kram Jenny

Unknown said...

How wonderful You can select any season you want to celebrate! :)
xo Elizabeth

Anonymous said...

I think it's time for me to move to the southern hemisphere soon - especially when I see these photos - I love summer! I bet Sweden in autumn is very pretty - I've been to Stockholm before (in spring) and I thought it was one of the most beautiful cities, ever!

Maria | Vintage Simple said...

How is it that you make every single season sound appealing...? You almost (almost) had me. I am done with summer for now, though. I am ready for fall and winter both. :)


Jane said...

hi there I came here from lovely Monika and was so surprised to see you are from Sydney. xoxo Lovely post.

Cath said...

Springtime on my mind! Some sunny [but cold] pics of country VIC on my blog tomorrow. Thanks for the intro to Monika's blog x

Unknown said...

Off to see the guest post now, I love Splendid Willow! That table setting is gorgeous! XX!

Kelly Frances Dunn said...

Just came back from your splendid, Splendid Willow post! Really great walk and talk through summer :) You can tell you are ready! I love it b/c it wraps up what we started many months ago over here. Sunny love, Kel


Off to check out your guest post! And YES! I'm absolutely interested in guesting for u. I'll await your email :)

Hope you're having a lovely week xoxo

one sydney road said...

I like your take on the change of seasons! As you saw, I'm not a big fan of fall since it brings in cold weather...but I do like getting cozy on the couch with a blanket and good book! But I adore spring...the colors and the fresh's bliss!

carolina @ patagonia gifts said...

Hi Charlotta, how was the school 'book parade'? hope you all had a great time! xo

Leah said...

Those napkins, are so adorable!


Anonymous said...

Seasonally fantastic is right! I'm here melting and wishing for fall to arrive. Your postcard was lovely!

Julie@beingRUBY said...

Hi Charlotta
I loved your post over at Monika's... filled with all the things we love about summer here in Aus..

Well I you have certainly covered all the seasons this week... I can't wait for spring... but I'm sure you are going to love 'autumn' and your trip home..

Hope all are well your way.. xxx Julie

Charlotta Ward said...

Hello my lovelies and thank you so much for your comments!!

Sami - I agree and I love that we are all experiencing different aspects of the seasons all at the same time. Makes it more fun don't you think!? x

Caroline - Yes aren't they do die for! xx

Acanthus & Acorn - I am off in a couple of weeks. xx

Ingrid - Thanks my dear. x

Jude - Thanks for coming here my friend. xx

Nuit - Thanks hon. Winter where you are too. Sounds a bit like Sydney though it does get cold here some days! x

Stacey - Hi luv. Thanks for that. xx

Saskia - Thanks. Yes those ice creams are fantastic! xx

Jenny - Tack min van. Sa roligt att du tittar in hos Monika. Hon ar ocksa Svensk! xx

Elizabeth - Yes I love the seasons and intend to make the most of this cocktail! :) xx

Cafe Bellini - Yep come on down - you are so welcome here!! :) xx

Maria - Thanks hon. What a lovely compliment. xx

Jane - Will follow your link and pop in to say 'hi' soon. Any friend of Monika's is my friend too! xx

Cath - Spring time on my mind too! This Winter has been soooo long!! xx

Shari - Yes Monika sure knows how to blog! xx

Kel - Thanks hon. Yes, I am SO ready!! xx

Dawn - Thanks for popping in and for your sweet agreement. I have emailed you. xx

Piper - I know you aren't hug on Fall.. :) Hoping it won't last too long for you, or you simply have to move to Sydney!! :)

Carline - thanks for coming back. The parade was fun! xx

Charlotta Ward said...

Leah - Yes aren't they divine!! xx

Ally - I wish I was melting away also. It's still a bit chilly here. Thanks for stopping by. xx

Julie - Thanks. xx Me too. Spring can't come soon enough. xx

Lots of love and thanks again to everyone.

xx Charlotta

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