Friday, September 17, 2010

Guest post 02: 'Countryhello from Southern Sweden!'

Hello, Minna Mercke Schmidt here from 'Blomsterverkstad' in Sweden.
(I'm originally from Finland, but live in Sweden with my Danish husband & three children. )

This is the very first time I'm blogging elsewhere and I am so excited!  I am also very honoured that darling Charlotta asked me, and glad to get the change to get to know her friends!
This blog world really is a fantastic place - so much inspiration and so many new friends! I've even managed to change my profession from sales to styling & photography. So go girls, if you have a dream, make it happen!!!

Four years ago when we moved to the countryside, I discovered all the fantastic materials in the forest. Soon the house was filled with my creations. Because none of my friends were interested in my wreaths, I started to blog, hoping to find other flower-loving souls out there. And of course there were!! Since then I've had the pleasure of meeting many of them and have visited two 'blog-soulmates' abroad as well; fantastic girls Coty in Australia, and Laetitia in France.
Over here the temperature is dropping. We still get beautiful sunny days, but Summer is definetely over and my favourite season starts. Autums is so beautiful. It feels like I 'wake up'. The air is fresh, the colours are bright and anything is possible! Autumn is like a Monday - a new beginning. The lazy weekend is over and it's time for new adventures!!

Autumn makes me very creative and I never go for a walk without a basket (or at least a jacket with big pockets..!). In this post I'd love to share some of my work with you hoping to give you some inspiration and ideas. Making wreaths is easy once you learn the bacis rules.

Just check out this one below. A bunch of leaves laying around on the lawn can easily be turned to a simple and colourful wreath!

You need a base - a straw wreath, some thin iron/steel wire and wire cutters. Just place the leaves on the straw wreath (leaving the back of the wreath bare) and attach them with the wire as shown below.

This next wreath is made using the same principles. The materials are wired onto the wreath base, and as you can see the materials are from my garden, nothing fancy - but fantastic when used together!

Another easy and decorative idea is to place pumpkins and some leaves in a old tool box like this.

It's been a pleasure to meet you, I hope that I'm not too pushy with my decorations - it just feels that it's my mission to tell everyone how easy, fun and meditative it is to make things with your own hands! On my blog Blomsterverkstad you'll find more inspiration for making wreaths and other decorations, kitchen gardening (my new hobby) and lots of beautiful fleamarket findings.

Hugs to you all!

Minna :)
Images: All photographs by Minna Mercke Schmidt
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TUSEN TACK Minna for this gorgeous post and your stunning photographs!  

I LOVE how you refer to Autumn as a Monday - 'a fresh start'. That is exactly how I feel and I am so ready to leap out into the Swedish Autumn bliss and enjoy it to the full! Just have to shake the nasty influenza I have been bedridden with since I landed in Stockholm on Sunday.. Life amongst brightly coloured leaves and fresh air awaits!!

And Minna may I just say that I will be knocking on your door for many more creative chats when I move back to Sweden next year! I'll be your 'creative apprentice' (slave if you want!! :) Bright eyed & bushy tailed I will follow you every instruction. You rock girl!!

So my darlings, I know you really enjoyed this. For more amazing ideas and for details of how to buy Minna's wonderful book, please click on the banner below! You will love this blog!

Next in this lovely series of guest bloggers I look forward introducing you to sweet Anna who blogs over at La Boheme. Anna  is originally from the Czech Republic but has settled in lovely San Francisco where she shares with us her thoughts on Autumn. I love this girl!

xx Charlotta


Monika said...

What a beautiful and inspiring post!! I want to grab a basket and go to the forest right now! Lovely ideas!!

Foxanddahlia said...

Inspiring post, I too adore the Autumn, not only the amazing colours but, the change in the air always seems to hereld a new chapter.
Happy Weekend

Unknown said...

Those wreaths are amazing. I'm ready for a walk with my basket!! xoxo

Ingrid said...

Hi Charlotta,thank you for the beautiful pictures,love the fall colors!have a beautiful weekend...


Anonymous said...

You truly know how to capture the real essence of fall. These images are beautiful and inspiring.


Tina said...

What a fantastic post!
I agree with everything you have to say about Autumn, and the inspiration OMG it is fabulous! Amazing photos!
Now I too want to make beautiful wreaths(never have before and have to admit I´m not very talanted when it comes to gardening). I feel so inspired.
Thank you Minna for a great post. I´ll check in at your place later on, that´s for sure!
Charlotta, Attans vilken osis, krya på dig!!!

Jude said...

Oh my goodness, these are so so beautiful! Thank you for sharing how to make these, and for all the inspiring images and fall colours too!

Unknown said...

beautiful post!!!!!! such lovely inspiration for fall decor as well.... the colors are amazing!

Splendid Willow said...

Hej lilla loppan!

And hello Minna. What gorgeous images. And chestnuts. I love chestnuts! Must include more of them in my own holiday decor.

Nice post!

Hugs to you both.


P.S Charlotta gumman, vilken start på vistelsen! Men nu förhoppningsvis så är det bara "smooth sailing". Tänker på dig. En extra varm kram.

Lou said...

A perfect Autumn sensibility captured here - the images are wonderful. I am always intrigued to see things from a Scandinavian viewpoint... Lou x

debra@dustjacket said...

A really beautiful post and congratulations on your first guest post too.

The wreaths are gorgeous.

copywaitress said...

great post! fall is so beautiful :)

Stacey said...

Hi Minna,
This is a very inspiring post; you've inspired me to make my very first wreath from scratch:-) Stunning images too! xx

Tiina said...

beautiful pictures! nice to meet another finnish-girl-who-moved-to sweden! have a lovely autumm!

debra @ 5th and state said...

wonderful to visit you here minna, don't you just love charlotta?

well she placed her blog in good hands, special hands that create such beautiful wreaths. your post was inspirational and a feast for the eyes........your skills in stylizing and photography...speechless!
happy autumn

La Boheme said...

I am officially ready for Fall after this post. Autumn IS like a Monday - new beginning, lets get started! Minna, you did excellent on your first post! xoxo

Kelly Frances Dunn said...

A cool season never looked so warm :) Lovely!

Its Me said...

i like your blog.The pictures are great. I'm looking forward to see more from you. :D

Minna Mercke Schmidt said...

My sweet new friends!!! Thank you so much for your kind words, happy to hear that I could help you to get into the autumn mood :) Warm hugs from cold Sweden,Minna :)

Anne Marie said...

beautiful Minna!!

anne marie

Sonya said...

Querida belas imagens!!! Gosto da sua criatividade as suas fotos estão simplesmente maravilhosas. estarei te seguindo Tenha uma semana de muito sucesso. Beijinho

Aprendeconvale said...

LOvely pics, It´s been a pleasure to visit you!!!

Treadgold said...

As we move into Summer here, it is nice to see such beautiful colours as your Autumn/Fall season arrives. I am working on a few jewellery pieces with vibrant yellows and oranges, so some nice inspiration thank you.

ina peppels said...

hello i am Ina from Holland i love this blog and the nice photo s you make on your blog , lovely , i have a blog to it s about gardening greetings from holland

L'orto di Michelle said...

I like your blog!

Unknown said...

This is such a beautiful post, the wreaths are gorgeous and what a warm way of talking you have Minna, just lovely.


Charlotta Ward said...

Minna, i kväll har jag skrytit om dig till min syster som nästan var redo att flytta ner till Skåne efter att ha hört om dina mästerverk!
Du har en stor fanclub i Södermanland nu! :)

Tack igen för att du skrev denna vackra guest post!

Stor kram
xx Charlotta

Nanna said...

Vilken underbar blogg du har!!! ROligt med en gästbloggare :)

Unknown said...

Hi Minna,
your photos is beautiful!!!
Have a nice day<3
kiss <3

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